
  • 网络Ammonia volatilization
  1. 利用从德国引进的农田土壤氨挥发风洞法测定系统,对不同N肥形态的肥料进行对比实验。

    Ammonia volatilization of different nitrogen fertilizer types was studied by German wind-tunnel system .

  2. 氨挥发损失是旱地农田N素损失的重要途径之一。

    Ammonia volatilization losses of N are one of the important losses methods in dry land .

  3. 缓释复合肥料在不同pH值紫色土中氨挥发特性

    Characteristics of ammonia volatilization of slow release compound fertilizer in different pH values of purple soils

  4. 热带地区砖红壤上不同土壤pH和含水量对尿素氨挥发的影响研究

    Study on the Volatilization Difference of Ammonia from Latosols with Different Soil pH and Different Soil Water Content

  5. FTIR光谱法测量不同化肥的氨挥发

    Analyzing NH_3 Volatilization of Different Fertilizers by FTIR Spectra Measurement

  6. 控释氮肥氨挥发量与不同氮肥引起的土壤脲酶活性、pH值、土壤中氮溶出速率密切相关。

    The results also indicated that total ammonia volatilization correlated significantly with soil urease activity , pH value and N leaching rate .

  7. NaCl对粉壤土氨挥发及硝化、反硝化的影响

    Effect of NaCl on Ammonia Volatilization , Nitrification and De nitrification in Silt Loam Soil

  8. 试验结果如下:(1)在相同土壤含水量的各种母质砖红壤上,随着土壤pH的上升,尿素以氨挥发形式损失的氮量增多,损失率增大。

    In experimental scope , along with the soil pH rise , the quantity of volatilization of ammonia increases in latosol soils with same soil water content .

  9. 在紫色砂页岩砖红壤上,即使在pH仅为3.5的强酸条件下,仍会有氨挥发损失。

    Even if under the soil pH 3.5 strong acid condition , still could have the loss of ammonia to volatilize in the latosol from purple arenaceous shale .

  10. 木质素包膜复合肥中N素的淋溶损失符合一级动力学方程,土壤中肥料的氨挥发符合零级动力学方程。

    In addition , the content of nitrogen leaching losses was found to fit well the first-order kinetics equation , but the content of ammonia volatilization followed the zero-order kinetics equation .

  11. Logistic模型可以很好模拟预测盆钵试验中的氨挥发过程,通过修正氨挥发速率常数c,可较好地模拟田间氨挥发过程。

    Logistic model was introduced to simulate the process of ammonia volatilization with surface film applied . Combined with modified parameter c , ammonia volatilization was fitted well by the model .

  12. 利用Bowen比仪测定大面积农田土壤氨挥发的方法研究

    Method for Measurement of Ammonia Volatilization from Large Area Field by Bowen Ratio System

  13. 试验研究了3种酸性土壤和3种碱性土壤施入尿素后,对土壤pH值变化、氨挥发特性、氮素转化及Al元素活性的影响。

    Changes of pH , volatilization of ammonia ( NH_3 ) volatility , transformation of urea-N and activity of Al in 3 acidic and 3 alkali soils as induced by urea were studied .

  14. 含DMPP抑制剂尿素的氨挥发特性及阻控对策研究

    Ammonia Volatilization Loss Character of Urea with DMPP Addition and Its Controlling Strategy

  15. 因风向控制不严格,bLS模型可能高估了实际氨挥发情况。

    As wind direction controlled was not strict , TDLAS-bLS method may overestimate the actual volatile situation .

  16. 在该模型中,用选定的kf值对表面分子膜抑制氨挥发的效果与pH、风速、水深和温度等的关系作了进一步模拟分析。

    With the modified model and the optimized k f value , the effects of the surface film in reducing ammonia volatilization under different environmental conditions were simulated and analyzed .

  17. 氨挥发采用通气密闭室法测定,反硝化损失(N2+N2O)采用乙炔抑制-土柱培养法测定,不加乙炔测定N2O排放。

    Denitrification loss ( N_2 + N_2O ) was measured by the acetylene inhibition-intact soil core technique , and N_2O emission was also measured in the absence of acetylene .

