
xīnɡ fèn xìnɡ tū chù
  • excitatory synapse
  1. 这是由于PRG-1基因在谷氨酸神经元兴奋性突触的特殊作用导致的。

    This is due to a specific role of PRG-1 at the excitatory synapse on glutamatergic neurons .

  2. 胰岛素受体在脑组织中分布广泛,而在大脑皮层和海马区域分布密度较高。在海马区域胰岛素信号通路参与神经元存活、突触的形成及突触可塑性、树突棘的形成和兴奋性突触的发育。

    Insulin receptors are dispersed throughout the brain , with the highest density located in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus where insulin signaling contributes to neuronal survival , synaptogenesis and asynaptic remodeling , dendritic spine formation and excitatory synapse development in hippocampal neurons .

  3. 谷氨酸性突触是哺乳动物神经系统的主要兴奋性突触

    Glutamatergic synapses are common excitatory chemical connections in mammalian central nervous system .

  4. 糖皮质激素快速抑制牛蛙椎旁神经节B细胞快兴奋性突触后电位

    Rapid effect of glucocorticoid on excitatory postsynaptic potential of B cells in bullfrog paravertebral ganglia

  5. 豚鼠交感神经节非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与蛙皮素、P物质的关系

    The Relationship between Non-cholinergic , Late Slow-excitatory Postsynaptic Potential and Bombesin or Substance P in Sympathetic Ganglia of Guinea-pig

  6. 铃蟾肽、P物质受体脱敏对迟慢兴奋性突触后电位的影响

    The effect of seperate desensitization of substance P and bombesin receptor on ls-EPSP in neurons of guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion

  7. 豚鼠腹腔神经节迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与5-HT和P物质的关系

    The relationship of late slow excitatory potential with 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P in the guinea-pig celiac ganglion

  8. 以传入纤维的传导速度与刺激阈值为指标,可以区分A样纤维与C样纤维兴奋性突触后电流。

    According to the conduction velocity of afferent fibers and stimulus threshold , evoked EPSCs that are mediated by A-like or C-like fibers were distinguished .

  9. AMPA受体失敏和快速兴奋性突触传递

    AMPA Receptor Desensitization and Fast Excitatory Synaptic Transmission

  10. AMPA受体介导了中枢神经系统绝大部分快速型的兴奋性突触传递。

    AMPA receptors mediate the fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system .

  11. 上述结果证实了TRH可作为一种神经调质,对脊髓兴奋性突触通路的传递具有易化作用。

    The results showed that as a neurotransmitter TRH has facilitatory effect on excitatory synaptic transmission in spinal cord .

  12. 群峰电位(PS)的个数和第一个峰电位的幅度受到的抑制较明显,而兴奋性突触后场电位的变化不大。

    The inhibition of the amplitude of the first population spike ( PS ) and the latency of PS are more pronounced than the slope of the field excitatory post-synaptic potential .

  13. 长时程增强(long-termpotentiation,LTP)是一种由强直刺激作用于兴奋性突触传递通路所诱发的突触传递效率长时间增强的现象。

    Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) is a persistent enhancement of excitatory synaptic transmission induced by some kinds of preceding operations of high-frequency stimulation ( HFS ) .

  14. 癫痫、高频刺激、损伤及发育等兴奋性突触活动可诱导Homer蛋白表达增加。

    Excitatory synaptic actions including epilepsy , high frequency stimulation , injury and development can induce the increase of expression of Homer .

  15. 目的:探讨豚鼠肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞铃蟾肽(bombesin,Bom)、P物质(SubstanceP,SP)受体间相互作用及对迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(lsEPSP)的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of desensitization of substance P and bombesin ( Bom ) receptor on ls EPSP in neurons of guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion .

  16. 刺激皮肤诱发的鲫鱼Mauthner细胞复合性兴奋性突触后电位和动作电位

    Compound EPSPs and Action Potential of Mauthner Cell Evoked by Skin Stimulation in Crucian Carp

  17. 所以,成瘾药物引起NAc兴奋性突触功能改变具体的细胞分子机制就受到了更多的关注。

    Thus the detailed cellular and molecular mechanisms by drugs of abuse related to modification excitatory synaptic function in the NAc have received increased attention .

