  • in the company of;together with
  • 共同,在一起:~老(夫妇同居到老,如“白头~~”)。~行(xíng)。~同。~乐(lè)。

  • 和谐:“五字诗成卷,清诗少得~”。


(一同) together with ; in the company of:

  • 偕行

    travel together; go together with

  1. 有机偕过氧醇(DHPs)具有良好的生物和制药性能,如抗菌和杀菌活性,它们还被用于过敏原,抗真菌,抗肿瘤药物以及酶抑制剂。

    They are also used in allergens , anti-fungal , anti-tumour pharmaceuticals and inhibitors of enzymes .

  2. 研究了硝酸溶液中聚丙烯基聚偕氨肟(PPAO)&硫脲(TU)络合物引发丙烯腈(AN)聚合动力学。

    Polymerization of acrylonitriie ( AN ) in aqueous nitric acid initiated by polypropylene-based polyamidoxime ( PPAO ) - thiourea ( TU ) combination has been investigated .

  3. 碱处理笼形聚偕氨肟树脂(BCAO)对羧酸表现出强的吸附能力。

    The alkali-treated " cage " polyamidoxime adsorbent ( BCAO ) possesses the high adsorptivity for the adsorption of carboxylic acids .

  4. 二苯偕肼类试剂的合成及其分析性质的初步研究

    Synthesis of diphenylcarbazide derivatives and preliminary investigation of their analytical property

  5. 所以每年的这个事件都被称作“偕日出”。

    And this annual event is called a heliacal rising .

  6. 偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。

    It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone .

  7. 你我是偕行者,愿我们走向爱的彼岸。

    We are fellow travelers . Let 's go beyond to the shore .

  8. 这是我父亲的护照,我是偕行人。

    This is my father 's passport and I 'm the accompanying one .

  9. 新巢捉不偕老鸟。

    Old birds are not caught with new nests .

  10. 我们的包装可以与日本偕行对比美。

    Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese .

  11. 钯催化烯丙基偕二醇二醋酸酯和各种亲核试剂的反应

    Palladium Catalyzed Reaction of Allylic Geminal Diacetates with Nucleophiles

  12. 5-氟尿嘧啶-偕二膦酸偶合物的合成及其初步骨靶向性实验

    Synthesis and preliminary bone-targeted test of bis ( phosphonic acid ) - 5-fluorouracil conjugate

  13. 偕日出能够很好地告诉我们尼罗河将在何时被淹没。

    The heliacal rising was a fair indicator of when the Nile would flood .

  14. 当我们偕友外出旅行时,她总是要跟着我们。

    She was always wanting to tag along when we went places with our friends .

  15. 过了偕乐园不远,火车便会转弯,开始沿着海岸蜿蜒而行。

    Not long after Kairakuen , the train curves and begins to hug the coast .

  16. 偕二酸酯的无溶剂合成

    Solvent - free Synthesis of Acylals

  17. 我们与濒临死亡的人们偕亡:

    We die with the dying :

  18. 他开创的蕉风俳偕是日本诗歌史上的里程碑。

    The " Masho Style of Haiku " is a milestone in the history of Japanese poetry .

  19. 缺乏睡眠的人会感到很难集核心硕嗌偕活。

    People starved of sleep may find it difficult to focus their minds on what they are doing .

  20. 上述偕行人,仅限于护照持有人的配偶或者未成年子女。

    The above-mentioned accompanying persons shall be limited to the spouses and minor children of the passport holders .

  21. 本公司答应:同样品位品质的产物,价格比偕行平10%。

    The company promises : the same grade quality products , the price level than their peers by10 % .

  22. 本文就台湾早期教会医学的三位重要人物:马雅各医师、马偕博士、兰大卫医师之主要事迹和他们对台湾近代医学的贡献加以整理叙述。

    George Leslie Mackay , and Dr. David Landsborough and their contributions to the development of modern medicine in Taiwan .

  23. 火车会停靠偕乐园,这处坐落于水户市的公园因梅花而享有盛誉。

    The train will stop at Kairakuen , a park in Mito City that is famous for its plum blossoms .

  24. 在那个地区包括格莱斯顿、罗克汉普顿、马偕、鲍文、汤斯维尔和凯恩斯。

    The main coastal cities in that region are Gladstone , Rockhampton , Mackay , Bowen , Townsville and Cairns .

  25. 电视新闻媒介与这一生态系统中的各种因素互动偕行,政治、经济、文化和技术是此系统内的四大生态因素。

    In the system , TV news media interact with such factors as politics , economy , civilization and technology .

  26. 研究了配体对烯丙基-1,1-偕二醇二醋酸酯(1)在钯配合物催化下和丙二酸酯钠盐反应的影响。

    The influence of ligands on the palladium catalyzed reaction of allylic-1,1-dioldiacetate ( 1 ) with dimethyl sodio malonate anion was studied .

  27. 除学龄前儿童外,偕行人的照片应当附贴在同一本护照中。

    Save their preschool-age children , the photos of the accompanying persons should be attached to the same passports of the holders .

  28. 今年加拿大国庆日海滩派对的部分收入将捐献给淡水马偕医院作为慈善医疗用途。

    This year a portion of the proceeds from the Canada D'eh event will be donated to the McKay Hospital in Danshuei .

  29. 公司总经理向德山偕全体员工,热忱欢迎海内外朋友真诚合作共创辉煌。

    General manager of the company to German-kai , all employees , warmly welcome friends at home and abroad sincere cooperation create brilliant .

  30. 本文叙述了笼形聚肟偕亚氨二乙酸钠与二价金属离子的交换反应。

    The present article deals with exchange reaction between the " cage " sodium poly - ( oxime-amidodiacetate ) and bivalent metal ions .