
tài kōnɡ fēi xínɡ
  • space flight
  1. 目的从分子水平证实经太空飞行处理的菜豆种子后代突变系的遗传物质(DNA)确实发生了基因突变。

    Objective To identify the occurance of gene mutant in mutant lines in the offspring of Kidney bean seeds under space flight condition .

  2. NASA的戈达德太空飞行中心管理着望远镜。

    NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center manages the telescope .

  3. 毫无疑问,太空飞行会带来风险,而开创一种新的旅行方式就是要面对这些风险,并利用来之不易的经验来减少这些风险。

    There is no doubt that spaceflight entails risks , and to pioneer a new mode of travel is to face those risks , and to reduce them with the benefit of hard-won experience .

  4. 阿什比是蓝源公司(BlueOrigin)的任务保障总监(ChiefofMissionAssurance),该公司的目标是降低商业太空飞行的费用门槛。

    Ashby is the chief of Mission Assurance for blue origin , a company that aims to make commercial space flight affordable .

  5. 这艘火箭飞机(rocketplane)可能会激起人们对商业太空飞行的兴趣,因此甚至在它飞离地面之前,就可以实现自己的一些目标。

    The rocket plane may fulfil some of its goals before it even gets off the ground , by whipping up interest in commercial space flight .

  6. 这艘飞船将竞争“安萨里X”大奖(AnsariXPrize)。这是一个1000万美元的奖项,旨在促进人们负担得起的商业载人太空飞行。

    The spacecraft will be competing for the Ansari X Prize , a $ 10m prize intended to promote affordable commercial human space flight .

  7. 这是半个世纪来美国宇航局NASA日程上首次没有载人太空飞行任务。

    For the first time in half a century , the space agency Nasa has no manned space flights on its agenda .

  8. 最近,SpaceX公司在太空飞行中取得了新突破。

    SpaceX recently made a breakthrough in privatized space flight .

  9. Wnt信号系统对骨髓间充质干细胞向心肌细胞分化的作用太空飞行对宇航员心血管与骨骼肌肉系统影响的研究

    Affects of Wnt signaling pathway in differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into cardiomyocytes Advances in Research on the Effects of Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal for Astronauts After Space Flight

  10. XCOR是开发亚轨道飞行器、用于商业太空飞行的几家公司之一。

    XCOR is one of several companies developing suborbital vehicles for commercial space tourist flights .

  11. 国家航空航天局位于马里兰州的达德太空飞行中心的MichaelMumma,仍然带领着他的务实的团队汇集了已经观测到的火星甲烷的数据。

    Michael Mumma , of NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland , leads the only Earthbound team still gathering the sort of data in which Martian methane has been seen .

  12. 本周二,美国SpaceX公司成为首个向国际空间站发射自己的飞船的商业组织,开启了私营太空飞行的新纪元。

    Opening a new era in private space flight , the US company SpaceX on Tuesday became the first commercial outfit to launch its own craft toward the International Space Station .

  13. 这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉已经在太空飞行了三周。他们结束了工作,离开OM-45号宇宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑加尼。

    On Friday , after three weeks in space , Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani .

  14. “我完全不同意这种看法。”XCOR宇航公司首席执行官、个人太空飞行联盟副主席杰弗格里逊反击道。

    " I completely disagree with that assessment ," shot back Jeff Greason , CEO of XCOR Aerospace and vice-chair of Personal Spaceflight Federation .

  15. 穆斯克目前持有的产业包括包含豪华汽车公司特斯拉、私人太空飞行公司SpaceX和太阳能服务公司SolarCity。他在18个月前首次提出了Hyperloop的大胆设想。

    Musk , whose projects include luxury electric car company Tesla TSLA - 0.43 % , the private space flight company Space X , and solar power installer SolarCity SCTY - 4.80 % , first laid out his audacious vision for a Hyperloop 18 months ago .

  16. NASA戈达德太空飞行中心(GoddardSpaceFlightCenter)科学家沃尔特·迈耶(WaltMeier)表示,自1979年开始用卫星记录相关数据以来,今年截至目前是北极冰层覆盖范围最小的半年,主要是因为天气温暖导致冰层比平常提前两个月开始融化。

    Walt Meier , a scientist at NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center , said that the geographical extent of the Arctic ice so far this year was the lowest for any half-year since satellite record-keeping began in 1979 , largely because warm temperatures caused melting to begin as much as two months earlier than usual .

  17. 开始了一个新的太空飞行计划&双子座计划。

    And a new space flight program Project Gemini was begun .

  18. 奥尔德林曾完成过“双子座”的最后一次太空飞行。

    Aldrin had flown on the last of the Gemini flights .

  19. 太空飞行对药用植物藿香叶绿体超微结构的影响

    Effect of Space Flight on Ultrastructure of Chloroplast in Agastache Rugosa

  20. 微重力可致航天员在太空飞行过程中生理机能发生改变。

    Microgravity caused changes in physiological function of astronaut in spaceflight .

  21. 第一次太空飞行是项光辉的伟绩。

    The first flight into space was a brilliant feat .

  22. 宇航员因引擎着火而取消太空飞行。

    The astronauts aborted the space flight when their engine caught fire .

  23. 宇宙飞船是用于太空飞行的交通工具。

    Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space .

  24. 科学家们说这15次无人驾驶的太空飞行能够获得令人兴奋的重大发现。

    Scientists say these 15 unmanned flights can make important and exciting discoveries .

  25. 进行飞往火星的载人太空飞行的可能性。

    The possibility of a manned mission to mars .

  26. 约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。

    John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel .

  27. 人在太空飞行需要有健康的身体和良好的心理素质。

    Good health physique and fine psychological quality are required for an astronaut .

  28. 在长时间的太空飞行中,宇航员们的生活都是经过精心安排的。

    On long-duration spaceflights , astronauts'days are carefully scheduled .

  29. 还有一些女子走遍了几大洲,还有人指挥了太空飞行。

    Others have mapped continents and commanded space flights .

  30. 我们认为到2020年将会有100000人进行太空飞行。

    we think 100000 people will fly by 2020 .