
tū yǎn zhènɡ
  • exophthalmia
  1. 针药并用治疗甲状腺功能亢进性突眼症临床效应观察桥本甲状腺炎伴甲状腺毒症

    Observations on the Clinical Efficacy of Combined use of Acupuncture and Drugs in Treating Hyperthyroid Exophthalmos

  2. 鼻源性疾病导致突眼症的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of rhinogenous exophthalmos

  3. 目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。

    Purpose : To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess .

  4. 本文报告了三例年龄为6&8岁的雄性恒河猴的双侧性突眼症。

    Three cases of bilateral exophthalmos in adult male rhesus monkeys between the ages of 6-8 years are reported .

  5. 临床表现以高代谢症侯群、神经性兴奋增高、甲状腺弥漫性肿大、不同程度的突眼症为特征。

    Clinical manifestations of high metabolic syndrome group , nerve excitability increased , thyroid diffuse lymphadenopathy , different degree of exophthalmos .

  6. 伴突眼症者和不伴突眼症者之间的染色体结构畸变率有显著性差异,前者高于后者(P<0.05);

    The chromosomal aberration rate of the Patients with exophthalmus was higher than that of the patients without exophthalmus ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的分析手术治疗颅面发育不良所致突眼症的效果和并发症。术后眼部淤血肿胀、眼球突出度均明显减轻或消失,眼球运动恢复正常,复视消失,视网膜出血吸收。

    Objective To analyze the efficacy and complications of the surgical correction of exophthalmos in craniofacial synostosis . Ocular signs such as exophthalmos , conjunctive swelling , diplopia and retinal hemorrhage decreased remarkably after surgery .

  8. 综合病史、体格检查及化验检查结果分析,临床诊断考虑为突眼性甲状腺毒症。

    Analysis of the medical history in association with the positive physical and laboratory findings suggested a clinical diagnosis of exophthalmia thyrotoxicosis .