
  1. 分析结果表明,计算得到的Cn~2在一定条件下较好地满足经验关系。由此可以得到,利用超声风速仪获得的气象要素可以对Cn~2进行估算。

    The meteorology data got from the ultrasonic anemometer were analyzed , and the results showed that the calculated C_n ~ 2 was well agreement with the C_n ~ 2 measured directly by the micro-temperature sensor .

  2. 本文在综述U及海-气交换的研究历史和现状之后,报告了我们新近提出的一种计算由船载超声风速仪数据测量摩擦速度U的新方法。

    After reviewing the history and the present status of the studies in U and air-sea interaction , we report a recently developed method to measure friction velocity from data by a ship-borne supersonic anemometer .

  3. 用美国波德大气观测台(BAO)气象塔上超声风速仪的观测资料,计算了三种不同稳定大气结构条件下垂直风向σw/U和横截风向σv/U随时间的变化。

    Using data from the sonic anemometers on the atmospheric observatory tower in Boulder , Colorado , the variations of the vertical and lateral wind direction fluctuations with averaging time are calculated .

  4. DGR强度;利用超声风速仪估算近地层光学湍流强度

    3.3 Duodenogastric reflux ( DGR ) : The examination was carried out with Doppler Ultrasound . Estimation of Optical Turbulence Intensity by Ultrasonic Anemometer

  5. 文中对多普勒声雷达测风和325m铁塔上风速、风向仪及超声风速仪的测量值进行了观测比较。

    In this paper the wind speed and wind direction are compared by Doppler Sodar and in-situ measurements on 325 m meteorological tower .

  6. 对长白山阔叶红松林2003年生长季的涡动相关实测时间序列进行了去倾修订与超声风速仪倾斜修订,并分析了不同修订方法对森林CO2通量计算值的影响。

    Detrending correction and sonic anemometer tilt correction were made to modify the raw time series measured from eddy covariance system in broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains during the growing season of 2003 , and the impact of different correction methods on CO 2 flux was analyzed quantificationally .

  7. 采用三维超声风速仪测量了近海边三维风速和虚温数据。

    Three-dimensional velocity components and virtual temperature were measured using ultrasonic anemometer above an area by sea .

  8. 由船载超声风速仪数据计算摩擦速度计算机以惊人的速度完成这些演算。

    Calculating Friction Velocity from Data by a Ship-borne Supersonic Anemometer ; The computer performs these calculations with surprising speed .

  9. 该系统由安装于50米高钢结构桅杆上的超声风速仪、机械风速仪、加速度计等相应传感设备所组成。

    The system includes the installation of ultrasonic and mechanical anemometers , bi-axial accelerometers , etc. on a 50m high meteorological mast near the eastern pylon of the bridge .

  10. 超声风速仪观测得到的结果基本满足谱分析惯性子区能量线性传递理论。(2)感热通量总体上是市区大于郊区。

    The result observed by ultrasonic anemometer fit spectrum analysis inertia branch area linear transfer energy theory . ( 2 ) Sensible heat flux in urban is larger than suburban .

  11. 结果表明:在低频部分,n<3×10~(-2)赫,用声雷达资料计算的垂直速度谱密度和超声风速仪计算的能量峰值和变化趋势基本一致,数值略有差异,在高频部分有偏离。

    The results show that the spectra measured by Dop-pler acoustic radar are correspondence with sonic anemometer for energy peak and variation trend in low frequency range , n < 3 × 10-2 HZ , but some departures in high frequency range .

  12. 本文利用超声脉动风速仪和白金丝脉动温度仪,分别测量了三维风速u、v、w和温度T的瞬时脉动值。

    The fluctuation values of three-dimensional wind u , v , w and temperature T are respectively measured by using the sonic ' anemometers and the platinum wire thermometers , mounted on the 325 m meteorological tower .

  13. 超声风速温度仪的误差分析与检定方法研究

    Error Analyzes and Calibration Method of Ultrasonic Wind and Temperature Monitor