
  • 网络capital logic
  1. 形而上学批判·资本逻辑与总体性·社会批判理论&马克思哲学的三个批判维度

    Marx 's Critiques : Metaphysics · Capital Logic and Totality · Social Critical Theory

  2. 近现代环境问题的资本逻辑透视&从两个典型案例说开去

    Perspective about Capital Logic of Modern Environmental Problems

  3. 辩证地分析了资本逻辑对当代社会的影响。

    This part analyzes the logic of capital effects on modern society .

  4. 分别按照资本逻辑顺序和资本运动环节对航运企业的财务风险进行分类。

    It is classified by capital logics and fund movements .

  5. 从资本逻辑到生产逻辑&西方马克思主义关于欧洲一体化的理论解释

    From Capital Theory to Production Theory : Western Marxist Ideas on European Integration

  6. 第三,制衡资本逻辑,促进社会公正。

    Third , to hold back the logic of capital , promote socialist justice .

  7. 我们不能离开资本逻辑来理解现代性问题。

    We can not understand the problem of the modernity without the logic of capital .

  8. 主要分析了资本逻辑必然灭亡的历史趋势。

    This part mainly analyzes the inevitable demise of the historical trend of capital logic .

  9. 贫困理论和政府扶贫实践的社会资本逻辑

    Poverty Theory and the Logic of Social Capital in Government 's Practice of Poverty Alleviation

  10. 企业理论的社会资本逻辑

    Firm Theory of Corporate Social Capital

  11. 现代性生成的深层主线&从资本逻辑到生活逻辑

    The Deep Main Line of the Generation of Modernity & From the Capital Logic to the Life Logic

  12. 第三,必须扬弃资本逻辑,实现资本逻辑的根本置换。

    Thirdly , the capital logic must be kept or abandoned in order to realize the capital logic fundamentally displaced .

  13. 马克思认为,资本逻辑预设了现代性的逻辑,构成了现代性最内在的生成基础。

    Marx thought that capital logic had preinstall modernity logic , and constituted the most intrinsic generated foundation in modernity .

  14. 资本逻辑推动现代性发展的同时,又造成了现代性的悖论。

    The capital logic gave an impetus to the development of modernity , while brought about the paradox of modernity .

  15. 资本逻辑与当代中国社会结构趋向&从阶级阶层结构到和谐社会建构

    The Capital Logic and the Social Structure in China Today & From Class-rank Structure to the Construction of Harmonious Society

  16. 拜物教理论从资本逻辑、利益集团和社会意识形态偏好等角度考察了异化或物化对组织演进和制度变迁的关键影响。

    The theory of material worship examines the key influence of alienation and materialization on evolution of social organization and social system ;

  17. 资本逻辑和传统形而上学的思维范式具有同构性。在其统治下,“抽象对人的统治”就成为了一种必然的命运。

    Capital logic thinking and traditional metaphysics with isomorphism rule and the rule of " abstract " become a kind of inevitable fate .

  18. 而要阐析清楚这一种审美现象,就必须深入探究资本逻辑的在场运作。

    Therefore , we must thoroughly inquire into ' the capital logic ' in field operation , if want to clarify this esthetic phenomenon .

  19. 第二是从资本逻辑出发,揭示资本主义社会的总体化进程及其内在的二律背反,这是马克思哲学的核心内容;

    The second is capital logic and totality , the core of Marx 's philosophy , from which Marx exposed the totality and contradiction .

  20. 探讨青少年社会化中资本逻辑的影响,有助于我们进一步探索和选择青少年社会化的有效路径。

    The research on capital logic 's impact on the youth 's socialization will help us further explore and choose effective approaches for the course .

  21. 中国现代化悖论是马克思所揭示的资本逻辑在中国现代化中的表现:中国现代化需要利用资本的力量,但由此必然会产生一系列阻碍现代化的因素。

    The paradox of modernization of China is the embodiment of capital logics discovered by Marx . China has to make full use of the capitals for her modernization .

  22. 第四部分对生态学马克思主义的核心问题域进行探索研究,重点进行生态学马克思主义对现代性逻辑、资本逻辑以及资本主义消费逻辑的批判解读。

    The fourth part explores the core domain research of the " ecological Marxism ", focusing on ecological Marxist criticism and interpretation of the logic of modernity , capital , capitalist consumpation .

  23. 黑格尔概念辩证法之所以屈从于形而上学的思维范式,是因为它在实质上是资产阶级原则的最充分的表述,其核心的内容就是“资本逻辑”的统治。

    Hegelian dialectics subjugate to the concept of thinking mode , because it is essentially the bourgeoisie in the full expression of principle and its core content is ruled by capital logic .

  24. 建构深层发展伦理学的重要基础是对现代性、资本逻辑进行具体、历史的规律性反思。应具体理解伦理、发展伦理、发展伦理问题、发展伦理学的实践本质。

    To build the deep development ethics , need to embody the rule of modernity and the capital logic , need to embody the essence of the ethics , the problem of development ethics and the development ethics .

  25. 在现代社会,由于资本逻辑的控制,表面上现代人获得了前所未有的闲暇时间,然而这种闲暇带给我们更多的却是束缚和压抑,闲暇又一次与自由擦肩而过。

    However , capital logic has become the dominator in modern society . It seems that we have obtained more leisure time than ever before , however , this leisure brings us not more freedom , but bondage .

  26. 普遍经济力图排除有限经济中消费的资本逻辑,而代之以更为普遍的人本逻辑。

    Since travel for education , business , or pleasure is more and more common , The general economy tried to get rid of the capital logic of consumption in limited economy , and used the more universal homocentric logic to replace it .

  27. 瓦解资本的逻辑&马克思辩证法的批判本质

    Collapse of Capital Logic : The Critical Nature of Marx 's Dialectics

  28. 资本的逻辑构造了现代社会&既产生了现代社会之善,也产生了现代社会之恶。

    The logic of capital structure of modern society - both the good in modern society have also produced a modern society of evil .

  29. 市场经济体制的发展,使得生产按照资本的逻辑加速运转,在这种体制中,利润始终是人们不懈追求的目标。

    The development of the market economy fasten the production operation under the capital logical , in this institution , profit is the eternal target pursued by people .

  30. 本文针对过渡时期国有企业治理结构存在的诸多问题进行了分析,以资本雇佣逻辑和市场竞争逻辑缺憾的研究为基础,提出多边共同治理逻辑是解决国企治理结构问题的现实抉择的命题。

    This article analyzes the existing problems in the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in the transition period . Based upon the analysis of " Capital Employment Logic " and " Market Competition Logic ", the author concludes that multilateral joint governance is the practical decision for state-owned enterprises .