
  1. 这是太平天国史研究中最大的一桩悬案。

    This is a major question unsettled in the research of the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom .

  2. 红单船问题是太平天国史上很值得研究的课题之一。

    The problem of the red-bill ships has been one the topics worth studying in the history of the Taiping Revolution .

  3. 从太平天国史的研究来看,史学界对史与论的关系问题始终没有处理好。

    From the research of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the historical world the problem of relationship between history and theory was still undone .

  4. 在太平天国史上,其实存在着一条儒家化的人才观轨迹。

    There existed a orbit of sense of talent in the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom . Human Resource Theories of the Confucian School and Implications ;

  5. 研究大后方的太平天国史剧,对于了解中国现代文学、尤其是中国现代历史剧的发展与演变都有着非常重要的作用。

    A study of the historical drama on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the area under KMT rule during the anti-Japanese War is of great importance to the understanding of the development and evolution of the Chinese modem literature , and the Chinese modern historical drama hi particular .

  6. 辛亥革命以来,太平天国妇女问题都是太平天国史和中国近现代妇女解放运动史研究中的热点和焦点问题。

    Since the Revolution of1911 , women issues have been hot issues in studying the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the history of modern Chinese women 's movement for the emancipation .