
  1. 大安山矿地质条件复杂,随着采深的增加,矿山动力现象逐渐显现,存在冲击地压危险,提前开展危险区域划分的工作十分必要。

    With the increase of mining depth , mining dynamic phenomenon is gradually emerging . It is necessary to forecast division of danger areas and prevent the risk of rock burst .

  2. 根据大安山煤矿地质条件和开采技术条件,在综合分析目前国内外已有的冲击地压预测方法的基础上,开发了冲击地压危险区域划分管理专家系统软件。

    In addition , according to Da ' anshan coal mine geological conditions and mining technical conditions , as well as on the basis of comprehensive analysis the existing domestic and international prediction methods of rock burst , it exploited the rock burst dangerous area dividing expert system software .