
  • 网络Luteolin;Luteoline;luteolin,Lu
  1. 木犀草素体外抗柯萨奇B3病毒的作用

    In vitro anti Coxsackie B _3 virus effect of Luteolin

  2. 木犀草素对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞释放H202的影响

    Effects of luteolin on h_2o_2 release of peritoneal macrophages in rat

  3. HPLC法测定筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量

    The Luteolin Content Determination in Herba Ajugae Gelatin Capsules by HPLC

  4. HPLC法测定苦苣菜中槲皮素和木犀草素的含量

    Content Determination of Quercetin and Luteolin in Sonchus oleraceus by HPLC

  5. HPLC法测定夜香牛中木犀草素的含量

    Determination the Content of Luteolin in Vernonia Cinerea by HPLC

  6. HPLC测定野菊花中蒙花苷与木犀草素的含量

    Content Determination of Luteolin in Wild Chrysanthemum Flower by HPLC

  7. 不同产地花生壳中木犀草素的HPLC测定

    HPLC Determination of Luteolin of Peanut Hull from Different Regions

  8. 木犀草素对H2O2氧化损伤的人脐静脉内皮细胞的保护作用

    Protective Effects of Luteolin on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell Injury induced by H_2O_2 in vitro

  9. 结果显示不同产地花生壳的HPLC图谱类似,木犀草素含量在0.25%~1.12%之间。

    The results show that the HPLC chromatograms of peanut hull samples from different regions are similar .

  10. 并研究了木犀草素Zn(II)和木犀草素Cu(II)配合物化学修饰碳糊电极在pH5B-R缓冲溶液中的电化学行为。

    Meanwhile , The electrochemical properties of their modified carbon paste electrodes were tested in pH 5 B-R buffer solution .

  11. 目的观察木犀草素对HL-60细胞内蛋白激酶C活性的影响。

    Objective To observed the influence of luteolin on protein kinase C activity in human leukemic cells ( HL-60 ) .

  12. RP-HPLC法同时测定金银花中绿原酸·芦丁·木犀草素的含量

    Simultaneous Determination of Chlorogenic Acid , Rutin and Luteolin in Flos Lonicerae by RP-HPLC

  13. HPLC测定金银花药材中木犀草苷含量的优化高效液相色谱法测定金银花中木犀草素含量

    Optimization of an HPLC method for determination of luteolin-7-O-glucoside in Flos Lonicerae Japonicae Determination of the content of luteolin in honeysuckle by HPLC

  14. 结论木犀草素作为一种细胞内的PKC抑制剂具有潜在的抗肿瘤临床应用价值。

    Conclusion Acted as a potential PKC inhibitor , luteolin might has anti-neoplastic therapeutic application .

  15. 其中木犀草素(12)和咖啡酸(14)为袋花忍冬中具有ACE抑制活性的化合物。

    Luteolin ( 12 ) and caffeic acid ( 14 ) were the ACE inhibitory components of this plant .

  16. 目的:建立RP-HPLC法测定桉树蜜中木犀草素含量的方法。

    Objective : To establish an RP-HPLC method to determine the contents of luteolin in eucalyptus honey by RP-HPLC .

  17. 木犀草素降低CCl4诱导的大鼠肝纤维化

    Luteolin decreases COl_4 induced liver fibrosis in rats

  18. 本文研究了木犀草素(Lut)溶液在兔和大鼠体内的药动学。

    The pharmacokinetics of Luteolin ( Lut ) solution in rabbits and rats was investigated .

  19. 木犀草素(Luteolin)是从多种天然药物、蔬菜果实中分离得到的一种有代表性的无毒的天然黄酮类化合物,药理作用广泛。

    Luteolin is a representative of natural flavonoids existing in many natural herbs , vegetables and fruits .

  20. 采用MTT比色法和WESTERNBLOTTING方法,对木犀草素抑制IGF-1诱导的MCF-7细胞增殖作用与ERα蛋白表达之间的关系进行了研究。

    MTT assay and Western blotting analysis were used to detect relationship between ER α expression and the inhibitory effect of luteolin on IGF-1 induced breast cancer cell proliferation .

  21. 应用木犀草素可使渗出液明显减少(P<0.01),WBC总数无明显改变;

    Luteolin resulted in a significant reduction of the exudate volume ( P < 0.01 ) while no significant change in the total leucocyte number .

  22. 2·R,而是直接的解痉作用。由此表明,木犀草素抑制SchultzDale反应可能与其竞争性拮抗SRSA和直接的解痉作用有关。

    These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of luteolin on Schultz-Dale response can be related with its competitive antagonism to SRS-A and spasmolytic action .

  23. 应用抗体定量测定法(PFC分光光度计测定法)和特异性玫瑰花结形成试验二项指标,观察木犀草素对正常以及免疫功能低下小鼠(环磷酰胺50mg/kg)特异性体液免疫功能的影响。

    The effects of luteolin on specific humoral immunity of mice were studied by using two immunological test , plaque forming cell activity technique and specific rosette forming cell test .

  24. 方法:通过测定不同浓度β&环糊精溶液中木犀草素的紫外吸收,画出相溶解度图,并求出平衡常数。结果:得到的相溶解度图为AL型,平衡常数为761.94mol。

    Methods : Solubility was obtained by Using UV - absorption of luteolin at different concentrations of β - CD . The phase diagram was drawn , and stable constant was calculated . Result : The phase diagram was AL type .

  25. 木犀草素对实验性肺纤维化大鼠组织中TGF-β1mRNA表达的影响

    Effects of luteolin on expression of TGF - β 1 mRNA in rats with pulmonary fibrosis

  26. 结论在离体条件下,CME可以被人、大鼠、Beagle犬及家兔的肠道菌群代谢,主要的代谢物为木犀草素和芹菜素。

    Conclusion In vitro , CME is easily metabolized by intestinal flora human , rat , Beagle dog , and rabbit and the main metabolites are luteolin and apigenin .

  27. 应用流式细胞仪,对木犀草素诱导MCF-7细胞凋亡情况进行了测定,结果显示木犀草素可诱导MCF-7细胞发生凋亡,并可将MCF-7细胞周期阻滞于S期。

    Flow cytometry was used to determine the effect of luteolin on MCF-7 cell apoptosis . The results showed that luteolin could induce cell apoptosis and promote S arrest . 3 .

  28. 以木犀草素、绿原酸为对照,分别建立杭白菊中木犀草素和绿原酸的HPLC含量测定方法,比较不同花期、不同加工、不同储存时间和不同产地杭白菊中的木犀草素和绿原酸含量。

    Use luteolin , chlorogenic acid as the control , establish HPLC determination method of luteolin and chlorogenic acid separately and compare the different flower , different processing , different storage time and different areas of the Osmanthus Chrysanthemum grass elements and chlorogenic acid .

  29. 方法健康家兔单剂量(200mg·k-1)灌胃CME及其酸水解产物,以RP-HPLC测定给药后不同时间点木犀草素和芹菜素血浆药物浓度。

    METHODS The concentrations of luteolin and apigenin in plasma were determined by HPLC method after a single oral dose of 200 mg · kg-1 of intact CME and hydrolysate of CME was administered to rabbits .

  30. 目的:观察木犀草素对哮喘小鼠气道重塑和气道IL-13Rα2表达的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of luteolin on airway remodeling and the expression of IL-13R α 2 in the airway of chronicity asthmatic mice .