
  1. 数学物理方法是电类专业技术中应用的基本科学技术方法。

    Basic scientific technology method applied to electric professional technologies is math-physical method .

  2. 运用科学技术方法对清代珐琅的研究

    Research on the Use of S & T Methodology in the Study of Qing Dynasty Enamel Ware

  3. 科学技术方法的运用,是技术性证据的核心要素和基本特征。

    Application of the Method of Science and Technology is a core element of technical evidence and basic features .

  4. 产学研合作教育的动力机制与政府行为研究科学技术方法与心理学

    The Study of Motive Mechanism & Governmental Behavior on Cooperative Education of Enterprise , University and Scientific Research Organization Scientific and Technical Method and Psychology

  5. 其次,把现代科学技术方法运用于行政管理领域,以促进行政管理方法的创新,而达到科学行政、依法行政;

    Secondly , we should apply modem scientific methods to the managerial field so as to contribute to the innovation of the administrative methods and reach a state of administration according to science and laws .

  6. 环境监测是指运用物理、化学、生物等现代科学技术方法,定性或定量地监视和检测环境污染因子及其他有害于人体健康的环境变化,分析其对环境影响过程与程度的科学活动。

    Environmental monitoring is defined as scientific processes and activities which are needed to qualitatively or quantitatively characterize and monitor pollutant factors and other harmful environmental changes , as well as analyze environmental impacts through scientific techniques such as physical , chemical and biological monitoring .

  7. 最终为山区小流域治理模式研究提供科学的技术方法。

    The ultimate mountain model in small watershed management technology to provide a scientific method .

  8. 如今,中医学的发展正强烈的呼唤着现代科学技术新方法、新手段的支持。

    Nowadays the development of TCM science is strongly calling for supports coming from new methods and new means of modern science and technology .

  9. 以科学的技术方法、融合现代的管理手段,将软件项目的实施过程置于一种规范化的管理之中是软件项目监理所追求的目标。

    The goal of software project supervision is normative management to the software development process by the science technique method and modern management means .

  10. 高科技在针灸研究中的应用现状及展望&生物科学技术与方法在针灸治疗女性更年期综合征中的应用

    The Current Situation and Prospect of application of High Science Technology in Acupuncture Moxibustion Research : The Application of Biotechnology And Methods In Acupuncture Moxibustion for the Treatment of Women Climacteric Syndrome

  11. 如何将中药的优势与现代科学技术的方法和手段有效地结合,已成为中药研究领域的主要发展方向之一。

    How to effectively combine the advantage of the traditional Chinese medicine and the methods and means of modern science and technology has already become the important issue in the TCM field .

  12. 综合与集成是近几十年产生和发展起来的当代科学技术研究方法,也是解决复杂问题和计算机网络问题的有效方法。

    Synthesis and integration are research methods for modern science and technology generated and developed during the past few decades , and also an effective approach to solve complicated problems and computer network problems .

  13. 信息科学技术是新方法、新技术的应用,随之伴随着新产品的产生。

    Information science and technology is a new method , new technology application , then associated with the generation of new product .

  14. 开展技术方法的开发确认和内部确认并建立方法的标准操作规程,是保证实验室能够正确选择和使用科学可靠的技术方法,并获得一致结果的主要手段。

    The method validation and standard operation procedure are useful ways that lets forensic laboratories use scientific and reliable methods and obtain consistent result .

  15. 第九条国家鼓励和支持在开发利用煤炭资源过程中采用先进的科学技术和管理方法。

    Article 9 The State shall encourage and support the adoption of advanced science and technology and managerial methods in the exploitation and utilization of coal resources .

  16. 为了更好的维护社会治安,必须加强管理,积极采用先进的科学技术和管理方法来提高工作效率。

    For the better maintenance social order , we must strengthen the management , use the advanced science and technology and the management positively raises the working efficiency .

  17. 知识经济的实质是以科学技术和科学方法为中心的知识密集型产业,在整个社会经济中占主导地位。

    The substance of knowledge economy means an intensive-knowledge industry centered by scientific technology and method , which is placed dominantly in the social economy as a whole .

