
  1. 科学研究项目评估方法综述

    Summarization of methods in science research project assessment

  2. 科学研究项目管理初探

    Primary study on management of scientific research projects

  3. 关于科学研究项目同行评议的一些政策性分析

    Policy analysis in peer review for scientific research

  4. 体育社会科学研究项目管理的研究

    Research-Project Management of Social Science in Sports

  5. 世界水生物科学研究项目清单

    World Inventory of Aquatic Science Research Projects

  6. 本论文来源于四川省卫生厅编号为100433的科学研究项目。

    This thesis comes from the scientific research project of Sichuan Provincial Health Department and the number is 100433 .

  7. 第四章对软科学研究项目验收评价进行专题研究,建立软科学研究项目成果水平评价模型,并对该模型进行实例运用。

    Chapter four studies acceptance evaluation , and establishes a model of soft science research project results level evaluation .

  8. 软科学研究项目立项咨询评价指标体系的设计则特别强调软科学要与地方科技、经济和社会发展问题紧密结合。

    It is also emphasized that this design should be closely connected with the local scientific and economic development .

  9. 一下是一些来自一个对于囤积动物案例的科学研究项目,对于被调查的囤积案例。

    Some number comes out about one research , they may give us guides of this kind of problem .

  10. 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China ( Grant No. ) .

  11. 第六章为研究总结,并提出山东省软科学研究项目后评价策略建议。

    Chapter six is research summary , it also gives countermeasures about soft science research project post-evaluation in Shandong Province .

  12. 从软科学研究项目后评价来看,目前软科学研究项目的后评价主要集中于验收评价,尚未出现对软科学研究项目的绩效评价。

    Research about soft science research project post-evaluation , mainly focuses on the acceptance evaluation , has not appeared performance evaluation .

  13. 第二章分析软科学研究项目后评价阶段与评价方法,对软科学研究项目评价体系、验收评价与绩效评价的关系、软科学研究项目后评价方法进行阐述。

    Chapter 2 analyzes soft science research project evaluation system , the relationship between acceptance evaluation and performance evaluation and the methods of evaluation .

  14. 其光学方面的特性和应用是目前的一项新兴科学研究项目,对于军事以及民用等某些方面具有重大意义。

    Wake of the optical properties and application is a new scientific research project at present . That has great significance to the military and civilian industries .

  15. 近年来,虽然我国先后出台了一系列软科学研究项目评价办法和制度规范,但仍普遍存在一些问题。

    In recent years , although our country has issued a series of soft science research project evaluation methods and norms , it still has widespread problems .

  16. 此外,虽然承认海洋科学研究项目的重要性,但是重组计划是否是一个到达火星的正确方法仍然值得商榷。

    Furthermore , even if one concedes considerable importance to the MSR mission , it is doubtful whether the reorganization plan is the right way to get there .

  17. 本文来源于安徽省科技厅软科学研究项目促进安徽科技创新与创业的对策研究。

    The thesis originates from Anhui province scientific office 's soft scientific research project " Countermeasure research on promoting scientific innovation and carving out of Anhui province " .

  18. 总部位于华盛顿州的微软公司一直在实行微软企业公民计划。这项计划投资人权建设和人类多样性建设,资助计算机科学研究项目,还管理员工福利体系。

    The Washington-based firm runs a scheme called Microsoft Corporate Citizenship that invests in human rights , diversity , funds computer science programs and runs employee benefit schemes .

  19. 该套监控程序已经成功应用于辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目《工业现场智能化设备的嵌入式软件构件平台研究》中,并且即将应用于化学、石油、钢铁等工业控制领域。

    It is successfully applied to the research of embedded software component platform of industrial field instruments and is applying in the control fields of chemistry , oil , steel .

  20. 怎样合理的存储和管理并高效地利用这些数据,是顺利进行海洋科学研究项目首要考虑的关键问题之一。

    Now it become one of the key problems for marine scientific research projects that how to manage and store these mass marine science data in order to use these data efficiently .

  21. 本文是教育部人文社会科学研究项目&《农村金融组织体系的缺陷及其治理》的一个子课题。

    This thesis is one part of the subjects in humanities and social sciences , defects and governance of rural financial organization system , conducted by the Ministry of Education in China .

  22. 北京结核病控制研究所自1978年开始至今17年来根据现代结核病控制的新概念对北京市结核病控制规程进行彻底改革的实验中开展一系列的重要科学研究项目。

    During the last 17 years since 1978 in the experiment on complete reform of Beijing tuberculosis control programme according to modern concepts , a series of important scientific studies have been conducted .

  23. 第四,在前述理论指导下,完成了西安市软科学研究项目:西安市未央区基础教育设施分布专项规划;

    Fourthly , on the basis of the theories mentioned above , the soft science research project of Xi'an city is achieved-the planning of basic educational facilities in Weiyang district of Xi'an city .

  24. 笔者在设计软科学研究项目的管理流程时特别强调以下几点:(1)对研究项目整个过程的管理;

    In the design of management flow for soft science research projects , the following points are stressed in this paper : ( 1 ) the management of the whole process of research projects ;

  25. 现代项目管理发展到今天,被广泛应用于科学研究项目,各种服务项目,建筑工程项目,以及本文要研究的计算机工程类项目。

    With the management of modern project developing , it has been widely used in scientific research , services , construction , as well as the computer engineering which I will study in this paper .

  26. 首先从横向上对体育社会科学研究项目管理的要素,如科研人员、科研时间、科研经费、科研质量等方面结合案例进行了具体分析。

    From the horizontal social science research project management for sports content , such as researchers , research time and funds for scientific research , the quality of scientific research in conjunction with the specific case analysis .

  27. 第三章研究软科学研究项目后评价要素,分别对评价主体、评价客体、评价目标、评价依据、评价指标进行研究,分析评价要素特点及其对项目评价的影响。

    Chapter 3 is about the elements of soft science project post-evaluation , this chapter separately studies evaluator , the evaluation object , the evaluation objectives , evaluation basis and evaluation index , analyzes the Characteristics of elements .

  28. 世界癌症研究基金会负责科学研究项目的雷切尔·汤普森博士表示,市场上销售的冰咖啡热量超过成年女性一天正常摄入卡路里的四分之一,这是应该引起人们警惕的。

    Dr Rachel Thompson , Science Programme Manager for WCRF , said : " The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman 's daily calorie allowance is alarming .

  29. 本文以十五国家教育科学研究项目军队院校建设发展理论与实践研究为背景,对军队院校的信息化建设进行了系统、深入的研究。

    This Dissertation comes from the education science research project in the tenth five years plan : " The Theories and Practice Study on Troops College Information Developments " and put forward a systematic , scientific , deep research to the informationization construction of the troops colleges .

  30. 英特尔基金同时还启动了“英特尔科学天才研究项目”(IntelScienceTalentResearch),这是一项面向大学学前阶段的科技竞赛。

    The Intel foundation also created the Intel science talent research , a pre-college science competition .