  18. AMPA受体是参与中枢神经系统中快速兴奋性突触传递的主要分子单位。

    The AMPA receptors are the principal molecular units for fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system .

  19. 以群体峰电位(PS)的幅值和场兴奋性突触后电位(fEPSP)的斜率作为观察LTP变化的指标。

    Population spike ( PS ) amplitude and field excitatory postsynaptic potential ( fEPSP ) slope were used to indicate the LTP changes .

  20. 氢化可的松又同时通过M受体介导,快速增强B细胞的慢兴奋性突触后电位(sEPSP),提高B细胞的兴奋性,使重复放电增加。

    Meanwhile , F suc also potentiated slow excitatory postsynaptic potential ( sEPSP ) by modulating M receptor and raised excitability of B neurons . It may promote repetitive discharges on B neurons .

  21. 刺激鲫鱼小脑腹外侧区诱发的Mauthner细胞兴奋性突触后电位

    Excitatory postsynaptic potential evoked by stimulation of the ventrolateral region of the cerebellum in crucian carp Mauthner cell

  22. 结论SNP对SON神经元谷氨酸反应具有抑制和增强两种不同的调制作用,提示NO对SON神经元的兴奋性突触传递可能有双向性影响。

    Conclusion SNP presents an inhibitory or excitatory effect on the glutamate induced responses in the SON neurons , which suggests that NO may exhibit complex and diverse interactions with glutamate , the important excitatory neurotransmitter in central nervous system .

  23. 主要观察指标:快兴奋性突触后电位(FEPSP)。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Fast excitatory postsynaptic potential ( FEPSP ) .

  24. 结论光学记录膜电位方法可以在神经细胞群的水平上直观观察VN神经电活动的时空二维方式及其兴奋性突触传递过程;

    Conclusion The study indicated that the use of optical recording for revealing visually the synaptic transmission of afferent input in VN in brainstem was feasible .

  25. 此外,Pys可引起兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)频率的增高。

    The frequency of excitatory postsynaptic potential ( EPSP ) was also increased in rat brain neurons exposed to Pys .

  26. 目的研究吗啡对大鼠视上核神经元兴奋性突触后电流(Excitatorypostsynapticcurrents,EPSCs)的影响,并对其突触机制进行探讨。

    AIM To observe the effects of morphine on the excitatory postsynaptic currents ( EPSCs ) and miniature EPSCs ( mEPSCs ) in rat supraoptic nucleus ( SON ) neurons and to determine its synaptic mechanism .

  27. 方法刺激听辐射纤维,采用脑片膜片钳全细胞技术在MGB分离和记录兴奋性突触后电流(EPSCs);

    Methods After stimulating auditory thalamic radiation , excitatory postsynaptic currents ( EPSCs ) were recorded at MGB neurons using whole-cell patch clamp technique in AC-MGB slices .

  28. 目的在豚鼠肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞上观察不同5羟色胺(5HT)受体亚型拮抗剂对非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(lsEPSP)的作用。方法应用离体细胞内记录技术。

    AIM To investigate the effects of several 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) subtype receptor antagonists on late slow excitatory postsynaptic potential ( LS-EPSP ) of the neurons of guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion ( IMG ) .

  29. 用灭多威溶液浸泡A6节,电刺激尾须神经粗支,用甘露醇间隙法记录兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)和突触后动作电位。

    By stimulation of the bilateral cercal nerves XI at a rate of 1Hz / sec , evoked excitatory post synaptic potential ( EPSP ) and post synaptic action potential were recorded with mannitol gap method .

  30. 结果:在M细胞胞内记录到分级的、复合的兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP),分为第一成分和第二成分。

    Results : At lower stimulation strength a graded and compound excitatory postsynaptic potentials ( EPSP ), formed by two components with lower amplitude , were recorded on the Mauthner cell in a crucian carp .