
  1. “我没有叫你来。顺便问一下,你为什么过来?”

    ' I didn 't ask you to come . Incidentally , why have you come ? '

  2. 他们还没有叫煤气修理工来修理煤气灶,我怎么能不生气。

    The gas people haven 't called to repair the cooker so I shall have to get stroppy with them .

  3. B:这里可没有叫杰弗里的!

    Mr.B : There 's nobody here named Jeffrey !

  4. 你是说这没有叫n.麦考密克的?

    You mean there 's no n.mccormick living here ?

  5. Bernadette和Penny一起去了婚礼用品商店却没有叫上可怜的AmyFarrahFowler而图中你看到的这张照片就是她一眼就挑中了的。

    Bernadette hits the bridal shop with Penny and without poor Amy Farrah Fowler and the gorgeous dress you see below is the first and only one she tries on .

  6. 要是当初我没有叫您的名字就好了。

    I wish that I hadn 't called you that name .

  7. 至少你没有叫他“先生”。

    At least you didn 't call him " rabbi . "

  8. 我有没有叫你有情况就吹口哨

    Did I tell you to whistle if you saw something ?

  9. 不幸的是,我的婚礼上没有叫维克多利亚的人。

    Unlucky for you , there was no Victoria at my wedding .

  10. 有没有叫简·爱的女孩?

    ' Is there a little girl called Jane Eyre here ? '

  11. 为着这个预言,王后一直没有叫公主嫁人。

    Therefore , the Queen made sure the princess did not marry .

  12. 恩,我没有叫你停下脚步。

    Well , I didn 't exactly tell you to slow down .

  13. 没有叫我的老师作证。

    My teacher was never called on to give evidence .

  14. 医生并没有叫我少吃巧克力。

    The doctor did not tell me to cut down on chocolate .

  15. 我也没有叫你来,对吧?

    I didn 't call you out from home , did I ?

  16. 我这没有叫这个名字之人在啊。

    I don 't have anyone of that name here .

  17. 你们都没有叫救护车?

    Did it ever once occur to you to call an ambulance ?

  18. 他们没有叫他做其他的?

    Did they ask him to do anything else .

  19. 我们核实了,警局里没有叫乔冈萨雷斯的人。

    We checked , and we have no Joe Gonzalez on the force .

  20. 这里没有叫这个名字的人。

    There is no one here by that name .

  21. 感谢您没有叫警察。

    Leonard : Thanks for not calling the cops .

  22. 抱歉,你打错电话了,这里没有叫瑞秋的人。

    B : Sorry , wrong number There is no Rachel living here .

  23. 还好,我没有叫她怀上孕。

    Luckily , I didn 't knock her up .

  24. 对不起,这没有叫鲍勃的。

    I 'm sorry . I must have misdialed .

  25. 罗切斯特先今天没有叫我们过去吗?

    Has Mr. Rochester not sent for us today ?

  26. 对不起,这儿有没有叫玛丽的人。

    Sorry , there 's no one here by the name of Mary .

  27. 我没有叫这个名字的朋友。你搞错了。

    I don 't have any friend with that name . you 're mistaken .

  28. 婚礼上没有叫维克多利亚的人。

    There was no Victoria at the wedding .

  29. 他说我们家里没有叫查尔斯·迪劳伦提斯的人

    he says there is no such person as Charles DiLaurentis in our family .

  30. 对不起,这里没有叫那个名字的人。

    I 'm sorry , but we have no one by that name here .