
  1. 剑砍在石地上,火星飞溅。

    The sword struck sparks off the stone floor .

  2. 锅“当”地一声掉到石地上。

    The pot came down on the stone floor with a clash .

  3. 煤系高岭岩的XRD曲线特征对高岭石地开石混层矿物XRD曲线特征的一点看法

    XRD patterns of kaolinic rocks in coal measure : different views on characteristics of XRD patterns of kaolinite-dickite mixed-layer mineral

  4. 但结果佳尔华成了掉在石地上的橡果。

    But jarlway proved to be an acorn that fell on stony ground .

  5. 他的根盘绕石堆,扎入石地。

    His roots are wrapped about the heap , and seeth the place of stones .

  6. 他用水壶装酒,有些洒洒在院子石地上。

    He filled the canteens and some of the wine ran out on the stone paving of the courtyard .

  7. 这个发现很可能意味着,这个几十年来被认为是板龙化石地的小镇所蕴藏的恐龙化石数量远远超出原来的想象。

    The finds show that an area known for Plateosaurus finds for decades may be much larger than originally thought .

  8. 王子此时在湿的草地上跌了一跤,一会儿又在崎岖不平的石地上蹒跚而行。

    The Prince now slipped among the wet grass , now stumbled over bare rocks which projected from the stony ground .

  9. 波兰也拒绝加入联盟并落井下石地曝光了北约为石油而战的动机。

    Poland also declined to join the mission , adding insult to injury by describing NATO 's intervention as motivated by oil .

  10. 一壶酒装在上述杯中的饮料或酒他用水壶装酒,有些洒洒在院子石地上。

    A drink of liquor contained in such a cup . He filled the canteens and some of the wine ran out on the stone paving of the courtyard .

  11. 他带我到外院,见院的四围有铺石地。铺石地上有屋子三十间。

    Then brought he me into the outward court , and , lo , there were chambers , and a pavement made for the court round about : thirty chambers were upon the pavement .

  12. 亚哈斯王打掉盆座四面镶着的心子,把盆从座上挪下来,又将铜海从驮海的铜牛上搬下来,放在铺石地。

    And King Ahaz took off the sides of the wheeled bases , and took down the great water-vessel from off the brass oxen which were under it and put it on a floor of stone .

  13. 在矸石地类型划分、土壤重金属元素的污染评价、植被演替规律等方面进行了创新性探索。

    The study is innovative in that it has made a classification of coal dumping lands , an assessment of pollution of heavy metals in soil , and a description of the vegetation succession law of coal dumping lands .

  14. 但中国资金有望开启新的铁矿石开采地,如西非和俄罗斯,从而削弱淡水河谷、必和必拓以及力拓(riotinto)的霸主地位。

    But China financing stands to open new iron ore provinces like West Africa and Russia , potentially easing the dominance of vale , BHP and Rio Tinto .

  15. 坚硬的土地、沼泽地、多石的地。

    Solid , marshy , stony , etc ground .

  16. 不要像对待踏脚石一样地对待我。

    Stop treating me like your stepping-stone .

  17. 他把这些制服扔在挖去了铺路石的地上。

    And he flung on the ground , deprived of its pavement , the four uniforms .

  18. 实验所获资料可为恐龙化石源地及年代鉴别提供一定的依据。

    The experimental data are valuable for identifying the source site and age of dinosaur fossils from Chuxiong .

  19. 自己却从靠近吉甲凿石之地回来,说:“王阿,我有一件机密事奏告你。”

    At the idols near Gilgal he himself turned back and said ," I have a secret message for you , O king . "

  20. 近年来在砂金矿床的勘探和开采中,发现在第四系河流冲积物中存在砂砾石胶结地质体,被称为胶结层。

    Gravel cemented geological body , called solid formation , has been found in the fluvial sediment of Quaternary system in the exploration and mining of alluvial gold deposit in recent years .

  21. 结果表明,难利用的、岩石裸露的石旮旯地在连续性石灰岩、石灰岩夹碎屑岩和石灰岩与白云岩互层分布区的比例很高。

    The results indicate that there is a high ratio of difficult to use land with exposed basement rocks in homogenous limestone , limestone interbedded with clastic rock , mixed dolomite / limestone assemblages .

  22. 徐州旅游景点的基础大多与地质学有关,山、水、洞、石及地学人文资源分布广泛,内容丰富,独具特色。

    It is concluded that the tourism spots in Xuzhou are closely related with geology : hills , waters , caves , stones and humane geoscientific resources are widely distributed of abundant significance and particular features .

  23. 亚哈斯又砍掉盆座的边缘,把洗濯盆拿下来,又把铜海从驮着铜海的铜牛上取下来,放在铺了石的地上。

    And King Ahaz cut off the borders of the bases , and removed the laver from off them ; and took down the sea from off the brasen oxen that were under it , and put it upon the pavement of stones .

  24. 通过控制pH值,在超细针状硅灰石表面成功地镀上了镍合金,并完整保持其针状形态。

    Nickel alloy is plated on the surface of superfine wollastonite with keeping original neel-like shape by controlling pH value .

  25. 采用浸渍法工艺将勃姆石溶胶均匀地涂覆在Al2O3载体上,通过对膜热处理工艺制度的研究,探讨了热处理工艺对Al2O3超滤膜性能的影响。

    The boehmite sol was coated on the Al 2O 3 supports by dipping-coating technology . The membrane thermal technology was studied . The influence of thermal treatment technology on the properties of the Al 2O 3 ultrafiltration membrane was discussed .

  26. 500kV神忻石线成功地采用调整子导线张力的新方法,使6根子导线有规律出现高、低2层高度,从而有效地预防导线缠绕。

    A new method to regulate tensions in sub-conductors was successfully applied to 500 kV Sheng-Shi line . The 6 sub-conductors are at high and low levels regularly to prevent the conductor from twisting .

  27. 水在石上淙淙地流过。这条河蜿蜒流过山谷。

    The water prattled over the rocks . The river winds through the valley .

  28. 水在石上淙淙地流过。

    The water prattled over the rocks .

  29. 他踩着河滩地上的卵石和硬石,不动声色地压制着心头的怒火。

    Tramping over the shingle and larger rocks on the beach , he secretly stifled his anger .

  30. ??在一个古老的、烟熏的大房间里,有一堆火在石铺的地上熊熊地燃着。

    In the midst of the large , old , smoking hall burnt a great fire on the stone floor .