
  • 网络soft real-time;Soft Real-time System
  1. WSN软实时系统的DVS控制优化算法

    Optimal Algorithm for DVS Control in Soft Real-time System of WSN

  2. 首先给出了先来先服务调度策略的一些结果;然后在此基础上构造了针对DM调度算法的最优控制模型,此时非周期软实时系统是一个多优先级的单服务台排队系统。

    Firstly , we construct a dynamic optimal control model for FCFS scheduling strategy ; then , we present the more useful model for DM scheduling algorithm , so , the aperiodic soft real-time system is a single server queue system with multiple priorities .

  3. 因而这些软实时系统就需要有一种能很好地满足其QoS要求的调度模型,使其对QoS的要求能很好地溶入到调度中去。

    Thus these soft real-time need a scheduling model , which can meet the demand of QoS and QoS can be integrated with scheduling .

  4. 运用多优先级排队系统的分析方法,研究了到达时刻和执行时间均不确定的非周期软实时系统,提出了一种针对DM调度算法的动态最优控制方法。

    The aperiodic soft real-time system with random task arrival and unpredictable task execution time was studied , and a dynamic optimal control method for DM scheduling algorithm based on the multiple priorities queuing system was proposed .

  5. TMO能应用于硬、软实时系统,实时仿真系统和通用并发系统的设计和开发。

    It can be used in the applications of hard and soft real-time systems , real-time simulations , and general concurrent systems .

  6. 一般而言,直升机工程模拟器属于软实时系统。

    Generally , Helicopter engineering simulators belongs to soft real-time systems .

  7. 另外,软实时系统新的应用需求也在不断冲击着传统实时理论研究的框架。

    Moreover , new applications bring challenges upon tradition frame of real-time theories .

  8. 软实时系统任务调度算法研究

    Research on Scheduling Algorithms of Soft Real-Time System Tasks

  9. 介于两者之间的是软实时系统。

    Everything in between is " soft " real-time .

  10. 软实时系统下动态电压/频率调节算法设计

    Design of DVFS Algorithm in Soft Real-Time Systems

  11. 非周期软实时系统的动态最优控制方法

    Dynamic optimal control for aperiodic soft real-time system

  12. 如果操作系统在平均情况下能支持任务的执行期限,则称它为软实时系统。

    If an operating system can support the deadlines on average , it 's called a soft real-time system .

  13. 本文介绍了一种针对非周期软实时系统的动态调度方法。

    A dynamic scheduling method for aperiodic soft real-time systems is introduced , which is based on DM scheduling algorithm .

  14. 另外,还讨论了在低端处理器上进行软实时系统多任务编程的一般方法。

    Besides , a general multitasking approach is also discussed which suits to soft real-time systems running on low-end processors .

  15. 软实时系统超过截止期限后并不会造成系统整体失败(如丢失视频中的一帧)。

    Soft real-time systems can miss deadlines without the overall system failing ( such as losing a frame of video ) .

  16. 任务到达和执行时间均是随机的非周期软实时系统可以看作是一个随机服务系统。

    The aperiodic soft real-time system where tasks ' arriver time and execution time are stochastic can be regarded as a stochastic service system .

  17. 目前现有的基于周期性任务模型的确定性分析方法比较保守,不适合于多媒体、通讯等软实时系统的可调度性分析。

    The existing deterministic analysis methods based on period task modes are conservative , and are not suitable for soft real time systems such as multimedia systems and communication systems .

  18. 尤其近年,随多媒体技术广泛应用而带来的迅速增多的软实时系统特性需求,以及多核处理器技术的迅速发展都为低功耗问题的研究提供了一种新的有效途径。

    Especially in recent years , rapidly increasing demands of the soft real-time system coming with the extensive application of multimedia techniques , and the rapid development of multi-core processor techniques provide a new and effective way of low-power issues .

  19. 分析了软实时系统相对于硬实时系统的优势,说明软实时通信技术更能满足广域保护的要求。

    Concepts and characteristics of these three systems are introduced respectively and advantages of soft real-time system compared with hard real-time system are analyzed , which proves that the soft real-time communication technology can meet requirements of the wide area protection much better .

  20. 为了在综合业务网络中保障实时多媒体业务的服务质量(QoS),设计了软实时Linux系统。

    For guaranteeing Quality of Service of real-time multimedia task in the integrative business network , a soft real-time Linux system was designed .

  21. 但是由于Linux是一种通用操作系统,而不是一个真正的实时操作系统,而只能称其为软实时操作系统,而不是一种强实时系统。

    But as a general operation system and Linux is not a really real time operation system , so it is only named soft real time and is not hard real time operation system .

  22. 软实时分布式系统中的时间期限分配

    Deadline Assignment in a Soft Real-Time Distributed System