
  • 网络Vertical Industry
  1. 帮助用户/垂直行业详细说明需求、用例、最佳实践指导及SOA架构模式

    Help users / vertical industries to specify needs , use cases , best practices guidelines , and architectural patterns for SOA

  2. 很多垂直行业正在朝着这个目标快速发展。

    Many vertical industries are ahead in the race toward this goal .

  3. 此外,几乎每个主要垂直行业都可以通过IBMGlobalBusinessServices合作项目获得的CBM模版。

    Additionally , CBM templates are available via IBM Global Business Services engagements for nearly every major industry vertical .

  4. 在90年代,缺乏XML数据结构组织,垂直行业的公司又一次负责创建专门的垂直行业数据结构。

    In the late1990s , lacking any XML data structure organizations , vertical groups again led the charge to create specific vertical-industry data structures .

  5. 由于缺乏确认好的XML数据结构,又意识到需要不断的去创建,使得垂直行业的公司创建,公布以及保证他们自己的数据结构。

    The lack of already agreed-upon XML data structures and the perceived need to create them rapidly led the vertical groups to create , publish and endorse their own data structures .

  6. 然而,RDBMS制造商和增值供应商现在也有了提供,支持复杂数据类型的定制化和垂直行业模块的机会。

    Moreover , RDBMS makers and VARs now have the opportunity to deliver customized and vertical-industry-specific modules supporting complex data types .

  7. ArunS是印度的TataConsultancyServices中的一名助理顾问;他已在各种垂直行业(比如生命科学、医疗保健和零售行业)中工作了一段时间,负责提供BI解决方案。

    Arun S is an Assistant Consultant in Tata Consultancy Services , India ; He has worked in various verticals like Life Science , Health Care and Retail Domain providing BI Solutions .

  8. 然而,企业家和投资者需要深思熟虑地评估市场和垂直行业的潜在因素,因为“XX业的Uber”未必能像原版Uber那样奏效。

    However , entrepreneurs and investors need to be thoughtful when evaluating the underlying factors of a marketplace and vertical , as the " Uber of X " won 't necessarily work as well as the original .

  9. 在规划增长前景时,垂直行业非常重要。

    The vertical industry sector is important when projecting growth prospects .

  10. 交易社区是基于互联网的中心,侧重于特定的垂直行业或者是特定的行业流程。

    Trading communities are Internet-based hubs that focus on specific industry verticals or specific industry processes .

  11. 在各种软件开发规程和垂直行业中可以应用此类方法。

    Methods like this can be applied across a variety of software development disciplines and industry verticals .

  12. 有许多处理语义互操作性的行业标准,其中包含了垂直行业和水平行业的数据和数据模型标准。

    Many industry standards deal with semantic interoperability , which include data and data model standards for vertical and horizontal industries .

  13. 几乎每个垂直行业都要与业界标准模式打交道,并且许多企业都扩展了这些模式来定制自己的业务。

    Almost every vertical industry works with industry standard schemas and most enterprises extend these schemas to customize them for their business .

  14. 诸如能源、公用事业和通信等垂直行业可以使用业务活动监视来检测紧急情况和供需失衡情况。

    Industry verticals such as energy , utilities , and communications can use business activity monitoring to detect emergencies and supply & demand disparities .

  15. 中国工业的以太网基础设施组件市场将强劲增长,但机会将根据垂直行业的实力而有所不同。

    The market for Ethernet infrastructure components in Chinese industry is set to grow strongly , but the opportunity will vary with the strength of the vertical sector .

  16. 该报告从市场细分,不同地区,技术划分,不同应用和垂直行业等方面全面细致地分析了全球生物识别市场。

    Our team of industry experts has studied the global biometrics market in detail by segmenting it by region , by technology , by application and by verticals .

  17. 最后,最适合使用无线基础设施的终端用户产业是城市监控,它恰恰是视频监控成长最快的垂直行业。

    Finally , the end-user industry that suits wireless infrastructure best is city surveillance ( municipalities ) which happens to be the fastest growing vertical market for video surveillance .

  18. 相反,如果某项服务可以更灵活地安排交付时间,竞争者就能更轻易地进入一个垂直行业或是新领域,“赢家通吃”的趋势也不会那么明显。

    By contrast when services can be delivered with more flexible timing , it 's easier for competitors to enter a vertical or new location and there 's less of a " winner takes all " dynamic .

  19. 从微观层面看,企业依托外包经验和品牌效应,业务领域越来越多样化,嵌入垂直行业的知识流程外包业呈现强劲的增长趋势。

    From the micro perspectives , relying on the outsourcing experience and the brand effect , business area of the enterprise is becoming more and more diverse , and knowledge process outsourcing industry has presented a strong growing trend .

  20. 所以创业的方向至少应该避开已形成寡头的市场,在巨头之间的缝隙之间寻找垂直性行业的天地。

    Your direction should at least avoid the markets where the oligarch is there and find the room for the vertical industries between the space of the giants .

  21. 结果发现,FDI产生了显著的行业内和行业间技术溢出,且通过FDI垂直联系发生的行业间溢出是较行业内溢出更为重要的国际技术转移途径。

    Our results find that positive and significant intra-industry and inter-industry spillovers from FDI take place , and inter-industry spillovers through vertical linkages of FDI are more important channels for international technology transfer than intra-industry spillovers .

  22. 文章从理论上分析了国际垂直专业化对产业竞争力的影响机制,并在此基础上就中国工业参与国际垂直专业化对行业竞争力的影响进行实证研究。

    This paper analyzes the mechanism through which international vertical specialization affects industry competitiveness . On the basis of theoretical analysis , empirical study has been made concerning the effect of international vertical specialization on the competitiveness of Chinese Industry .