
  • 网络SoftIRQ;software interrupt;Tasklet;TRAP
  1. 注意,每个CPU维持其自己的正常优先级和高优先级软中断矢量。

    Note that each CPU maintains its own normal and high-priority softirq vectors .

  2. 通过软中断机制来调度微线程,当机器处于严重软件中断负荷之下时,可通过ksoftirqd(一种每CPU内核线程)软中断来调度。

    Tasklets are scheduled through the softirq mechanism , sometimes through ksoftirqd ( a per-CPU kernel thread ), when the machine is under heavy soft-interrupt load .

  3. 这种自旋锁禁用了本地CPU上的软中断。

    This version of the spinlock disables soft interrupts on the local CPU .

  4. h中提供的调用BIOS软中断的函数bioscom()实现;

    The function ( bioscom ) can carry out the software interrupt of BIOS .

  5. 从软中断到微线程再到任务队列再到延迟的工作队列,Linux在提供一致的和兼容的用户空间体验的同时,保持其内核各方面的持续发展。

    From softirqs to tasklets to work queues to delayed work queues , Linux continues to evolve in all areas of the kernel while providing a consistent and compatible user space experience .

  6. 为了提高嵌入式Linux的实时性,文章借鉴了RT-Linux软中断模拟的思想,并且借鉴了提高内核可抢占性方法。

    Furthermore a method is proposed to improve the kernel preemption of the embedded Linux system . And part of RT-Linux functions are designed and realized .

  7. 本测试系统信号采集是通过A/D+CPU(含操作系统)十D/A形式的技术处理路线实现,并且采用Windows系统下软中断和DMA数据采集,提高了信号采集频率。

    Signal gather in the test system is made true by the technologies road of A / D + CPU ( central processing unit ) + D / A. It adopts soft interrupt under Windows system and DMA data gather , and raise signal frequency of gathering .

  8. 当前,只有9个矢量被用于软中断,其中之一是TASKLETSOFTIRQ(参见./include/linux/interrupt.h)。

    Today , only nine vectors are used for softirqs , one being the TASKLET_SOFTIRQ ( see . / include / linux / interrupt . h ) .

  9. 精确中断是实现软中断调试的关键。

    Precise interrupt is the key to debugging in any processor .

  10. 微线程的构建基于软中断,用于允许动态生成可延迟函数。

    Tasklets are built on top of softirqs to allow dynamic creation of deferrable functions .

  11. 软中断用于在内核线程上下文中处理时间要求严格的处理过程(软件中断)。

    Softirqs were used for time-critical processing ( software interrupts ) in the kernel thread context .

  12. 可以在./kernel/softirq.c中找到软中断的来源。

    You can find the source to the softirq functionality in . / kernel / softirq . c.

  13. 软中断最初为具有32个软中断条目的矢量,用来支持一系列的软件中断特性。

    Softirqs were originally designed as a vector of32 softirq entries supporting a variety of software interrupt behaviors .

  14. 虽然软中断还存在于内核中,推荐采用微线程和工作队列,而不是分配新的软中断矢量。

    And although softirqs still exist in the kernel , tasklets and work queues are recommended instead of allocating new softirq vectors .

  15. 首先介绍了进程定时器、软中断信号、相关系统调用以及闹钟机制在多任务调度中的应用。

    First , Linux process timers , soft interrupt signals , relevant system call are introduced , as well as applications of Linux alarm clock mechanism in multi-task scheduling .

  16. 系统中将网络接受中断的推后执行工作校由工作队列来执行,而非传统的由网络接受软中断处理。

    In this system , the deferring work of receiving interrupt in network shall be executed by work queue , but not the receiving soft-interrupt in network , which is traditional .

  17. 软岩中断裂面对应力-应变关系影响研究

    The effect of discontinuous plane on stress-strain relationship of soft rocks

  18. 指示行的指示字还包含一个值,当相应行不在存贮器中时,它引起硬设备或软设备中断。

    The pointer to a row can contain some value which causes a hardware or software interrupt in case the row is not in memory .

  19. 在对软切换概率和软切换下中断概率进行分析的基础上,将现有的单小区下的中断概率分析扩展到了多小区下。

    Based on the previous works on single cell case , we extend the outage probability analysis to the multi-cell environment with soft-handoff by analyzing the outage probability under soft-handoff and the soft-handoff probability .