
  • 网络Software licensing;software license;software entitlement
  1. 传统的软件授权方式是通过内置的算法对输入的授权码进行计算校验,来完成软件的授权许可;

    Traditional software licensing is through the built-in algorithm to calculate the input check authorization number to complete the software license ;

  2. 此功能支持在分配给共享池的分区之间执行自动、非破坏性的处理能力平衡。这会提供更高的吞吐量以及减少基于处理器的软件授权成本的潜力。

    This feature allows for automatic non-disruptive balancing of processing power between partitions assigned to shared pools , resulting in increased throughput and the potential to reduce processor-based software licensing costs .

  3. 双方表示,华为将获得Option的软件授权,第一年的授权费为2700万欧元(合3700万美元)。

    The two companies said that Huawei would license software from Option , at a cost of € 27m ( $ 37m ) for the first year of the licence .

  4. 在这个高级的随需添加场景中,当您想弄清楚如何为DB2软件授权许可时,必须清楚一些特定于硬件的术语。

    In this advanced sub-capacity scenario , there are some hardware-specific terms that you need to be aware of when trying to figure out how to license your DB2 software .

  5. “另外,”James补充说,“我们发现各个公司开始自愿地向Apache捐献软件授权、许可协议和IP策略。”

    " Plus ," James comments ," we find that companies feel a little more comfortable contributing to Apache with its well-defined software grant , contributor license agreement , and IP policy . "

  6. 在capped分区中,需要根据该分区的PrU值来为软件授权许可。

    In a capped partition , you are required to license software in accordance to the PrU value for the partition .

  7. 当为软件授权许可时,这显然创造了一定的复杂性。

    This obviously creates some complexity when it comes to licensing any software .

  8. 微软不仅希望从软件授权销售中获利,也期望通过这种智能手机推销别的业务。

    Microsoft hopes not only to profit from selling licences for its software but also to push its other services via the phones .

  9. 诺基亚声称他们并没有自己生产产品,不过将其品牌、设计和软件授权给第三方。

    Nokia said it was not making the device itself , but had licensed its brand , design and software to a third-party .

  10. 在印刷版业务萎缩之际,发展软件授权业务将是《邮报》在努力创造数字利润方面迈出的又一步。

    Developing a licensing business would be a further step in the Post 's efforts to generate digital profits as its print business shrinks .

  11. SSLVPN是采用安全套接层协议,无需安装客户端软件,授权用户能够从任何标准的WEB浏览器和互联网连接通过VPN专有隧道安全地接入网络资源,从而安全可靠地获取信息。

    SSL VPN is the use of Secure Socket Layer protocol , do not need to install client software , authorized users can WEB from any standard browser and Internet connection through a proprietary VPN tunnels to securely access network resources , so safe and reliable access to information .

  12. 帮助你储存重要软件的授权信息与序列号防止忘记丢失。

    LicenseKeeper stores and organizes important software license information , helping to prevent the loss of valuable software assets and making it accessible when needed most .

  13. 利用DES和RSA加密算法实现JAVA软件的注册授权策略

    Using DES and RSA Algorithms to Achieve Registration Authority of JAVA Software

  14. 优化软件GAMS的授权文件。

    A collection of GAMS license file .

  15. 您也可以让您的软件适用本授权规定。

    You can apply it to your programs , too .

  16. 可将现行的版权授权模式分成三大类,各类型版权作品都有其相对应的版权授权模式,重点分析电影作品、音乐作品、文字作品、戏剧等视听作品、软件作品的授权模式。

    Existed copyright licensing modes can be divided into three categories . It has different copyright licensing modes corresponding to different types of copyright works . And I am focusing on analyzing licensing modes of films , musical works , writings , theatrical works of audio-visual works and software .

  17. 还有一些其他的客户端编辑软件,我们也授权给,你们使用。

    And then there are other client side IDEs we 'll also empower you with .

  18. 对一般软件系统而言,授权及访问控制主要针对系统中的敏感数据,工作流系统除了这种授权以外,还要对工作流任务授权。

    Generally , authorization and access control aim at the sensitive data in general software system , but in Workflow system , it also should authorize to the task of workflow .

  19. 学生应能描述常见网络保安威胁引致的潜在风险。这些威胁包括病毒、蠕虫及木马程式、间谍软件、未经授权存取及截取等。

    Students should be able to describe the potential risks caused by the common network security threats including virus , worm and Trojan programs , spyware , unauthorised access , interception , etc.

  20. 想象一种任何人都能复制和改写的软件,创建这一软件的授权要求,后来的程序员按照同样的条款提供自己的软件。

    Imagine a form of software that anyone could copy and change , created under a licence that required subsequent programmers to offer their software under the same terms .

  21. 设置软件,训练居民,并把软件授权给需要预防灾害的地区

    setting up software , training residents and licensing the software to areas that are preparing for disasters .

  22. 专注软件而不是硬件这或许是Lytro公司应该侧重软件/授权业务而远离消费电子产品业务的另外一个理由。

    This focus on software not hardware is another reason lytro might want to skew towards the software / licensing business and away from consumer electronics .

  23. 对于教学人员来说,使用这款软件的成本低至391美元,其中包括软件及25项授权。

    The cost of entry for educators is low at $ 391 , which includes the software plus 25 licenses of the game .