
fù tǔ
  • earthing
覆土[fù tǔ]
  1. 覆土材料、覆土厚度、覆土方式、覆土pH与鸡腿菇的产量和质量之间有着密切的联系。

    Casing materials , casing height , casing style , casing pH have closely relationship with the yield and quality of Coprinus comatus .

  2. 全文自始至终都贯穿着南京香榭岛低密度别墅区覆土生态会所的实例分析,也是分析、设计与验证的过程。基于全站仪及GIS软件的别墅区面积量算方法

    Analyses of ecological chamber in Champs Island is also designing and validating through this paper . AN AREA MEASUREMENT METHOD IN VILLA REGION BASED ON TOTAL POWERSTATION AND GIS SOFTWARE

  3. 在红黄壤和青紫泥中,条施覆土可减少碳酸氢铵的挥发,与过磷酸钙混合施用,48h内的挥发损失量可减少2%。

    The amount of nitrogen volatilized within 48 hrs after application was reduced by about 2 % when the fertilizer was mixed with calcium superphosphate .

  4. 覆土厚度以30cm最为经济。

    Research shows that covering the subsided land with soil to 30 cm deep is the most economic .

  5. 主要研究结果如下:?1.金川公司尾矿库生态修复试验地土壤中Ni的含量大体呈现出随覆土厚度增加而减小,随土层深度增加而增大的规律。

    The mainly results showed that : 1 . The content of Ni in ecological restoration experimental field of tailings in Jin-chuan experimental field decreased with the increasing of soil thickness and increased with the increasing of soil depth .

  6. 本文针对盾构隧道推进中引发的地表沉降采用PECK公式对其影响因素进行了讨论;根据有关规定的的地表不均匀沉降的限值,针对不同的隧道直径提出了上覆土最小厚度的经验公式。

    This paper employ the PECK formula to dicuss the key-factors of shield-tunnelling , proposes a experiential formula about the minimum depth of the covering-layer .

  7. 甲醛熏闷覆土防治蘑菇褐腐病(MycogoneperniciosaMagn.)的初步研究

    Controlling mushroom brown rot disease caused by Mycogone perniciosa magn . by fumigating casing soil with formalin

  8. 结果表明,黄花美冠兰种植时应覆土3 ̄5cm为好。

    The result showed when was propagate new bulb , the bulb was plant should cover soil which deep is 3 ~ 5cm . The N ?

  9. 要达到50%以上的出苗率,不论覆盖何种土壤,覆盖厚度以0.5cm最好,大粒草种覆土厚度应小于3.0cm;

    0.5 cm soil covering thickness could obtain 50 % above emergence rate whatever soil types were covered .

  10. 南端有320.6m隧道穿越软流塑淤泥质粉质粘土层,覆土厚度8~9m,穿越地面建筑群和地下管线网。

    320.6m of the tunnels at the south part go through soft flowing mucky silty clay and underground pipelines , with an overburden thickness of 8 ~ 9m .

  11. GH和HI坡顶,局部地方有少量覆土,可能局部发生土溜,还有一些地段存在填方,填方土体高度在2~10m,可能发生沿基岩面的滑移破坏,以及自身的圆弧型及直线型破坏。

    On the peak of the part GH and HI . , there is a little of soil , will happen soil slide . Height of filling is 2m to 10m , will break and slip alone the rock plane or failure self arc or beeline failure .

  12. 当覆土厚度依次为30、50、75和100cm时,相应氨析出率分别降低16%、29%、38%和49%;721-18废石场的合理覆土厚度约为46cm。

    721-18 after cover - The eduction rates of radon decrease by 16 % , 29 % , 38 % and 49 % respectively when the cover thicknesses are 30 , 50 , 75 and 100 cm - The reasonable cover thickness of the waste-rock yard No-721-18 is 46 cm .

  13. 实验结果为:横向抛土距离1.15m,碎土系数91%,覆土厚度稳定性系数90%。

    The result of the experiment is : the distance of landscape orientation soil casting is 1.15 m , the coefficient of the broken soil is 91 % and the stability coefficient of landscape orientation soil casting is 90 % .

  14. 固化污泥作为垃圾填埋场覆土材料的适用性研究

    Applicability of Solidified Sludge as Landfill Cover in Waste Landfill Sites

  15. 地膜播种机螺旋覆土滚筒的参数优化

    Parametric optimization of the spiral cylinder of a plastic-film mulch seeder

  16. 铀矿废石堆覆土厚度探讨

    Exploration on soil cover thickness of waste pile at uranium mine

  17. 三是用砻糠细土作覆土材料。

    Rice chaff and fine earth were used as a covering material .

  18. 土地复垦的覆土厚度及覆土基质确定以土墩覆盖的车站大楼

    Thickness and Material of Covering Soil on Land Reclamation earth-mounded station building

  19. 填埋式涵洞上覆土压力的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis on earth pressure of embedded culvert in subgrade or dike

  20. 填埋场覆土引起爆炸的原因和预防措施

    Explosion reasons caused by Soil covering in Landfill site and Prevention Measures

  21. 苏州河疏浚污泥作填埋场封场覆土的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Suzhou Creek Dredged Sludge Used as Landfill Cover Clay

  22. 覆土波纹钢板桥涵土与结构相互作用分析及设计方法研究

    Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis and Design Method Study of Buried Corrugated Steel Bridges

  23. 覆土不宜过高,更不宜再低。

    The soil heaps should neither be too high nor too low .

  24. 浅覆土盾构法隧道施工及管线保护控制技术

    Shallow Soil-Covered Shield-Driven Tunneling And Pipeline Protection Control Technology

  25. 覆土保湿对食用菌的增效研究

    Researches of Increasing Benefits on Edible Fungi by Covering Soil and Keeping Moisture

  26. 覆土密度对降低氡析出率的影响试验研究

    Research on the effect of covered soil density on reducing radon emanation rate

  27. 砂卵石地层下盾构过浅覆土路段施工技术

    Construction Measures of the Shield through Shallow Covering Section under Sandy Gravel Formation

  28. 覆土微生物对双孢蘑菇菌丝体生长的影响

    Effects of microorganisms in casing soil on the mycelium growth of Agaricus bisporus

  29. 覆土中重金属元素主要来源于外界输入;

    The metal elements mainly come from external environment ;

  30. 布袋式覆土栽培草菇试验研究

    Volvariella volvacea Cultivation by Cottony Bag Medium with Cover-soil