
  • 网络Vernacular;dislects;native language
  1. 在一些教堂中,人们讲拉丁语,但在其他一些教堂中,人们使用本地话。

    In some churches , they speak latin , but in others they use the vernacular .

  2. 此外,平潭本地话还保留了一些历史上向原住民语言借用的词语以及向外国语言借用的词语。

    Besides , Pingtan dialect also retains some vocabulary borrowed from Aboriginal languages and foreign languages .

  3. 客籍话和本地话之间的差异主要是因为两者在历史上的迁徙有着先后次序,并由此出现基于时代差异而造成的语言上的不同层次。

    The difference between the Guest Language and the Host Language is caused by the migrant in different time , and it presents different language layers basing on different time .

  4. 哪怕是机场,都能让我感到熟悉的空气,以及说着一口本地话的服务员,还有她们亲切的笑语温暖着游子的心。

    Even if is the airport , can let me feel familiar with air , and said with a local words attendant , and they kind of laughter and warm the heart of the Chinese .

  5. 第一章导论部分介绍了商洛人口的源流和方言概况,结合相关的人文资料,把纷繁复杂的商洛方言非常清晰地梳理成两种类型,本地话和客户话。

    The first chapter introduces the population origins of Shangluo and a survey of dialects . According to relevant historical document data , it classifies the Shangluo dialects two types , namely local dialect and guest dialects .

  6. 通过贺州本地话主要语音特征与其他方言相似度的比较可知:贺州本地话与粤北连山话、玉林白话、台山话相似度较高。

    After comparing the dialect 's major phonetic features with other dialects , the author argues that the dialect has fairly high similarity with Lianshan dialect in the north of Guangdong , the Cantonese spoken in Yulin and Taishan dialect .

  7. 因此,如果重用范围限制在本地的话,我们强烈建议您考虑通过SCA进行公开。

    So if the re-use scope is relatively local , we strongly recommend that you consider exposing it over SCA .

  8. 如果JavaWebStart安装在本地机的话,那么需要的应用程序将正常的启动和进行。

    If Java Web Start is installed on the local machine , then the desired application will launch and proceed normally .

  9. 然后输入数据库名称,或者从下拉列表中选择一个数据库(如果是本地数据库的话),并单击Next。

    Then he enters the database name or selects one from the drop-down , if it is a local database , and clicks Next .

  10. 我是本地人,我生长在这里,本地话我都懂。

    I am a native , I was born and raised here , I speak the dialect perfectly .