
  • 网络Payment Platform;paypal;payment gateway;Google Checkout
  1. 你也许记得他曾经担任过雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官,后来因为履历有水分而被迫在2012年离职。加入雅虎之前,他曾担任易趣支付平台贝宝公司(PayPal)总裁。

    You might remember him as the one-time CEO of Yahoo who left after reports that his resume wasn 't altogether accurate . He left Yahoo in 2012 and before that had been a top PayPal executive at eBay .

  2. 电子商务环境中基于SET协议的电子支付平台的研究

    The Research of Electronic Payment Platform Based on SET Protocol in E-Commerce Environment

  3. 移动支付平台Square肯定是其中之一。

    Square is definitely one of them .

  4. 基于SOA的第三方移动支付平台的设计

    Design of third-party mobile payment platform based on SOA

  5. 对于存在的操作风险,应该鼓励有资质的第三方支付平台而不是商业银行对P2P借贷平台进行监管。

    For the existence of operational risks , the platform should encourage qualified third-party payment platform to monitor , rather than the commercial bank .

  6. 本文在对现今流行的SET协议与3-DSecure协议充分研究与分析的基础上,提出了基于校园卡的第三方在线支付平台方案。

    The protocol of SET and 3-D Secure are analyzed in this paper , and the scheme of third party online payment platform system based on campus card is also presented .

  7. 分析了一种基于短消息的移动小额支付平台的解决方案,用于移动电子商务中B2C的小额交易支付。

    A solution to mobile micro-payment platform based on Short Service Message ( SMS ) was described .

  8. 并且再对国内外SET协议研究的基础上,针对SET协议所存在的缺陷,对改进和优化后的方案进行分析,并基于优化后的SET协议进行电子支付平台的分析与设计。

    SET protocol study at home and abroad on the basis of defects in the SET protocol , improvement and optimization , and based on the SET protocol optimized for the design and implementation of the electronic payment platform .

  9. 蚂蚁金服旗下支付平台——支付宝(Alipay)独家代理阿里巴巴的交易结算。

    Its payments arm , Alipay , has an exclusive arrangement to settle Alibaba 's transactions .

  10. 电子支付平台与呼叫中心CTI系统集成获取用户信息并提供给话务员订单选择并融合生成统一支付订单的支付页面。

    Electronic payment platform integrate with call center CTI system integration , and integration of the payment page to pay the order .

  11. 该公司在一份声明中表示,通过提供技术和经验支持,蚂蚁金融将对AscendMoney进行战略投资,并将其线上和线下支付平台的金融模式带到泰国。

    Ant Financial will make strategic investments in Ascend Money and bring its financial model of online and offline payment platforms to Thailand by providing technical and experience support , the company said in a statement .

  12. 介绍了第三方电子支付平台的基本概念,提出了应用第三方电子支付平台的电子商务系统结构、支付流程,并重点讨论了基于SSL协议的平台安全性的解决方案。

    This paper has introduced the basic concept about third Party Payment System , given the structure , payment flow , and discussed the sloution of security based on SSL protocol .

  13. 2015年,马云的财富缩水2.2%,原因是阿里巴巴在纽约上市的股票下挫,但蚂蚁金服(AntFinancialServicesGroup)的价值增长帮助抵消了部分财富缩水。蚂蚁金服包括在线支付平台支付宝(Alipay)。

    Mr Ma 's wealth fell 2.2 per cent in 2015 as Alibaba 's New York-listed shares slumped , but gains in the value of Ant Financial Services Group , which includes online payment platform Alipay , helped buffer losses .

  14. 选择了财付通(Tenpay)的受访者比例为26%。财付通是腾讯(Tencent)旗下的支付平台,是支付宝的主要竞争对手。

    Alipay 's chief rival Tenpay , owned by Tencent , was cited by 26 per cent of respondents .

  15. 最后,阿里巴巴集团还拥有领先的第三方在线支付平台支付宝(alipay),此外还有一些规模较小的网站。

    Finally , Alibaba owns the leading third-party online payment system , Alipay , as well as a handful of smaller websites .

  16. 全球最大的在线支付平台贝宝(PayPal)拥有清晰的愿景,对于那些希望投身于革新性支付公司工作的工程师来说,贝宝是第一选择。

    PayPal had a clear vision , and for engineers that wanted to work on a revolutionary payments company , PayPal was number one .

  17. 余额宝允许用户将存放于第三方网络支付平台&支付宝(Alipay)中的资金投资于货币市场基金。

    Yu ' E Bao allows users to invest their money stored in the third-party online payment service Alipay into a money-market fund .

