
huǎn chōng
  • buffer;cushion;buff;slow down attack
缓冲 [huǎn chōng]
  • [buffer;cushion] 缓和的作用;减小的影响;缓和的冲击;使冲突缓和

  • 缓冲国

缓冲[huǎn chōng]
  1. 土耳其和希腊是前苏联与反苏国家之间的缓冲国。

    Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union .

  2. 监狱局在部长和他的批评者中间扮演缓冲角色。

    The Prison Service acts as a buffer between the minister and his critics .

  3. 这一页存入高速缓冲存储器了。

    This page is cached .

  4. 两辆车最后都停在了缓冲区,避开了赛车道,真是万幸。

    The two cars finished up in a run-off area , clear of the circuit , and that was a mercy .

  5. 草垫的缓冲作用减弱了她下落的冲击力。

    The force of her fall was broken by the straw mats .

  6. 矮树丛缓冲了我的下跌。

    The bush acted as a cushion to my fall .

  7. 缓冲爆破和轮廓线钻眼法结合使用可能比较合适。

    A combination of cushion blasting and line-drilling can be suitable .

  8. 气候变暖会令它们融化的。但他的做法会带来几年缓冲时间,那期间农民们也许能找到其他方法来适应这个问题。

    Warming will overtake them . But he is providing a few years during which the farmers will , perhaps , be able to find other means of adapting .

  9. 提前几天走一趟,看看通勤需要多长时间,并为交通堵塞或其他原因造成的延迟留出缓冲时间。

    Make the trip a few days ahead of time to see how long it takes , giving yourself a cushion for traffic or other delays .

  10. 用酸碱滴定法测定酸性红壤的pH缓冲容量

    Determination of pH Buffer Capacity of Acid Red Soils by Acid-Base Titration

  11. 实验结果表明.在pH为4.50的HAc-NaAc缓冲液中,Vc在该电极上的线性范围为6.0×10~(?)

    In pH 4 . 50 HAc - Na-Ac buffer solution .

  12. 由于C语言允许通过指针进行间接内存访问,但并不进行边界检查,因此可能存在缓冲区溢出。

    The C language allows indirect access memory location by pointer without boundary check , which may cause buffer overflow .

  13. 竹材的pH值和缓冲容量

    Bamboo pH value and buffering capacity

  14. 每一个DB2数据库都必须至少拥有一个缓冲池。

    Each DB2 database must have at least one single buffer pool .

  15. 完整的查询项被追加到了sql缓冲区。

    The complete query term is appended to the sql buffer .

  16. 待测样品和标准样品的缓冲介质与pH值必须保持一致;

    The buffer medium and pH value should be the same for the sample and the standard .

  17. 缓冲池ID、名称和页面大小

    Buffer pool ID , name , and page size

  18. 第四章是本文的重点,从数据库系统设计和实现、Web程序实现及开发该系统中所用到的双缓冲、多线程技术等对本系统的结构和实现做了详尽的论述。

    Chapter four is the emphasis of this paper , in this chapter , the first aspect describe the construct the database system ;

  19. 基于记录缓冲的低功耗指令Cache方案

    A Low-Power Instruction Cache Design Based on Record Buffer

  20. 研究了ATM交换中缓冲管理机制和信元丢弃策略。

    Researches on buffer management and cell discarding in ATM switch .

  21. OS虚存技术与双缓冲结合&Sambase对象存储系统

    Combining virtual memory techniques and dual-buffer strategy ── sambase object storage system

  22. 本文基于IP网络提出了一种分组丢弃控制方案&动态部分缓冲共享。

    We present a packet loss control scheme for IP networks Dynamic Partial Buffer Sharing ( DPBS ) .

  23. Linux内核Slab内存缓冲区管理器

    Linux Kernel Slab Memory Buffer Manager

  24. 由于降解过程中释放出酸性的乳酸小分子,因此降解后缓冲液pH值显著降低。

    Since lactic acid molecules were released during the degradation process , pH value of the buffer solution lowered significantly .

  25. UNIX缓冲区溢出攻击:技术原理、防范与检测

    Buffer Overflow attacks on UNIX : Technical Principles , Prevention and Detection

  26. 该工具也可以用来监控DB2日志使用情况以及DB2缓冲池使用情况。

    It can also be used to monitor DB2 log usage as well as DB2 bufferpool usage .

  27. OpenGL系统利用双缓冲机制来实现动画。

    OpenGL provide double-buffering ability to complete animation operation .

  28. 动态缓冲区调节是指根据处于连接状态的TCP连接中小连接的数量为各缓冲区重新分配内存;

    Adjusting the buffer dynamically refers to dispatching the memory according to the quantity of small TCP connections ;

  29. 每个缓冲区获得一个惟一的DMA标记ID。

    Each buffer gets a unique DMA tag ID.

  30. 基于双DNS的缓冲可伸缩网络设计与实现

    Based on double DNS cushion expandable network design and realization