
  • 网络OOCL;Orient Overseas;Orient Overseas Container Line
  1. 东方海外以其对客户(伙伴)的重视而自豪。

    OOCL prides itself on its focus on the customer-our partner .

  2. 这些增值服务使东方海外提供的运输供应链更臻完善。

    These " creating value " services complete the transportation supply chain offered by oocl .

  3. 集装箱航运公司东方海外(orientoverseas)在收盘前最后几分钟内暴跌32%,收于21.65港元。

    Orient Overseas , the container line , plunged 32 per cent in the last few minutes of trade , however , to close at HK $ 21.65 .

  4. 东方海外物流的国际物流的集团是全球采购和服务客户supply-chain-management需求。

    The OOCL Logistics'International logistics group focuses on serving customers with global sourcing and supply-chain-management needs .

  5. 香港集装箱班轮和物流运营商东方海外(oocl)的董事总经理姚尔馨表示,更好的基础设施和更好的管理都是必需的。

    Erxin Yao , managing director for China of OOCL , the Hong Kong-based container shipping line and logistics operator , says both better infrastructure and better management are needed .

  6. 作为马士基(MAERSK)、东方海外(OOCL)、日本邮船(NYK)以及阳明海运(YML)的专业订舱代理,我们一直坚持为船务公司及广大客户提供高质量的订舱代理服务。

    Being the professional Booking Agent for MAERSK , OOCL , NYK and YML , we 've been providing high quality booking service for shipping lines and numerous clients .

  7. 在最近的危机爆发之前,东方海外(国际)已连续十年实现盈利。

    OOIL had been consistently profitable for 10 years until the latest crisis .

  8. 一九六九年,集装箱运输业兴起,金山轮船易名东方海外货柜航运。

    When containerization began in1969 , the company was re-named Orient Overseas Container line .

  9. 目前尚不清楚东方海外国际宣布中标者的时间。

    Timing of any announcement is unclear .

  10. 通过高雄这一货运枢纽港,东方海外的船只可抵达日本所有的小港口。

    OOCL covers nearly all existing niche ports in Japan via its hub in Kaohsiung .

  11. 目前东方海外已经在上海仓库对中国制造、面向日韩百货商店的出口商品提供物流服务。

    It already handles logistics for Chinese-made exports to Japanese and Korean department stores from its Shanghai warehouse .

  12. 在欧洲大陆,东方海外在各座落于策略性位置的枢纽港发展穿梭其间的驳船及火车的接驳服务。

    The use of barge and train connections is being developed via strategically located inland hubs in Continental Europe .

  13. 生产费用和总运输费东方海外很早就已认识到信息技术会对集装箱运输业产生日益重要的影响。

    Production cost and freight OOCL has long recognized the growing importance of IT on the containerized transport industry .

  14. 在截至6月30日的6个月里,东方海外国际这块业务的营业额为2.7亿美元,运营收益3750万美元。

    The division reported operating profits of $ 37.5m on $ 270m turnover for the six months to June 30 .

  15. 东方海外被公认为业内具有卓越船期准班率和良好安全记录的优秀承运商。

    OOCL is recognized in the industry as being a quality carrier with superior schedule integrity and an impeccable safety record .

  16. 东方海外致力于高质量地完成每一项工作。质量是我们的核心价值,亦是我们企业理念的重要特点。

    OOCL is committed to quality in everything and as a core value quality is a vital feature of our philosophy .

  17. 东方海外有四个专门的信息技术开发中心,分别位于圣胡安、海、尼拉和香港。

    OOCL has four dedicated information technology ( IT ) development centers located in San Jose , Shanghai , Manila and Hong Kong .

  18. 本文的研究对象是一家香港上市公司-东方海外(国际)货柜航运有限公司。

    The research object of this dissertation is Orient Overseas Container Line , a public company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange .

  19. 东方海外表示,它将把所得资金投入余下的核心业务,即集装箱运输及物流服务。

    The group said it would use the proceeds to " deploy capital to its remaining core business of container transport and logistics services " .

  20. 东方海外在亚洲港口的覆盖面之广无与伦比,是服务中国市场的主要航运公司,以领先的集装箱运输和物流服务而享负盛誉。

    OOCL 's extensive coverage of asian ports is unmatched and OOCL is renowned for being the leading container transport & logistics service provider for China .

  21. 东方海外还支持艺术和娱乐业,定期向大型国际剧院的演出和航海竞赛提供运输和物流解决方案。

    OOCL also supports the arts & leisure industries and regularly assists with providing transport and logistics solutions to large international theatre productions and sailing competitions .

  22. 东方海外物流富于经验的专业人员以业内先进的互联网为平台操作之软件作支持,提供一系列的标准及为客户定制的增值服务。

    Experienced professionals , supported by a suite of industry-advanced suite of web-based applications , provide a wide range of both standard and customized value-added services .

  23. 就地理地望的属性而言,花果山在东方海外,地近东海和淮水,云台山与这一属性没有抵牾;

    Regarding the geographical attribute , Flower and Fruit Mountain is located in the ' east'and ' oversea ' , close to the East Ocean and Huai River .

  24. 时至今日,东方海外物流的服务已由基本的多国货物集拼扩展至全面的物流管理服务包括多式联运、仓储及分配服务。

    Today , our services extend from basic freight consolidation services to the management and operation of more comprehensive programs involving multi-modal transportation , warehousing and distribution activities .

  25. 2003年,深圳东方海外的巨型集装箱船曾经征服了当时的市场,但以今天的标准来看,其8063标箱的容量已不足为奇。

    The industry was bowled over in 2003 by the arrival of the then-massive OOCL Shenzhen - but its 8063 TEU capacity is unremarkable by today 's standards .

  26. 东方海外和董氏基金会每年为中国、香港的学生以及全球员工的子女提供100万美元的奖学金。

    OOCL and the Tung foundation spend over a us $ 1 million per year on educational scholarships for students in China and Hong Kong and for children of employees globally .

  27. 东方海外与主要的火车服务供应商密切合作提供至北美中心地区的最快捷、可靠的服务。

    OOCL works in close partnership with all major rail service providers ( BNSF , Norfolk Southern , CSX , Canadian Pacific , Canadian National , Union Pacific ) providing one of the fastest and most reliable services into the heart of North America .