
  • 网络Net capital outflow;net capital flow
  1. 分析师们预测,这样的资本净流出将会增加。

    Such net capital outflows are expected to increase , according to analysts .

  2. 排除贸易顺差和流入中国的外国投资不计,目前中国已连续4个月出现资本净流出。

    China has now had four successive months in which it has had net capital outflows , excluding the trade surplus and incoming foreign investment .

  3. 结果就是,整个欧元区的央行,要么就是在target系统中背负大量债务(如果该国的资本净流出),要么就是持有大量债权(如果该国的资本净流入)。

    As a result , NCBs across the eurozone accumulated large liabilities ( if their countries saw capital outflows ) or claims ( if their countries saw inflows ) in the target system .

  4. 研究结果表明:国际资本净流出对宏观经济的冲击比国际资本净流入要大得多。

    The research shows that the impact of the net in-floating of international capital on macro economy is much greater than the net out-floating of the capital .

  5. 梅勒表示,纽约梅隆银行的流量数据显示,巴西股市接连四天出现资本净流出这在过去12个月是相当少见的。

    Mr Mellor says bny Mellon flow data show four successive daily net outflows of equity capital from the Brazilian market a fairly rare occurrence in the past 12 months .

  6. 美国的现象尤为突出:在去年后三个季度,外国资本净流出1090亿美元,而之前的9个月则是净流入7740亿美元。

    The phenomenon is particularly striking in the US , where there was a $ 109bn exodus of foreign capital in the last three quarters of last year , against a $ 774bn inflow in the previous nine months .

  7. 相比之下,放松资本流入限制之前,在截至2012年底的18个月内,中国资本净流出总额达5000亿美元。

    Previously , before inflow controls were relaxed , net outflows totalled $ 500bn in the 18 months to end-2012 .