
  1. 采用连续流动反应装置研究了国产航空燃料RP-3在超临界热裂解条件下焦炭形成的规律和性质,总结了焦炭的形成机理和形成过程。

    Study of coke formation in thermal cracking of home-made jet fuel RP-3 under supercritical conditions was carried out in a continuous flow reactor system . Mechanism and process of coke formation was stated .

  2. 人呼吸道合胞病毒裂解条件的初步探索

    Preliminary Study on Condition for Lysis of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus

  3. 航空燃料高温裂解条件下热稳定添加剂的研究进展

    Recent progress of thermal stabilizers in pyrolysis of jet fuel at elevated temperature

  4. 结果表明:裂解条件对于生物质焦的产率有一定的影响。

    Experimental results showed that pyrolysis conditions had some effects on biomass char yield .

  5. 在适当的裂解条件下液体产率可达70%,气体和焦的收率均为15%左右。

    In optimal condition the yield of liquid product reached 70 % and gas 15 % .

  6. 必须选择适合免疫共沉淀抗体识别目的蛋白表位的细胞裂解条件。

    The choice of lysis conditions must be tailored to the nature of the epitope recognized by the immunoprecipitating antibody .

  7. 作者还指出了以后的工作重点应放在探索合适的前驱体有机物及裂解条件和对碳素材料的修饰、改性进行系统的研究等方面,以便能进一步推动高性能锂离子电池的发展。

    In order to promote the development of high-performance lithium ion battery , the future research work should be focused on searching appropriate precursors and pyrolysis parameters and the modification of carbon materials .

  8. 在催化裂解反应条件下,C5+烃的生成量较少。

    + hydrocarbons was in a low level under the catalytic cracking conditions .

  9. 重油催化裂解反应条件下丙烯的转化反应Ⅰ.反应性能及反应路径

    Propylene transformation during deep catalytic cracking of heavy oil ⅰ . reactivity and reaction pathways

  10. 实验还对菌丝体生长,细胞酶解和裂解等条件对质粒检测效果的影响进行了探讨。

    The effect of bacterial growth and cell lysis conditions on plasmid detection was also explored .

  11. 在相同热裂解温度条件下,烟叶的热裂解产物种类明显多于烟梗的热裂解产物。

    On the other hand , at the same temperature level , the types of the pyrolysates from the tobacco leaves were much more than those from the tobacco stems .

  12. 与高裂解温度条件下制得的生物质焦相比,低裂解温度条件下制得的生物质焦具有较高的反应活化能和对燃烧温度更敏感。

    In addition , chars produced under lower pyrolysis temperature possess higher activation energy and are more sensitive to combustion temperature , compared with those produced under higher pyrolysis temperature .

  13. 为使废杂塑料的产物回归石油产品,介绍了废杂塑料制备燃料油工艺中原料的分离、原料的预处理、催化剂的使用以及热分解、裂解工艺条件。

    For petro-products return from waste plastics , the separation and pretreatment of raw materials , application of catalyst , cracking and pyrolysis in preparation technology of fuels from nixed waste plastics are introduced .

  14. 基于B-S动力学机理模型,结合辐射加热闪速热裂解的实验条件,分别针对热薄型和热厚型两种纤维素样品的热裂解构建了数学模型。

    Based on the widely applied B-S kinetic mechanism model , and combined with the experimental conditions of the high-radiation flash pyrolysis , two numerical models were established corresponding to the thermally thin and thermally thick cellulose samples , respectively .

  15. 研究和讨论了裂解和色谱条件对分析的影响。

    The effects of pyrolytic and chromatographic conditions on analysis were studied and discussed .

  16. 煤裂解或燃烧条件下汞的析出规律研究

    Mercury Transformation during Coal Combustion and Pyrolysis

  17. 通过添加二次风、设置喉口提高炉内温度,并设计锥形还原区、文丘里引射管等延长焦油在高温区的停留时间,为焦油的裂解提供相应条件。

    Secondary air and throat can enhance temperature ; taper deoxidization area and Venturi ejector can postpone the staying time in high temperature area , which are all essential condition for tar cracking .

  18. 通过单因素及正交实验对黑曲霉(Aspergillusniger)产生果胶裂解酶的发酵条件进行优化,研究了该酶的性质。

    Through single factor and orthogonal experiment , the conditions for the pectin lyase production by Aspergillus niger were optimized , its property was also studied .

  19. 乙烷裂解反应最佳工艺条件分析

    Analysis of Optimum Technological Conditions for Dehydrogenation of Ethane

  20. 本文对低温煤焦油和废聚丙烯塑料共裂解油化工艺条件进行了研究。

    The process of oil production by co-processing of low-temperature carbonization tar and waste profax was studied in this paper .

  21. 本文通过对氯乙烯裂解炉的工艺条件进行分析,介绍了裂解炉液位仪表的选用。

    The paper analyzed the working condition of cracking france , the adoption to liquid level instrument of cracking furance are introduced .

  22. 通过对裂解炉的操作条件进行分析,得出合适的转化率所要求的温度、压力和负荷之间的关系,并进一步得到对实际生产有指导意义的反应出口的最佳温度控制。

    The result shows that a suitable conversion is relevant to cracking temperature and pressure and the load of cracker , and the optimization temperature control meaning for the industrious cracker has been given .

  23. 研究不同种类的裂解原料、不同裂解操作条件下的裂解液相产物性质,对汽油分馏塔的操作具有指导意义。

    Study on the correlative changing rules of the liquid product with different feedstocks and operation condition will be significant for operation of gasoline fractionating tower .

  24. 对不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)废料裂解制原料油技术进行了研究,系统地考察了催化裂解反应工艺条件。

    Unsaturated polyester resin ( UPR ) wastes pyrolysis was cracked to prepare feed stock , and process conditions of catalytic cracking reaction were introduced systematically .

  25. 以不同纯度的氮气为保护性气氛,采用差热法和红外光谱法研究微量氧对聚碳硅烷裂解的影响,并讨论了在有微量氧的气氛下,不同裂解条件对陶瓷产率的影响。

    Effects of trace oxygen on pyrolysis of polycarbosilane with different purity of nitrogen used as protective atmosphere are studied by TG and IR and effect of processing conditions in pyrolysis on ceramic yield is discussed under trace oxygen atmosphere .

  26. 实验考察了裂解时间和裂解温度对裂解反应的影响,在此基础上确定了裂解色谱条件,并分析了渣油裂解产物的组成。

    The influences of pyrolysis time and pyrolysis temperature have been studied and the analytical methods of pyrolysis were set up .

  27. 本文将居里点裂解器与GC/MS联用,对烟草提取物甘草酸三钠的热解产物进行分析,共检出38个组份,并对裂解条件进行了探索。

    The analysis of pyrolysis products of glycyrrhizic acid trisodium salt , which is extracted from tobacco , by Curie-point-pyrolyzer XP-12 combined with GC / MS is reported in the paper . 38 components are identified and the pyrolysis conditions are also studied .