
  • 网络Bahnhofstrasse;Bahnhofstrass
  1. 华尔街和伦敦金融城的投资银行家的困难时期,也意味着瑞士信贷和瑞银之源的苏黎士班霍夫大街的麻烦。

    HARD TIMES for investment bankers on Wall Street and in the City of London also mean trouble on Bahnhofstrasse , the Zurich street that is home to Credit Suisse and UBS .

  2. 瑞信的竞争对手,瑞银,在班霍夫大街上与前者仅几步之遥,其规模更大、也更容易出问题。瑞银可能会在11月17号公布投资银行业务的长期计划。

    UBS , Credit Suisse 's bigger and more accident-prone rival a few doors up on Bahnhofstrasse , will probably announce further-reaching plans for its investment bank on November17th .