
tóng qī
  • synchronism;the corresponding period;the same term;the same term (in school,etc.)
同期 [tóng qī]
  • (1) [the corresponding period]∶相同的时期

  • 历史上同期没有这种天气

  • (2) [the same term (in school,etc.)]∶在相同一期学习或同一期毕业

同期[tóng qī]
  1. 与去年同期相比利润增长了15%。

    Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year .

  2. 产量比去年同期增加20%。

    There is an increase in production of 20 % above that of the corresponding period of last year .

  3. 这个数字与去年同期的4%升幅相近。

    This compares with a 4 % increase for the same period last year .

  4. 与去年同期比较,开销增加了。

    Spending has increased year on year .

  5. 这家公司本季度亏损了700万元,与去年同期620万元的赢利形成了对照。

    The company lost $ 7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $ 6.2 million a year earlier .

  6. 我们是同期毕业的。

    We are graduates of the same year .

  7. 我和他同期毕业。

    I graduated the same time as he .

  8. 回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。

    The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market .

  9. 第一季度的钢产量超过历史同期的最高水平。

    The steel output in the first quarter of the year was higher than the previous record for that period .

  10. 今年第一季度的出口比去年同期增长20%。

    Exports for the first three months are larger by20 percent than those for the corresponding period of last year .

  11. 在2009年美国提供全方位服务的餐馆的营业额与以前同期相比有超过6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依然保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6 % , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains .

  12. 他两罪均判监禁,同期执行

    He was given two prison sentences , to run concurrently .

  13. 他两罪均判12个月监禁,同期执行

    He was given two twelve month sentences to run concurrently .

  14. 目的:观察鼻底提升与种植体同期植入后的临床效果

    Conclusion : The data suggests the implant simultaneous nose floor elevation be a better type of Kenned .

  15. 上半年,全国居民人均消费支出11471元,比上年同期名义增长18.0%,扣除价格因素,实际增长17.4%。

    Chinese per capita nominal consumer spending rose 18 percent year on year to 11471 yuan in the first half of the year . After factoring in price levels , spending went up 17.4 percent year on year .

  16. 从结果来看,2013年第二季度,日本对美元的汇率比上年同期下降了约25%,随之而来的是高度宽松的货币政策。

    In terms of results , the yen has become about 25 % lower against the U.S. dollar in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012 , with a highly loose monetary policy being followed .

  17. 对79例确诊为肺结核病患者和同期健康体检者60例作血液流变学指标检测,结果显示肺结核患者呈现高粘滞状态,与正常组比较P<0.01。

    The blood rheology was observed on 79 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis and 60 healthy controls .

  18. 据中国旅游研究院(ChineseTourismAcademy)的数据,去年有逾8300万中国人出国旅游,较上年同期增长了18%。

    Last year more than 83 million Chinese traveled overseas , up 18 % from the previous year according to the Chinese Tourism Academy .

  19. 同期运用免疫印迹法检测SLE患者组自身抗体谱;

    While anti-ENA autoantibodies of SLE patients were detected with Western-blot ;

  20. 同期MRI常规序列检出右侧大脑中动脉梗塞1例,另有1例不能确定诊断;

    In contrast , MRI examination only found 1 case of right middle cerebral arterial infarct , and 1 uncertain case ;

  21. 同期,Twitter股价累计下跌9%。

    Meanwhile , shares of Twitter are down 9 per cent in the same period .

  22. 双向同期整流PFC电路的抗干扰

    Anti-interfere technology in the bi-directional synchronous rectify PFC circuit

  23. 收集与地面调查同期的TM卫片。

    Satellite Landsat TM images were obtained for the same period as the ground survey data collected .

  24. eBay同期则处理了总价值810亿美元的商品。

    Ebay handled $ 81bn worth of goods over the same period .

  25. SPECT显像检查发现鼻咽癌放射治疗后放射性脑损伤的阳性率高于同期CT检查。

    The positive rate of CT scan in the beginning of radiation brain injury was less than that of SPECT imaging .

  26. 单元接线机组自动准同期装置压差部分的调整基于Web的新型发变组微机监录系统

    On The Debug And Setting Of The Voltage Part In The Automatic Accurate Synchronizer Of A Generator-transformer Unit An integrated state detection and record system for generator-transformer unit based on Web

  27. 同期用定量聚合酶链反应技术测定CHB患者外周血HBV载量。

    The loads of HBV were measured with fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction ( FQ-PCR ) .

  28. 胎儿血清B(12)浓度显著高于同期孕妇,说明孕母供给胎儿B(12)是一个主动过程。

    The fetal serum B_ ( 12 ) contents were significantly higher than the maternal , which demonstrated that there was an active transport of B_ ( 12 ) from mother to fetus .

  29. 高位LeFortⅠ型截骨同期牙槽嵴裂植骨矫治唇腭裂术后面中部畸形

    High level Le Fort ⅰ osteotomy and bone grafting for correction of secondary mid-face deformities in cleft patients

  30. 方法窒息组在生后第3天、第7天采用放射免疫法测定尿ET,同时测定其尿微量蛋白水平。对照组健康新生儿同期进行上述检测。

    Methods The urinary ET and micro-protein of newbons with brith asphyxia were tested by radio-immunization method at the 3rd or 7th Day after birth .