  18. 采用密闭室法研究苏南地区稻麦轮作体系中,不同施N量和施N方式对水稻和小麦生育期氨挥发损失的影响。

    A continuous airflow enclosure chamber method was used to study ammonia volatilization from paddy field under the rice-wheat rotation system in South Jiangsu and effects of rate and method of nitrogen fertilizer application on ammonia emission from the field during the rice and wheat growing periods .

  19. 因此,土壤pH4.0可能是尿素在玄武岩土壤上发生氨挥发作用的临界值。

    So the soil pH 4.0 maybe is the marginal value of ammonia volatility in the latosol from basalt .

  20. 水稻强化栽培(SRI)及氮肥用量对产量、水分生产效率和稻田氨挥发的影响氮肥利用率低是我国水稻生产中的突出问题。

    Effects of SRI on Rice Yield , Water Productivity and NH_3 Volatilization from Soil with Different N Application Rates Low fertilizer-nitrogen use efficiency ( FNUE ) is a serious problem in rice production in China .

  21. 研究结果表明,氨挥发和NO3-N淋溶损失是本区域农田氮素损失的主要途径,是氮肥利用率低的重要原因。

    The results indicated that NH_3 volatilization and NO_3-N leaching loss were the important pathways of N losses and were the important causes for low N use efficiency .

  22. 利用室内氨挥发模拟系统和同位素15N示踪技术,研究高效尿素对氨挥发损失和氮素去向的影响。

    Effects of high efficiency urea on the loss of ammonia volatilization and nitrogen fate were studied by the methods of ammonia volatilization model system and 15 N tracer technique .

  23. 采用室内恒温密闭培养法,以北京地区耕作层典型粉壤土为对象,研究NaCl对土壤氨挥发、硝化与反硝化过程的影响。

    Using laboratory incubation method , an experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium chloride ( NaCl ) on ammonia volatilization , nitrification and denitrification in silt loam soil , one of the typical soils in the cultivated layer of Beijing area .

  24. 研究了影响氮肥氨挥发的主要因素,如气候条件、施肥方法、施用表面膜、氮磷肥施用量、田面水NH4~+-N浓度等;

    Factors that influence ammonia loss were studied also , such as climate condition , application techniques of nitrogen fertilizer , spraying surface films , nitrogen and phosphorus application rate , NH4 + - N concentration of surface water in paddy soil .

  25. 本文介绍Bowen比仪测定大面积农田土壤氨挥发的基本原理、仪器安装的细节和方法的可靠程度,以及利用该方法进行的5次田间试验的测定结果。

    In this paper , the principle of using Bowen ratio system to measure ammonia volatilization from large area field , the details of installation of Bowen ratio system , and the credibility degree of the method were discussed .

  26. 冬小麦和夏玉米季土壤氨挥发损失主要发生在施肥后14d内,玉米季来自肥料氮的氨挥发损失量高于小麦季。

    AV from soil in both winter wheat and summer corn season occurred mainly within 14 days after fertilization , and the cumulative AV amount from fertilizer N in winter wheat season was found to be less than that in summer corn season .

  27. 结果表明,施氮450mg·kg-1土时,3种控释氮肥氨挥发损失氮总量分别比普通尿素减少497%、280%和712%;

    The results showed that under the application rate of 450 mg · kg - 1 , total ammonia volatilization from three controlled-release fertilizers decreased by 49.7 % , 28.0 % and 71.2 % , respectively , in comparing with common urea .

  28. 肥料15N的损失中,与习惯施氮处理相比,优化施氮处理冬小麦和夏玉米季的累积氨挥发量分别降低了48.4%和51.9%,反硝化损失总量分别降低了40.9%和58.1%。

    Cumulative AV amounts from fertilizer 15N under optimizing N application reduced by 48.4 % and 51.9 % , and denitrification losses reduced by 40.9 % and 58.1 % during winter wheat and summer corn growing seasons , respectively , compared to conventional N application . 6 .

  29. 轮作改变了氨挥发速率的变化规律,现蕾期比连作高2.1倍,开花期比连作低18.0%。白羊草与隐子草在抽穗期的CPD高于开花期,但低于拔节期。

    Compared to the ammonia loss of the continuous cropping plot during its budding stage , that of the rotation plot in the same growth period is 2.1 times higher , while during the blooming stage , the ammonia loss of the latter is 18.0 % less than the former .

  30. 华北农田土壤氨挥发原位测定研究

    In situ determination of ammonia volatilization in field of North China