
zì lái shuǐ bǐ
  • fountain pen
  1. 你的自来水笔我用一会儿行吗?

    Might I have your fountain pen for a minute ?

  2. 但之后,我那支珍贵的华特曼自来水笔不见了。

    But then my prized Waterman fountain pen disappeared .

  3. 请用自来水笔在纸的正反两面书写。

    Please write in pen on both sides of the paper .

  4. 我取出自来水笔写了个便条。

    I pulled out my fountain pen and wrote a note .

  5. 这样的传统法式自来水笔并不常见。

    One does not often see the traditional French fountain pen .

  6. 他给我一本书,此外又给我一只自来水笔。

    He gave me a book and added thereto a fountain pen .

  7. 自来水笔出水流动的力学模型和分析计算

    Mechanical model and calculation of ink flows in fountain pens

  8. 我习惯用自来水笔。

    It 's my habit to use a fountain pen .

  9. 他正在寻找他的自来水笔。

    He is rooting about for his fountain pen .

  10. 这是我的自来水笔的笔套。

    This is the cap of my fountain pen .

  11. 老战士往往有自来水笔,那是在大生产运动中获得的奖品。

    Old soldiers often had fountain pens won as prizes in production campaigns .

  12. 我花大了大价钱买的自来水笔漏水漏得很厉害。

    The fountain-pen , which cost me a lot of money , leaks .

  13. 这支自来水笔象我曾经用过的任何笔一样好。

    This fountain - pen is as good as any I have ever used .

  14. 他给了我一支自来水笔,我一直保存到今天。

    He gave me a fountain pen , which I kept to this day .

  15. 我给了那孩子一枝自来水笔。

    I gave the boy a fountain pern .

  16. 自来水笔结构设计原理在开发新型笔舌中的应用

    The application of principle of structure design for fountain pen to develop new type feed

  17. 这些自来水笔每支两美元。

    These fountain-pens are two dollars each .

  18. 他拧开他最心爱的银质自来水笔笔帽,开始写了起来。

    He unscrewed the top off his favourite silver fauntain pen and began to write .

  19. 我是一个自来水笔成瘾者,但我并不需要帮助时,只是了解。

    I am a fountain pen addict but I don 't need help , just understanding .

  20. 周身毫无插戴,只腕上一只金表,襟上一只金自来水笔。

    Without any ornaments but a gold watch , and fountain pen was in her hand .

  21. 他从机器里取出一个坏了的活塞,把自来水笔塞进原来的地方。

    He pulled a faulty piston out of the machine and inserted the pen in its place .

  22. 自来水笔式照射量计

    Fountain pen type exposuremeter

  23. 他身体墩实,挺着肚子,然而那只握着自来水笔的手却异常娇嫩,纤细。

    Despite his stocky frame and his paunch , the hand holding the fountain pen was delicate , thin-fingered .

  24. 到9岁上五年级的时候,他们就得把自来水笔作为主要的书写工具。

    By the time they reach grade five , at age9 , they are expected to write mainly with fountain pens .

  25. 这所私立学校的校长认为,传统的自来水笔帮助自己的1200名学生提高了学习成绩和自尊。

    The private school 's principal believes the old-fashioned pens have helped boost the academic performance and self-esteem of his1,200 pupils .

  26. 全世界从也门得到咖啡;从埃及得到第一只自来水笔;从波斯得到第一具风车。

    The world was given coffee from Yemen ; the first fountain pen from Egypt ; and the first windmill from Persia .

  27. 刘易斯说,该校7到8岁的学生使用自来水笔来完成80%到90%的作业,在处理数学等科目时则改用铅笔。

    Lewis said the school's7-and8-year-olds use fountain pens for80 percent to90 percent of their work , reverting to pencils for such subjects as math .

  28. 然后我有好朋友告诉我说,《绅士》杂志的背面有广告,你可以邮购一种自来水笔,它会发射催泪瓦斯。

    And then my good friends told me , in the back of Esquire magazine , you can send away for a fountain pen that shoots teargas .

  29. 请寄给我们有关你方英雄牌自来水笔和圆球笔的资料,以便我们向顾客介绍你们的产品。

    709 Please send us all the data concerning your Hero Brand fountain pens and ball pens , so we can introduce your products to our customers .

  30. 琥珀是一种好的材料,但万一你没有,一根塑料自来水笔或牙刷柄也可以。

    Amber is a good thing to use , but in case you do not have any , a plastic fountain-pen or the handle of a toothbrush will do .