
  1. 介绍LFNH-DW2001型氨氮在线监测仪的工作原理、工作流程及日常维护和常见故障的排除方法。

    Introduced the LFNH-DW2001 ammonia nitrogen on-line monitor meter the principle of work , the work flow and the routine maintenance and the common breakdown remove the method .

  2. 水质氨氮在线监测仪发展现状

    The Development Status of Automatic On-line ammonia Nitrogen Analyzer

  3. XHAN90B型氨氮在线自动监测仪各项性能指标优越,可以准确地在线自动监测环境中不同种类的地表水和工业废水。

    XHAN_90B Ammonia_nitrogen On_line Automatic Monitoring Instrument has superior properties . It can on_line monitor different kinds of land surface water and industry sewages in environment accurately .