
  • 网络Teller;bank teller
  1. 银行柜员协助我开立一个新的存款帐户。

    The bank teller helped me to open up a new savings account .

  2. 但谁愿意放弃自动取款机而回去排队等待银行柜员服务呢?

    But then , who would want to give up ATMs and go back to queueing up for a bank teller ?

  3. 在目前银行柜员服务中,大部分采用的是客户排队等候服务。

    In the recent bank counter service , mostly we adopt customers waiting by turns .

  4. 网点业务前端主要完成柜面业务操作,是银行柜员面向客户服务的最前端。

    Sub-branch service-front has the function of counter business operation , and is the interface for counter facing the custom service .

  5. 到达队首时,你将会被带到空闲窗口接受服务人员、银行柜员或海关人员的服务。

    When you reach the head of the queue , you are directed to the next available server , or teller , or customs official .

  6. 银行柜员机:银行使用的能对委托人持用的有密码的卡片作出反应并自动进行个人财产交易的机器。

    A machine , as in a bank , that automatically conducts personal financial transactions in response to a client 's use of a coded card .

  7. 在那个时候,琼斯获得了工作,银行柜员在节约银行在米勒斯维尔,马里兰州,她放弃了当她迈进了好莱坞的竞争在美国偶像。

    At that time , Jones obtained a job as a bank teller at Provident Bank in Millersville , Maryland , which she gave up when she moved to Hollywood to compete in American Idol .

  8. 涉及这些技能但不涉及社交技巧的工作,像会计、银行柜员和某些类别的工程师,近年来的就业增长是最低的,这些领域中薪酬最高的岗位除外。

    Jobs that involve those skills but not social skills , like those held by bookkeepers , bank tellers and certain types of engineers , have performed worst in employment growth in recent years for all but the highest-paying jobs .

  9. 该项研究针对2012年25万毕业生和2015年4万毕业生进行了调查,发现电商行业从业者平均工资4037元人民币(约合586美元),仅次于银行柜员,排在第二位。

    Those who work in e-commerce earn average monthly pay of 4037 yuan ( $ 586 ) , taking the second spot after bank tellers , said the study based on survey of 250000 graduates in 2012 and 40000 in 2015 .

  10. 排队的人依旧很多。此时,其中一名银行柜员在她的窗口前挂起了“暂停服务”的牌子,然后走到银行的后面,靠在一张桌子上,开始和一个男子一起翻弄着桌子上的文件,以此来打发时间。

    With the line still very long , one of the tellers stuck a " POSITION CLOSED " sign in her window and walked to the back of the bank , where she leaned against a desk and began to pass the time with a man shuffling papers .

  11. 再次,从定性分析和定量分析两个方面对G银行综合柜员制的操作风险控制体系和方法进行了探讨,对G银行综合柜员制的操作风险进行研究有现实积极的意义。

    Again , from the qualitative and quantitative analysis of two aspects of the G bank teller system integrated operational risk control system and discusses the methods of the G bank teller of the integrated system to study the operation of a realistic risk of positive significance .

  12. 然后,对长沙市商业银行综合柜员满意度现状进行了初步探讨。

    After that , we have a preliminary study for the Changsha city commercial bank satisfaction with the status quo integrated teller .

  13. 比方说,旧的前提假设是,银行应该有柜员,还应该设立分行。

    For example , the old assumption was that a bank needed to have tellers and branch locations .

  14. 赵女士持银行卡到银行自助柜员机前准备取钱。

    Miss Zhao went to the ATM with her bank card .

  15. 本案中虽然赵女士的银行卡是在银行自助柜员机上操作时丢失的,但盗取赵女士银行卡及密码的是当时在赵女士周围的犯罪分子,应由这些犯罪分子承担侵权责任。

    Although Miss Zhao 's bank card is stuck and lost during operation on the ATM , it is the person who peeped at her code and stole the card that shall take the liability of tort .

  16. 格雷厄姆永远也忘不了童年那个耻辱时刻:母亲让他到银行去兑现支票,而银行柜员问经理,格雷厄姆夫人是否值五美元?

    Graham never forgot the ' humiliating ' moment in his childhood when his mother sent him to cash a check and the bank teller asked the manager if Mrs. Graham was ' good for five dollars . '

  17. 凯西走进银行后到第一个有空的银行柜员前。

    Kathy enters the bank and goes to the first available teller .

  18. 商业银行柜面服务人员,是指银行网点内直接面向个人客户,为个人客户服务的银行员工,俗称柜员(会计柜台面对公司客户的对公柜员不在本论文的讨论范畴)。

    Counter service personnel are the personnel who provide service for individual client at the banking outlets , normally called " Bank Teller " ( the personnel who provide service for corporate client is not within the discussion of this article ) .

  19. 尽管这些银行提供的服务仍然很原始,但它们较数年前已经大有改观当时,许多居民宁愿把现金放在床底下,也不愿与态度粗暴的银行柜员打交道。

    While the services they offer remain rudimentary , they have improved enormously from just a few years ago , when many citizens preferred to keep cash under their mattress rather than deal with the tyranny of the bank tellers .