
  • 网络check card;Debit Card;Cheque card
  1. 取款时须出示支票卡。

    You must present your cheque card when you withdraw any money .

  2. 他们提供保险箱、信用卡、支票卡、遗嘱执行服务。

    They provide safe deposit , credit and cheque cards , executorship service .

  3. 第四部分介绍了几种特殊的票据诈骗对象,支票卡、借记卡及外国银行的票据问题。

    The fourth part of essay discusses several objects of the notes defrauding , such as cheque cards , and foreign notes .

  4. 如果还有其他任何展示了你的名字的卡片,或会员卡的发行机构,要求补办。包括现金支票卡,长途电话卡,商场会员卡和图书馆借阅卡。

    Notify issuers of any other cards that display your name , or membership / identification number and ask for replacement cards.These include check-cashing , long-distance calling , store membership , and library cards .

  5. 结算卡,也被称作支票保证卡,是不收取利息费用的。

    Debit cards , also known as check cards , do not have interest charges .

  6. 许多银行都发行集现金卡,支票担保卡和借方卡为一体的单一卡。

    Most banks issue a single card that is a combined cash , cheque guarantee and debit cars .

  7. 银行发的支票保付卡并非有效的身分证明文件。

    A cheque card is not a valid proof of identity .

  8. 可通过支票或信用卡汇款。

    Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card .

  9. 接待员:当然,我们这接受支票和信用卡。

    Receptionist : Of course , we accept check and credit card .

  10. 账单可以用支票或信用卡支付。

    The bill may be paid by cheque or by credit card .

  11. 我们只收旅行支票和信用卡。

    We accept only traveler 's checks and credit cards .

  12. 我可以用支票/信用卡付帐吗?

    May I pay by check / credit card ?

  13. 不收支票或信用卡,显然和“你付现金”是的。

    We do not take cheques or credit cards .

  14. 支票或信用卡作都可以用。

    Cheque or credit card-you can use either .

  15. 护照、旅行支票、信用卡。

    Passports , traveler 's checks , plastic .

  16. 乘客们,我是不收支票和信用卡的。

    Just so you know , I don 't take cheques or credit cards .

  17. 多数顾客用信用卡、旅行支票或万事达卡结账。

    Most clients check out by credit card , traveller 's cheques or Master card .

  18. 其他讨论的话题应该包括现金、支票、信用卡的区别;

    Other discussion topics should include the difference between cash , checks , and credit cards ;

  19. 免费支票,信用卡奖励,许多类似的项目可能会消失。

    And free checking , cash-back rewards , a lot of those offers , they just might disappear .

  20. 这个商店可用支票和信用卡付帐,当然也收现金。

    The shop will accept cheques and credit cards , not forgetting IE and also cash , of course .

  21. 人们还需要对信用卡、驾驶证、支票以及医疗卡倍加小心。

    People also need to be extra careful about their credit cards , drivinglicenses , cheque books and health cards .

  22. 同样这种系统还装在了壳牌便利店内。系统和顾客支票或信用卡帐户直接相连来进行付款。

    The systems , also installed at Shell convenience stores , are directly linked to customers'checking or credit-card accounts for payment .

  23. 在有限目的银行模式下,人们将能够使用支票、借记卡和自动取款机来提取自己的现金共同基金。

    Under LPB people would be able to use cheques , debit cards and ATMs to draw on their cash mutual funds .

  24. 其中一个诈骗犯就是用这幢位于布朗斯的大楼作为邮寄地址,用盗窃的信用申请了支票和信用卡。

    One scamp artist used this building in the Bronx as a mail drop for checks and credit cards ordered with stolen identities .

  25. 艾伦其中一个诈骗犯就是用这幢位于布朗斯的大楼作为邮寄地址,用盗窃的信用申请了支票和信用卡。

    ALAN One scamp artist used this building in the Bronx as a mail drop for checks and credit cards ordered with stolen identities .

  26. 购物付账时使用指纹而不是支票、信用卡或电子手段,它是最新的不用现金的结账方式之一。

    Paying for products with a fingerprint , rather than checks , cards or electronic devices , is among the newest cashless options at checkout .

  27. 第二部分讨论了几种常见的电子支付手段,典型的有电子现金、电子支票和银行卡;

    The second part discussed several kinds of commonly used electronic means of payment , such as the electronic cash , the electronic cheque , and the bank card .

  28. 如今我们也用支票、信用卡、借方卡进行交易。

    Either the domain has been overused , or the reseller ran out of resources . Now we also have checks , credit cards , and ★ debit cards 11 .

  29. 由于这种后果将是有其消费交易的百分比是现金,支票,借记卡或等值进行增长。

    As a consequence of this there will be an increase in the percentage of their consumer transactions that are conducted in cash , checks , debit cards or equivalents .

  30. 付款方式:付款可通过银行汇票,汇款单,支票,信用卡或者现金直接转给加拿大阳光国际学院。

    Method of payment : payment can be made by bank draft , money order , certified cheque , credit card or cash to be paid to Canada International college .