
  • 网络Technology Project Management
  1. 研究如何进一步完善科技项目管理体系建设,优化科技项目创新管理对有效提高商业银行核心竞争力的意义非常重大。

    Researching how to perfect the construction of technology project management system , and optimize the management innovation is an important way of improving the commercial bank core-competitiveness .

  2. 0-1整数规划在科技项目管理中的应用

    Application of 0-1 Integral Linear Programming in Science and Technology Project Management

  3. 基于网络的企业科技项目管理系统开发

    Development of the Network-based Enterprise 's Technical Project Management

  4. 本系统的研制为科技项目管理的计算机化奠定了基础。

    This system is base of computerization of management of science and technology projects .

  5. 科技项目管理中知识共享的实施。

    Research on the implement of knowledge sharing in science and technology project management .

  6. 科技项目管理的生命周期观

    Life Cycle View of Technical Project Management

  7. 我国农业科技项目管理研究农业产业化项目管理模式初探

    Research on Agricultural Industrialization Project Management Mode

  8. 因此,本文对科技项目管理中知识管理系统进行了探索性研究。

    Thus , this paper research knowledge management system for managing science and technology projects .

  9. 高校科技项目管理的绩效评估

    Achievement and Efficiency Assessment of Management of Scientific and Technological Research Projects in Colleges and Universities

  10. 提出了科技项目管理中知识管理系统的一种四层体系结构。

    The four levels architecture of knowledge management system for managing science technology projects is proposed .

  11. 因而,将知识管理的理论与方法应用到高新科技项目管理中,显得十分必要和迫切。

    It is necessary and urgent to comprehensively introduce the knowledge management theories into high-tech project management .

  12. 加强重大科技项目管理的对策研究&以宁波市为例

    Policy Study on the Management of the Significant Science and Technology Projects & A Case Study on Ningbo

  13. 采用传统方式开发的科技项目管理系统,存在着诸多的不足之处。

    There are numerous deficiencies in the scientific projects management system which is development by the traditional approaches .

  14. 随着知识管理理论的发展和完善,知识管理的思想和方法不断渗透到高新科技项目管理领域中。

    With the development of knowledge management , the idea of knowledge management has involved continually in the area of high tech project management .

  15. 根据科技项目管理的实际背景和业务需求,组织开发了一套科技项目申报审批系统。

    According to the actual science and technology project management background and business needs , organizations developed a set of projects for examination and approval system .

  16. 高新科技项目管理是对以项目形式进行的科学研究活动的全过程管理,是一种典型的高层次知识管理活动。

    High-tech Project Management is managing the whole process of research ongoing as project , and it is a kind of typical activity of knowledge management .

  17. 主要研究内容如下:1、科技项目管理中知识共享的分析。

    The main research work of this paper is listed below : 1 . Research on the analysis of knowledge sharing in science and technology project management .

  18. 进而对该知识系统的要素、结构、功能进行了深入分析,并讨论了科技项目管理中知识管理的主要内容及实施途径。

    Then the elements , structures and functions of the knowledge system are analyzed , and main content of knowledge management and implement approach are discussed . 2 .

  19. 开发了实际的科技项目管理中的知识管理系统。

    The research is helpful to solve knowledge management out of joint business process . 5 . Develop the practical knowledge management system for managing science and technology projects .

  20. 一是科技项目管理目前没有形成一套科学合理的管理体系,管理理念和管理模式需要进一步加强。

    First , Science and Technology Project Management currently does not form a scientific and rational management system , management ideas and management models need to be further strengthened .

  21. 目前,文档复制检测技术在保护知识产权和优化搜索引擎方面应用广泛,但在科技项目管理领域应用甚少。

    At present , document copy detection technique gets wide application in protecting intellectual property and optimizing search engine , but receives the least attention in technology projects management .

  22. 在该框架下设计了可重用的服务仓库和业务流程服务集成引擎,能快速有效指导科技项目管理系统的开发。

    Design under the framework of reusable services warehouse service integration and business process engine , can quickly and effectively guide the development of science and technology project management system .

  23. 科技项目管理人员技能因子的实证研究&以信息技术类项目为例每个境内项目管理人和境外项目管理人均为由组成公司组建的非法人合资企业。

    A study on science & technology PM craftsmanship factors ; Each of Onshore Project Manager and Offshore Project Manager is constituted in the form of unincorporated joint ventures by the constituent companies .

  24. 首先对石油企业科技项目管理的环境进行了具体的探讨,提出了适合于石油企业科技项目管理的组织结构。

    Firstly , made a concrete discussion on the environment in science and technology project management in petroleum industry and suggested a framework suitable for science and technology project management organization in petroleum industry .

  25. 气象科技项目管理评估系统是推动科技兴气象战略的重要手段,是气象经济和气象科技成果市场化、产业化的有力保障。

    Meteorological science and technology project management evaluation system is an important means to promote science and technology of meteorology strategy is a powerful weather economic and meteorological scientific and technological achievements , the industrialization of protection .

  26. 科技项目管理是对以项目形式进行的科学研究活动的全过程管理,是一项具有管理知识性、人员多样性、工作多分布性、管理多层次性等特点的复杂的知识管理实践活动。

    Science and technology project management is managing the whole process of research ongoing as project , and it is a complex knowledge management practice activities of people diversity , work distribution and managing multilevel and intellectual characteristics .

  27. 然而,后评价工作顺利开展离不开科技项目管理软硬件环境的共同支撑,除后评价组织工作之外,迫切需要借助更先进的技术手段。

    However , without the support of the hardware and software environment of science and technology project management , the development of post project evaluation will not be a success . Besides the organization of post project evaluation , more advanced techniques and tools are in urgent need .

  28. 本系统的设计基于区县科技项目管理的全部过程,设计目标明确,可以提高区县一级科技管理部门的工作效率和水平,从而促进我国区域经济的持续、健康发展。

    The system design is based on the whole management process of region science and technology projects and the aim of this system is very clear . By using this system the region science and technology commission can work more efficiently , so as to promote our state economy development .

  29. 基于Internet的省级科技基金项目管理系统

    Provincial Science and Technology Foundation Projects Management System Based on Internet

  30. 基于Internet的科技项目合同管理系统

    A science and technology project contracts management system based on the Internet