
  1. 主营高分子树脂系列产品,拥有国际先进的分子蒸馏设备,生产聚酰胺树脂、热熔胶粒,折边胶、二聚酸、单酸、各类工业油漆等。

    We mainly deal with the products made of polymer resin and manufacture polyamine resin acid , Monomer Fatty Acid , Dimer Acid and all kinds of industrial paint .

  2. 我国的轿车工业与油漆制造业

    China ′ s car industry and its paint manufacture

  3. 钡以重晶石形态硫酸钡在工业上用作油漆的白色涂料。

    Barium as barite barium sulfate is used industrially as a white pigment for paint .

  4. 钡以重晶石形态(硫酸钡)在工业上用作油漆的白色涂料。二甲基砜是一种存在于所有生物体中有机硫磺的天然形态。

    Barium as barite ( barium sulfate ) is used industrially as a white pigment for paint . MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur that is found in all living organisms .

  5. 化学分散剂是表面活性剂中的一类多用途品种,正日益广泛地应用于泄漏石油净化到工业水处理乃至油漆、涂料和个人护理用品中固体的稳定化应用等。

    Chemical dispersants , surfactants versatile stepchildren , are finding increased use in applications ranging from petroleum spill cleanup to industrial water treatment and solids stabilization in paints , coatings and personal care products .

  6. 苯(Benzene)是一种工业用途广泛的职业有害因素和室内环境污染物。在工业中应用于油漆、农药、合成橡胶、染料和皮革加工等行业。

    Benzene ( BZ ) is an occupational toxicant which widely used in paint , pesticide , synthetic rubber , dye and leather industry .