
  • 网络Taco
  1. 我们知道他对烤过的三明治和炸玉米饼,也会做同样的事情,这也偶然也会发生,对吧?

    He 's been known to do the same thing with toasted cheese sandwiches and tacos , and it happens , right ?

  2. 答案可能会是日餐、印度或马来菜肴,但意大利通心粉、比萨、炸玉米饼或墨西哥卷往往不在其中。

    There might be Japanese dishes , Indian or Malay . But spaghetti , pizza , tacos or burritos are not usually there .

  3. 当我吃腻了起司汉堡时,我就会换成monsterTacos(大型炸玉米饼),那也是个好的选择。因为他们有很棒的菜品和低廉的价格,JackintheBox是最棒的。

    When I am tired of cheeseburgers , I will swith to monster Tacos.That is also a really good choice.Because they have a wonderful menu and low prices , Jack in the Box is the best .

  4. 我买了午饭,墨西哥炸玉米饼。

    I picked up dinner . Tacos .