首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 太府寺职能发挥得好坏直接关系到国家行政机构的运转,乃至国家的安定。

    The playing of its function directly related to the national administrative institutions , and the stability of the country .

  2. 使用加热的砭具对27例呼吸系统疾病病人的肺经相关穴位进行手法治疗,测量太渊和中府的TCE变化,发现有显著升高(P001)。

    27 cases with diseases of the respiratory system were treated by heated Bian-stone manipulation on the relative points on the Lung Channel and it was found that TCE on the Taiyuan ( LU 9 ) and Zhongfu ( LU 1 ) significantly increased ( P0 01 ) .