
  • 网络cutting plotter;mimaki;cutter plotter
  1. 双色金属刻字机是小型起重机械的一种。

    Two-color metal cutting plotter is a small crane .

  2. 提出了将刻字机改装成宽幅面服装绘图仪的方法,详细论述了接口技术、走纸系统、收放纸系统等三个方面的改进措施。

    It brings forward the methods how to refit cutting plotter into wide format apparel plotter , and introduces the three improvement measures particularly : data connecting technique , deliver paper system , receiving / put paper system .

  3. 以R轨迹刻字机为例介绍复杂组合凸轮轮廓位移曲线的光顺处理方法。

    This paper , taking R trajectory devices as an example , describes a method for smoothing the contour displacement curves of complex combination cams .

  4. 激光刻字机输出多灰度级TIF图象的方法

    A way of carve poly-gray level TIF image on the laser carving machine

  5. 刻字机改装宽幅面服装绘图仪方法

    The technique of refitting cutting plotter into wide format apparel plotter

  6. 谢墨凛的自动绘画机器的灵感来自于他所使用过的刻字机。

    Xie Molin 's automatic drawing machine was inspired by his used carving machine .

  7. 高效金属表面刻字机

    High Efficient Metal Surface Carving Machine

  8. 刻字机是目前广告装饰业中极为常见的一种输出设备。

    Carving machine is a very common output device used in ad d é coration industry at present .

  9. 此工作平台目前能够实现两轴联动控制,可适用于对数控机床、刻字机、绣花机、机械手等装置的伺服机构的控制。

    This platform is suitable to the controlling of service equipment , such as machine tool , manipulator etc .

  10. 如果说刻字机是我的第一台绘画机器,那么我有没有可能发明出更多可能性的绘画机器呢?

    If the carving machine is my first painting machine , then is it possible that I might invent a painting machine with more possibilities ?

  11. 公司主要产品包括:写真机、喷绘机、雕刻机、等离子切割机、刻字机等。

    The company 's main products are as following : Pictorials & Aeropittura machine , Engraving machine , Plasma Cutting Machine , Cutting Plotter and so on .