  18. 腾讯还计划将支付平台财付通(Tenpay)与微信整合在一起。财付通是阿里巴巴旗下支付宝(Alipay)的竞争对手。

    It is also integrating its payment platform Tenpay , which competes with Alibaba-linked Alipay , into WeChat .

  19. 可是根据瑞信(CreditSuisse)2月发布的研究报告,2015年他们用阿里巴巴的支付平台支付宝(Alipay)完成了12万亿元人民币(合1.9万亿美元)的交易。

    That has not stopped them from spending Rmb12tn ( $ 1.9tn ) in 2015 transactions on Alipay , Alibaba 's payment affiliate , according to research by Credit Suisse published in February .

  20. 电子支付平台数字证书的申请系统通过建设RA来实现为企业及服务器等业务对象提供数字证书及证书相关的安全技术,并且实现了与其它根CA的交叉认证。

    The digital certificate application system of electronic payment platform offers digital certificates and its related security technology to business objects such as enterprises and servers by developing RA and also realizes cross certification with other root CAs .

  21. 阿里巴巴与雅虎往往关系紧张,最近围绕剥离阿里巴巴旗下在线支付平台支付宝(alipay)发生的争执就表明了这一点。

    Relations between Alibaba and Yahoo have often been strained , as illustrated by the recent dispute over the spin-off of Alipay , a payment subsidiary .

  22. 随着第三方支付平台的兴起和信用评价体系的完善,C2C交易方式以灵活而自由的购物模式得到了越来越多消费者的认可。

    As the rise of the third-party payment and perfection of credit valuation system , C2C business has approbated by more and more consumers because of free and flexible shopping model .

  23. 银行的B2C网上支付平台是专门为拥有信用卡、灵通卡、贷记卡、国际卡等银行个人客户进行网上购物时与商城进行资金结算所开发的支付平台。

    Bank of B2C online payment system is designed to have credit cards , debit cards , international cards , personal bank customers with online shopping mall for capital settlement payment platform developed by .

  24. 实现了通过tuxedo调用方式接入邮政储蓄支付平台,实现卡、折的在线支付。

    Through the tuxedo call mode , this system takes the access to the payment platform of postal saving and achieve the online payment for both cards and passbooks .

  25. 中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团旗下的蚂蚁金服集团于上周二与泰国金融科技公司AscendMoney签署了战略合作协议,前者旨在将其移动支付平台和其他的金融产品扩展到海外市场。

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding 's financial arm Ant Financial Services Group last Tuesday signed a strategic partnership agreement with Thai financial technology firm Ascend Money , the former aims to expand its mobile payment platform and other financial products to overseas markets .

  26. 腾讯控股正在通过微信和网上支付平台财付通(Tenpay)扩张电子商务业务,财付通与阿里巴巴的支付宝(Alipay)相互竞争。

    Tencent is expanding its e-commerce business through WeChat and the popular online-payments platform Tenpay , which competes with Alibaba 's affiliated Paypal-like service , Alipay .

  27. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)有意收购印度领先移动支付平台Paytm的母公司大约5亿美元的股权,相关谈判已进入深入阶段。此举将标志着这家中国电子商务集团首次大举进军印度迅速扩大的初创企业领域。

    Alibaba is in advanced talks to buy an approximately $ 500m stake in the parent company of leading Indian mobile payment platform Paytm , marking the Chinese ecommerce group 's first significant foray into the country 's rapidly expanding start-up scene .

  28. Gap在线业务负责人托比兰克(TobyLenk)表示,该公司将在英国开设Gap和BananaRepublic两个品牌的网站,采用同一个支付平台,并将于明年秋季开始销售产品。

    Toby Lenk , head of Gap 's online business , said that the retailer would open websites in the UK for both Gap and Banana Republic , linked on a single payment platform , which would start shipping products next autumn .

  29. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)有可能在本土市场失去电子支付平台的主导地位,原因是中国央行正推动各家银行联合推出一个与支付宝(AliPay)直接竞争的平台。

    Alibaba is at risk of losing the dominant position of its electronic payment platform in its home market , as China 's central bank pushes lenders to launch a joint rival platform to compete directly with its AliPay .

  30. 该进展主要归功于肯尼亚M-Pesa之类的手机支付平台,它们提供了一条途径,可以绕开很多发展中国家通常情况下传统银行的繁文缛节和监管机制。

    The main credit for that progress goes to mobile phone-based payment platforms such as Kenya 's M-Pesa , which have provided a way around often traditional bank bureaucracies and regulatory regimes in many developing economies .