
  • 网络Neogene
  1. 渤海海域的上第三系油气研究

    Oil and gas in Neogene of the Bohai Sea Area

  2. 上第三系河道砂岩油藏主要受网毯式疏导体系的控制。

    The Neogene fluviatile sandstone pools were controlled by the " net_rug " drainage system .

  3. 上第三系吉迪克组砂岩与上覆膏泥岩;

    Jidik sandstone in Upper Tertiary and its overlying evaporite formations ;

  4. 西宁-民和盆地上第三系层序及所含化石

    Stratigraphic sequence and fossil assemblage of Neogene system in xining-minhe Basin

  5. 渤海上第三系油藏成因机制及勘探效益探讨

    Reservoir Forming Mechanism and Exploration Effectiveness in the Neogene of Bohai Sea

  6. 珠江口盆地上第三系油源的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of Upper Tertiary oil source in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin

  7. 渤海湾盆地上第三系油藏形成与勘探

    Neogene oil accumulations and their exploration in Bohai Bay Basin

  8. 淮北平原上第三系划分和孢粉序列

    Division of the Upper Tertiary of the Huaibei plain and sporo pollen sequence

  9. 济阳坳陷上第三系沉积体系研究

    Sedimentary System of the Upper Tertiary of Jiyang Depression

  10. 渤海上第三系油藏形成特征及规律分析

    Pool forming characteristics and regularity of the Upper Tertiary reservoirs in Bohai Bay

  11. 皖东上第三系玄武岩的地球化学特征和成因

    Petrogenesis and geochemistry of Neocene basalts in eastern Anhui

  12. 上第三系含水层也能作为供水的主要目的层,为后备水源,且能提供优质矿泉水和低温热水;

    Neogene aquifer also is the main objective formation and reserve water source .

  13. 洛阳地区上第三系岩石的工程特性

    The Engineering Characteristics of Tertiary Rock in Luoyang Region

  14. 景谷盆地上第三系构造特征与油气聚集

    The structural characteristics and oil - gas concentration of Neogene in the Jinggu Basin

  15. 盐城坳陷上第三系海侵层初见

    The Upper Tertiary transgressive beds at Yancheng depression

  16. 塔里木盆地叶城凹陷上第三系重矿物特征

    Characteristics of Heavy Minerals of the Upper Tertiary in Ye Cheng Depression , Tarim Basin

  17. 据岩石地层、气候地层、生物地层和磁性地层等方法综合,将上海疏松地层划分为上第三系和第四系。

    According to the lithostratigraphy , the climate stratigraphy , the biostratigraphy , the magnetostratigraphy etc.

  18. 地层与断层的组合关系制约着上第三系油气运移方向和富集位置。

    The association of strata and faults control the migration and enrichment of Tertiary hydrocarbon .

  19. 济阳坳陷上第三系储层特征及天然气藏形成条件分析

    Conditions of formation for reservoir characteristics and natural gas pool in Neogene system at Jiyang Depression

  20. 豫东平原上第三系深层地下水若干水文地质参数探讨

    A discussion of hydrogeologic parameters of the Neogene system in the east plain of Henan Province

  21. 锦江盆地白垩系基本层序与沉积环境分析黄河中游上第三系沉积地层及其古环境演化

    An analysis of the basic sequence and sedimentary environment of the Cretaceous in Jinjiang basin , Jiangxi

  22. 上第三系油气藏主要沿海1、海4继承性大断层分布。

    Upper Tertiary oil / gas accumulations are distributed along Hai 1 and Hai 4 major faults .

  23. 热储层为上第三系馆陶组和明化镇组下部砂砾岩含水层。

    The thermal reservoir includes sand-gravel aquifer of Guantao Formation and the bottom of Minghuazhen Formation of Neogene .

  24. 乾安县地下水主要有第四系孔隙潜水、第四系孔隙承压水、上第三系裂隙孔隙承压水。

    Groundwater types are composed of Quaternary pore phreatic water 、 Quaternary pore confined water and pore-fissure water .

  25. 塔里木盆地上第三系重矿物组合特征与地层对比

    Contrasting ; characteristics of heavy mineral combination and formation correlation of the upper Tertiary in the Tarim Basin

  26. 在影响渤海海域上第三系大型油气田形成的诸多因素中,上新世&全新世的新构造运动起到了关键作用。

    Pliocene-Holocene Neotectonism has played a key role in formation of Tertiary oil and gas fields in Bohai Sea .

  27. 孤东地区的构造是揭示上第三系浅层油气藏形成的一个很好实例。

    The structure of Gudong area is a good example demonstrating the formation of shallow off-gas accumulation in Neogene .

  28. 南水北调中线工程上第三系膨胀性硬粘土的工程地质特性研究

    Engineering geological properties of Neogene hard clay along the middle line of the North-South diversion water project in China

  29. 塔里木盆地北部沙15井上第三系油层的发现及意义

    The discovery of Neogene oil formation of Sha No. 15 well in the northern Tarim Basin and its significance

  30. 据现场考察,此砾石层位于上第三系玄武岩之上,出露高度50&100米。

    The field investigation show that the stratum lie upon Neogene system Basalt and the outcropping is altitude of 50-100m .