
  • 网络Homology Theory;homology
  1. 与同调论、K-理论和李群有关的技巧和概念被广泛运用。

    Techniques and concepts related to homology theory , K-theory , and Lie groups have been widely used .

  2. 该方法体现了拓扑学单纯同调论原理在形成多面体中的用途。

    The approach represents a new use of principles of simplicial homology in the formation of polyhedron .

  3. 算子代数上同调论进展

    Advances in cohomology of operator algebras

  4. 在此基础上,对于物理网络,应用图的同调论原理,将网络模型唯一地对应到数学模型。

    On the basis of this method , network models for physical networks correspond to mathematical models uniquely when a homology principle of the graph is applied .

  5. 上同调算子也是同伦论的一部分重要内容,可以用来计算空间的同伦群,并且与相应的Eilenberg-MacLane空间的上同调群存在双射。

    Cohomology operation belongs to Homotopy theory and can be used to calculate the homotopy group of topological space . Further more it has a bijection relationship with the cohomology group of the corresponding Eilenberg-MacLane space .

  6. 本文采用同调代数与环论相结合方法证得定理:若A是一个不可分的凝聚半局部环,且每个主理想有有限投射维数,则A是最大公因子整环。

    In this paper , it is proved that if A is a indecomposable coherent semilocal ring , and every principal ideal has finite projective demension , then A is a GCD . by using homological method combined with method in ring theory .