
  • 网络simple regression
  1. 进行简单回归分析之后,本研究发现在每日平均报酬、标准差与VaR作为风险指标之间存在着正向且强烈的关系。

    After conducting a simple regression we found that there is a positive and strong relationship between the average daily returns with standard deviation and VaR as risk indicators .

  2. 简单回归的最小平方估计

    Least square estimation of simple regression

  3. 自我概念和欺负现象之间存在着交互作用,本研究中未得出两者的简单回归关系。

    There are interaction between bullying and self - concept .

  4. 简单回归系数联合置信区域的计算

    Numeration Of Simultaneous Confidence Regions Of Simple Regression Coefficient

  5. 请不要选择该选项,因为简单回归只能有一个变量,而我们有六个变量。

    Do not choose this because simple regression only looks at one variable , and we have six .

  6. 下面,就让我们简单回归一下过去一年中这两大平台上发布的几款最棒的游戏。

    Here we briefly review some of the best games released for both systems over the past year .

  7. 当然,这种对语法的重新重视绝不意味着对传统语法教学法的一个简单回归。

    Nevertheless , refocusing on the formal grammar teaching doesnot mean a simple return to the traditional grammar teaching method .

  8. 从芝加哥学派到后芝加哥学派,并不是反垄断思想的简单回归,而是一种螺旋式的上升。

    The development from Chicago School to post-Chicago School is not the simple regression of antitrust thinking , but a spiral rising .

  9. 而综合性大学中师范教育的集中管理模式,并非是传统师范教育封闭模式的简单回归,而是在继承传统师范教育优良制度和作风基础上的制度创新。

    Concentrated administration of normal education in universities should be an institutional innovation rather than a simple regress to the traditional closed model .

  10. 我们以简单回归、共整合及自我回归模型来检验其因果关系与各市场间长期经济上的关连性。

    Simple regression , cointegration , and vector autoregressive models are employed to explore the causality and long-run economic linkages among these markets .

  11. 新制度主义是在批判行为主义的过程中兴起,它并非制度分析的一种简单回归,而是制度分析的现代转型与演进。

    New institutionalism sprang up in the process of criticizing behaviorism . It is not a simple regress of the institution analysis but a modern transformation and progress .

  12. 在后现代语境下,文学批评的伦理转向并非是向传统的简单回归,而是被赋予了新的内涵和承载了新的使命。

    However , the ethics turn of literary criticism in the post modern context is not simply a returning to tradition , instead , it was endowed with new connotation therefore equipped with new missions .

  13. 文[1]、[2]研究了简单回归模型中响应变量受到另一随机变量序列污染时,模型参数和污染系数的估计方法,但在利用误差的不同阶矩估计给出污染系数的估计时发生了错误。

    The estimations of the parameters and coefficient of contamination for the simple regression model are studied when its response variables are contaminated by another random variable sequence in [ 1 ] 、 [ 2 ] . But the proof is erroneous .

  14. Excel在计量地理学教学中的应用&以简单线性回归分析为例

    Application of Microsoft Excel to Quantitative Geography Teaching & A Case Study of Simple Linear Regression

  15. 然后借助简单线性回归方程、GARCH模型和各种流动性指标来分析利率调整的未预期部分对股票市场的影响。

    Using the simple linear regression , GARCH model and the various liquidity indicators , analyzed the impaction of interest rate adjustment to stock market .

  16. 采用的虚拟变量回归模型有两种主要形式,一是简单线性回归模型,另一个是GARCH模型。

    Two main forms of virtual variable regression model is used in this paper , one simple linear regression model , the other is GARCH model .

  17. 男女CVA死亡率比的时间变化趋势用简单直线回归模型进行拟合。

    Time trend of cause specific mortality rates of CVD both in males and females was fitted with a simple linear regression model .

  18. 实证方面,对39个世界主要国家的相关数据进行相关性分析和简单的回归分析,从而找出主要贸易环境因素与FDI的区域分布之间存在的相关程度。

    For the demonstration , the relative numbers from 39 countries are dealt with correlation analysis and regression analysis in order to find the degree of correlation between the main trade environment factors and the regional distributing of FDI .

  19. 实证结果得出,传统的股指期货套期保值模型在应用中确实存在着缺陷,在不符合OLS假设情况下,简单线性回归得到的回归系数并不是最小风险套期保值比率的最佳估计值。

    Empirical results is that OLS model has that defects in application . Therefore , the regression coefficient of the simple linear regression is not the best estimate of the minimum risk hedge ratio in the case of not meeting for the OLS assumptions .

  20. 简单线性回归模型的分离参数估计方法

    Calculation of separate parameter estimation of simple linear regression model

  21. 一种简单的回归方法&三点法

    A Simple Regression Method & Three Point Method

  22. 但这不是简单的回归,而是建立在个人经验和深入思考之上的抉择。

    Not simply regression , but set the choice above the individual experience and through consideration .

  23. 影响耕地数量变化的因素错综复杂,简单的回归分析不易得到满意的模型结果。

    There are many complicated factors influencing the quantity of cultivated land , so a simple regression analysis can not achieve a satisfactory model .

  24. 通过对苹果梨单叶面积的测定与分析,拟合了单叶面积的简单线性回归方程与多元线性回归方程。

    The simple linearity regression equation and multiple regression equation of single leaf area of apple-pear were inosculated by measuring and analysing their leave areas .

  25. 然而,数据挖掘不仅局限于简单的回归,在不同的数据集及不同的输出要求的情况下,您会发现其他的模型也许是更好的解决方案。

    However , data mining is much more than simply regression , and you 'll find some other models are better solutions with different data sets and different output goals .

  26. 这种重构不是一种机械式的复古,也不是简单的回归传统,而是对所研究对象从本体存在到本质生成的一个建构过程。

    This reconstruction is not a mechanical vintage , nor is it a simple return to tradition , but a process of construction generating from noumenon to essence of the research object .

  27. 然后建立一个简单的OLS回归模型来进一步分析和验证我国银行业结构对信贷配给的影响。

    And then , it formulates an OLS model to further analyze and testify the relationship between banking sector structure and credit rationing .

  28. 结论采用低流量、高挥发罐输出可在10min内完成吸入麻醉的诱导,并可根据简单的线性回归方程就可对呼出气中的药物浓度作出预测。

    Conclusions The inhalation anesthetic induction can be completed within 10 min with low-flow of fresh gas flow and high output of vapourizer dial setting . The measured value of anesthetic can be predicted accurately .

  29. 神经编码的例子与简单的线性回归。

    Examples of neural coding . Simple linear regression .

  30. 一种简单的区间回归的神经网络方法

    A Simple Neural-Network-Based Method for Interval Regression