
ɡài fánɡ zi
  • build a house
  1. 她买了一小块地盖房子。

    She bought a small plot of land to build a house .

  2. 她参与了盖房子,并在施工过程中学习了砌砖的基本技巧。

    She helped to build a house , learning the rudiments of brick-laying as she went along .

  3. 他们要在老发电站那里盖房子。

    They 're going to build on the site of the old power station .

  4. 在那里他们学会了盖房子。

    There they learnt to build houses .

  5. 每天放学后,安德鲁挨家挨户地去请那些不想盖房子的人签字。

    Each day after school , Andrew went door-to-door , to ask the people to sign , who did not want the houses to be built .

  6. 儿子,你最好自己盖房子,然后邀请别人来,而不是在你盖房子的时候给他们砖头让他们帮你。

    Son , it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelter than to offer them your bricks while you are building yours .

  7. 孩子们喜欢用树枝或黏土盖房子玩。

    The children like making houses of sticks and clay .

  8. Liang表示:我们不断接到中国现有客户的电话,要求我们在美国盖房子。

    We are constantly getting calls from our existing customers in China asking us to build in the US , says Mr Liang .

  9. 溺水的GNOME:从奥得河水盖房子在勃兰登堡州的一个花园里,德国与波兰边界附近的星期五。

    DROWNING GNOME : Water from the Oder River covered the garden at a house in Brandenburg , Germany , near the border with Poland Friday .

  10. 说他们有盖房子要的一切许可。

    Saying they had all the permits they needed to build .

  11. 难道你不知道那样盖房子是违法的吗?

    Didrt you know it was illegal to build like that ?

  12. 盖房子受到法律和各种困难的限制。

    Building a house is hedge about with laws and difficulty .

  13. 他们因盖房子偷工减料而受到了批评。

    They were criticized to cut corners in building the house .

  14. 全世界都跑到我们村周围盖房子住。

    The whole world is building their homes around our village .

  15. 印度的志愿者不仅仅盖房子。

    The volunteers in India do more than just build houses .

  16. 它就是你用来盖房子的图纸。

    It 's the pattern you use to build the house .

  17. 我在用树叶盖房子。

    John : I 'm building a house with leaves .

  18. 我总觉得我们会在这里盖房子。

    I always thought that we 'd build a house .

  19. 地方议会打算在这块地上盖房子。

    The local council intends to build on this site .

  20. 这些人不会帮你盖房子的。

    These men can 't build a house for you .

  21. 她说她的兄弟们会帮忙盖房子。

    Her brothers could help her build the home , she said .

  22. 在盖房子之前,我们得清除丛生的荆棘杂草。

    Before we could build we had to clear the thick undergrowth .

  23. 提炼出好的动作,并随音乐来盖房子。

    Refine good action and show it out with music .

  24. 有些有兴趣的年轻人在山上盖房子。

    Interesting young folks were building houses in the hills .

  25. 他还帮人盖房子,并且成为了一名很有手艺的木匠。

    He also helped people build houses and became a skilled carpenter .

  26. 他买地为的是要盖房子。

    He has bought land with a view to building a house .

  27. 我们想要买一块地盖房子。

    We want to buy a plot of land to build a house .

  28. 我会另找地方盖房子的。

    I should look for other property and build .

  29. 我们必须需要一位工程师去现场监理那些工人盖房子。

    We must have an ENGINEER to see the workers building the house .

  30. 他们在自己的土地上盖房子。他好懒。

    They built their house on their own land he is so lazy .