
tónɡ xué lù
  • school yearbook
  1. 看看这个Heckles的高中同学录。

    Joey : Check it out , check it out . Heckles ' high school yearbook .

  2. 你竟然在我的同学录上写了这些!

    I can 't believe you put that on my alumni page !

  3. 要他的同学录?

    Joey : You want his yearbook ? Chandler : Yeah , yeah .

  4. 跟你以前同学录的照片一样

    Huh ? Just like your old yearbook picture .

  5. 一到家,我便翻开我小学的同学录。

    Got home , I was flipping me the charts , and primary schools .

  6. 洁蜜,我写完了你的同学录。

    Jamie , I signed your yearbook .

  7. 翻开同学录,才发觉记载我高中三年的生活碎片是如此少得可怜。

    Opens schoolmate to record , only then detected records my high school three year life fragments is so are much less .