
  • 网络underwater glider
  1. 本文主要研究成果和创新点为:1.研究设计了首台小型混合驱动水下滑翔器样机,吸收了传统自主水下航行器、典型水下滑翔器和ARGO自持剖面浮标三者的优点。

    The main contributions are summarized as follows : 1 . One mini prototype of the hybrid-driven underwater glider is designed which tend to integrate together all the advantages of the conventional autonomous underwater vehicles , legacy underwater gliders and Argo free-drifting profiling floats .

  2. 水下滑翔器设计参数与运动性能分析

    Analysis of Design Parameters and Moving Performances of the Underwater Glider

  3. 设计了水下滑翔器LQR调节器,对滑翔器闭环反馈系统在垂直剖面的运动作了仿真分析,研究了系统对干扰的抑制能力和对参考输入的跟踪情况。

    The Linear Quadratic Regulator is designed in this dissertation . Simulations in the vertical plane of the feedback control system are analyzed . The noise rejection and tracking ability to the input reference are studied . 4 .

  4. 蚁群算法在水下滑翔器航路规划中的应用

    Application of Ant Colony Algorithm on Route Planning of Underwater Glider

  5. 温差能驱动的水下滑翔器热机设计与实验研究

    Design of a new type underwater glider propelled by temperature difference energy

  6. 水下滑翔器定常直线滑翔运动稳定性分析

    Study of Stability of Underwater Glider Non-acceleration Linearly Gliding

  7. 基于温差能源的水下滑翔器动力学分析与设计

    Dynamic Analysis and System Design on an Underwater Glider Propelled by Temperature Difference Energy

  8. 非定常气动力对飞行动力学特性影响分析水下滑翔器定常直线滑翔运动稳定性分析

    Impact Analysis of Unsteady Aerodynamic Force on Flight Dynamics Characteristics Study of Stability of Underwater Glider Non-acceleration Linearly Gliding

  9. 水下滑翔器作为一种新型水下机器人系统,对于海洋环境监测与资源探测具有重要应用价值。

    As a new kind of autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ), an underwater glider has valuable applications in oceanographic survey or in ocean exploration .

  10. 揭示了影响驱力驱动效率以及滑翔航行效率的因素,为高性能水下滑翔器的设计提供了理论上的指导。

    Factors that impact the buoyancy-driven efficiency and the navigation efficiency are revealed . The parameter study provides a theoretical guidance for high-performance underwater glider design .

  11. 水下滑翔器是在无人操作的前提下,携带各种传感器,长期自主式地通过滑翔运动进行各种海洋科学探测。

    Underwater gliders can take different kinds of sensors to complete measure work in a long duration and large range by means of glide without being manipulated .

  12. 根据所使用的驱动能源,水下滑翔器可分为电能驱动与温差能驱动水下滑翔器。

    Based on the driven power they use , the Underwater Gliders are divided into two kinds : Underwater Gliders are driven by electric power and Underwater Gliders are driven by temperature difference energy .

  13. 此模型同时考虑了偏心旋转重物与平移重物的共同作用,能够准确反映水下滑翔器的动力学特性,对同类水下自航行器的动力学建模具有参考价值。

    Considering the simultaneous effects of the eccentric rotating mass and the translation mass , the model can show exactly the dynamic behavior of the glider and can be used to other similar AUV dynamic analysis .

  14. 分析了混合驱动水下滑翔器的机动性和稳定性,并给出了设计参数的选择范围,同时完成混合滑翔器在三维空间的推进操作和滑行操作模式下全状态运动仿真。

    Based on the analysis of the stability and maneuverability and the three dimensional motion simulation in both thrust operation and glide operation , the ranges of the design parameters of the hybrid-driven underwater glider are proposed . 3 .

  15. 混合驱动水下滑翔器是一种新型的水下机器人,它集成了水下自航行器和水下滑翔器的优点,是海洋环境观测和海洋资源探测的重要平台。

    The hybrid-driven underwater glider is a new kind of underwater vehicle ; it combines the best features of autonomous underwater vehicles and underwater gliders , and can be used as important platforms for marine environment observation and ocean resource exploration .