  18. 如何利用现代化的科学技术与研究方法对城市医疗废弃物的回收处理模型进行研究,高效的进行城市医疗废弃物回收处理的跟踪和管理是目前急待解决的重要难题。

    The urging problem is how to use modern method and technology to study the model of urban medical waste recycling and how to track and manage medical waste .

  19. 积极探索和应用新的科学技术与管理方法,降低项目建设的成本、使有限的资源充分发挥作用,成为电力建设和生产管理中的一个重要问题。

    Exploring and applying positively the new science and technology and the management to reduce the cost of project construction and make the limited resources display function , become an important question in the electric power construction and production management .

  20. 投资控制是一个实践性的工程领域,在这个领域中工程经验和判断与科学原理和技术方法相结合,以便在实现既定目标和要求的同时,使得投资实现最小化。

    Investment control is one of the practical works fields , in which experiences and judgments in works are combined with the scientific theories and technical methods , aiming at minimizing the investment at the time of realizing the established targets and requirements .

  21. 现代测试技术和测试仪器的出现使得对生物结构、生物功能和生命过程的认识得到了惊人的进展,这为其它学科的研究及发展注入了新的活力,提供了全新的科学原理和技术方法。

    Developments of modern testing techniques and analyzing instruments have made surprising progress in understanding constitutions and functions of living beings and the biological phenomena as well , which creates new important contents and provides new scientific theorems and technical methods for researching and developing in other branches of science .

  22. 本文通过2005年在欧洲32个国家进行的公众民意调查结果显示,反映了当今欧洲公民认知科学和技术的方法。文章还将此次调查与美国和中国近来开展的类似调查进行了比较。

    The paper reviews the way European citizens perceive science and technology ( S & T ) today , as reflected by a public opinion survey conducted in 32 European countries in 2005 . It also includes some comparison with similar surveys conducted recently in the US and in China .

  23. 目前,我国旅行社产品设计主要是依靠行业实践者的经验判断或者主观推断,而缺乏科学合理的技术方法。

    One important reason is that the product of travel agency can be easy to imitate , homogenization and lack of innovation . Now , the product designs mainly rely on some Industrial practitioners ' experiences or subject judgment . And it is lack of scientific and reasonable technical method .

  24. 目的:建立测定人血清中酒石酸美托洛尔浓度的HPLC方法,为临床药理研究提供科学的分析技术。方法:血清样品经萃取纯化后溶于流动相中,进样分析。

    OBJECTIVE : To develop a method for the determination of metoprolol in serum by HPLC and to provide scientific analysis for the studies of the pharmacology of metoprolol in clinic .

  25. 文章通过对网络信息资源组织的理解,探讨临床医学科学数据的分类技术方法。

    This article is meant to express several thoughts about clinical science data sharing classification by studying network information organising .

  26. 用原国家计委和国家统计局推荐的和周方教授提出的计算经济增长中科学技术进步作用的方法来测算建筑业的技术进步贡献率。

    Two methods for evaluating the contribution of scientific and technical progress to economic growth were used to evaluate technical progress for construction industry .

  27. 以科学的考评技术和方法作指导,完善考评体系,才能得出符合实际的考核结果。

    Evaluation of the scientific techniques and methods as a guide , complete evaluation system , in order to obtain a realistic assessment results .

  28. 价值工程是工业管理领域的科学的技术经济分析方法,在应用系统性和创造性的独特研究方法过程中,以最低的寿命周期成本可靠的实现必要功能。

    Value Engineering is the scientific technology economic analytical method in the field of industry manage , it can carry out essential function with the lowest costin the process of using systemic and creative research approach .

  29. 作为一个复杂的机电设备工程系统,船舶动力系统的设计总是随着现代科学技术和现代设计方法的进步而发展。

    As a complex engineering system of mechanical and electrical equipment , the marine power system design always develops along not only with the progress of modern science and technology but also the modern design method .

  30. 接着本文遵照配电网规划的总体目标、总体思路,运用科学的规划改造技术方法,初步设计出集宁市区中、低压配电网的规划方案。

    Then this follow the general goal of distribution network planning , overall thought and use of scientific planning and transformation method , preliminary design JiNing out of the city , and low voltage distribution network planning scheme .