
  • 网络Emergency Medicine Specialist
  1. 论麻醉知情同意书与和谐的医患关系急诊科医生要重视构建和谐的医患关系

    Talking about the Anesthesia Informed Consent and the Harmonious Relationship between Doctor and Patient

  2. 急诊科医生要做出快速诊断是比较困难的。

    The diagnosis may also be tough for an ER doc to make on the fly .

  3. 这一新奇事物是通过《急诊科医生》而流行开来的,《急诊科医生》是一部一个月前播出的肥皂剧。

    The novelty became popular thanks to Emergency Medicine Specialist , a soap opera that began to air about a month ago .

  4. 随着目前医患关系日趋紧张的状况,构建和谐的医患关系成为急诊科医生面临的一个重要课题。

    With the increasing intension of doctor-patient relationships , it is of great importance to build harmonious doctor-patient relationship by doctors in emergency department .

  5. 结论本研究为急诊科医生提供了有关综合性医院急诊中毒特点的基本资料,为急性中毒防治提供最新的科学资料和依据。

    Conclusion This study supplies the basic material for the characteristics of common acute poisoning in comprehensive hospitals together with the newest scientific data and theory basis for acute poisoning prevention and treatment .

  6. 与胸痛的评估过程类似,急诊科医生在处理晕厥时应当把重点从得到特异性诊断转移到患者的危险分层上。

    Similar to the process of chest pain evaluation , the role of the ED clinician managing syncope has shifted from an effort to determine a specific diagnosis to that of risk stratification .

  7. 我的名字叫安德鲁,是一位在急诊科工作的医生。

    My name is andrew and I am a medical practitioner working in emergency medicine .

  8. 对照组取自急诊科工作的医生、护士及外科换药室护士未经训练新开瓶方法前开瓶使用后溶液;

    The control group drawn from doctors , nurses in the emergency department according to the new methods in no washing group .

  9. 据广东省中山市陈星海医院急诊科主任陈国祥医生介绍,这名男性病人是在上个月入院接受治疗的。

    The male patient was admitted into the Zhongshan Chenxinghai Hospital in Guangdong province last month , according to Dr Chen Guo-xiang , the director of the hospital 's critical care department .