
fànɡ huó
  • loosen up policies and enliven the economy
  1. 办事别那么死板,心眼儿放活泛点儿。

    Don 't be so rigid ; loosen up !

  2. 农村第二步改革的重点&改革土地制度,放活土地使用权

    Key to second rural reform ── to activize land use right

  3. 放活基层政府,给农村社会自治权。

    Free grassroots government , endowing rural society autonomy right .

  4. 放活研究所搞好任期目标责任制

    Activating Institute and carrying out office - term goal duty system successfully

  5. 那里也有一个临时放活梯的地方。

    That 's also an odd place for a stepladder .

  6. 进一步放活国有小企业是国家确定的国有小企业改革的重要战略措施。

    Further invigorating small-sized state-owned enterprises in an important strategy decided by the government .

  7. 多予、少取、放活的再解读

    On Re-interpretation of " Giving More , Asking for less , Allowing Flexibility "

  8. 我国放开小城镇户籍限制的改革放活了地方经济。

    China 's reform that abolished the township residence restriction has promoted local economy .

  9. 文章认为,股份合作制是小型企业放活改革的一种有效方式。

    Abstract : The paper considers share cooperative system is effective way to loosen and enliven small enterprises .

  10. 政策已经放活了,咱们应该抓住机遇,发展当地经济。

    The policies are more flexible now , we should seize the chance to develop our local economy .

  11. 采取“多予少取放活”的方针,推动农民收入的增长;

    Adopt the policy of " fetching and putting alive few more ", promote the growth of peasant 's income ;

  12. 并且大量城市房产和国有企业的私有化放活了大量的投资资金。

    And China 's privatization of urban housing and numerous state enterprises freed up large amounts of money for investment .

  13. 坚持“多予少取放活”,特别要在“多予”上采取更多措施,增加农民收入。

    To increase rural incomes , we will continue to pursue the policy of giving more , taking less and loosening control .

  14. 稳定型心绞痛治疗和临床预后的性别差异试论农业科研与稳住一头,放活一片

    Gender differences in the management and clinical outcome of stable angina THE PRINCIPLE OF STABLE AND BRISK IN MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH

  15. 多予、少取、放活的深入实施是这种新的战略思路的直接体现。

    The deeper enforcement of " giving more , asking for less and allowing flexibility " is the direct embodiment of the new strategy .

  16. 油菜产品流通管理体制放开放活、经营体制不断完善,为油菜产品流通的发展提供了良好的条件。

    Rape product circulation management system is open and living , and operation system is perfected ceaselessly , which has provided good conditions for the development of rapeseed products circulation .

  17. 高密市对此也进行了以明晰产权、减轻税费、放活经营、规范流转为主要内容的林权改革,已经取得显著成效。

    Gaomi city has began to reform , the central content of which is clarifying the property rights , lightening the tax and fee , setting free the management and standardizing the transfer of property rights .

  18. 推行以明晰产权,减轻税费,放活经营,规范流转为主要内容的集体林权制度改革是解放和发展林业生产力、推进社会主义新农村建设的一项重大举措。

    The reform of collective forestry property system includes clarifying the property , reducing taxes , allowing flexibility management and regulating the circulation . These measures significantly improve the forestry productivity and construct the new socialist rural .

  19. 政府为了促进城乡一体化发展和减轻财政负担,提出了放活民间资本,鼓励民间资本投入到各项建设中,特别是民间资本进入农村基础设施建设。

    Chinese government has put forward a series of policies to promoting the rural development , which encourages private capital to enter in many fields especially rural infrastructure construction , in order to reduce the government financial burden .

  20. 国有粮食购销食业产权制度改革宏观应集中政策性一块,放活经营性一片,按建立粮食购销企业产权主体地位、形成产权主体多元化结构的思路,因地制宜、以多种形式进行。

    And the reforming importance of property right in national grain company should be attached to " Concentrate one policy to activate various management " to present the major role of property right in national grain company and to make the property right multi-formalized according to different situations .