
  • 网络Capital operation;Capital operating
  1. 3G时代直面资本运作

    Capital Operation in 3G Era

  2. MBO在国外已有几十年的历史,是一种成熟的资本运作模式。

    It is a matured capital operation mode .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,如何经营高校是当前的热门话题之一,应该说高校走产业化之路,加大资本运作的力度,从中获取投资收益。

    How to run higher institutions is one of the hot topics nowadays after the accession to WTO .

  4. ASIA报告称:销售收入将用于资本运作及捕捉未来市场投资机遇。

    The proceeds from the sale will be used as working capital and for future investment opportunities that may arise , a report by XFN-ASIA said .

  5. 在介绍和分析和记黄浦稳健的3G多元化资本运作的基础上,详细阐述了资本运作的核心观念以及适合于我国电信运营企业的7种资本运作策略。

    The thesis analyzed Hutchison 's capital practices on 3G and presented core ideas and seven capital strategies suitable for Chinese operators .

  6. 他推动摩根大通越来越多地参与到了科技公司的资本运作,其中最引人注意的就是中国电子商务巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)备受期待的首发上市。

    And he 's been increasingly pushing the firm into tech deals , most notably , the much-anticipated initial public offering of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba .

  7. 为了适应WTO规则要求,我国对进入的外资金融机构放宽并取消了地域限制,提高了市场准入标准,优化了资本运作的结构比率。

    In order to meet the needs of WTO regulations , we broaden and cancel regional restriction , improve the standard for allowance to market and optimize the struture rate of capital operation for financial agencies of foreign capital .

  8. 作为一种新的企业业绩评估指标,EVA指标在公司的业绩评估、经营效率和资本运作效率评价、激励制度建设方面具有许多常规指标不可比拟的优势。

    As a new value assessment system , EVA has advantage over traditional indexes in the aspect of company value assessment , business efficiency and capital operation efficiency appraisement , incentive system construction .

  9. SER作为民营企业资本运作的一种新的理念在近几年企业重构和资本市场上起着举足轻重的作用。

    SER as a new concept of a private enterprise capital operation plays an increasingly important role in the past few years remodeling business and capital market .

  10. 第五部分把研究生阶段学习到的理论联系自身工作实际中,具体介绍了WW企业的资本运作案例。

    Part five applied the theory acquired in postgraduate stage to the reality of work , and specifically introduced the capital operation cases of WW enterprises .

  11. 在一般含义上,MBO是通过改变产权结构,提高绩效的产权交易手段和资本运作方式进行的,转型国家MBO具有效率提高和财富转移的双重特征。

    Commonly , MBO is property right dealing measure by changing property right structure to improving performance , as well as capital wielding measure . MBO takes on characters both improving performance and transferring wealth in changing type countries .

  12. 汽车电子企业通过资本运作实现规模扩张的研究

    Study on Expanding The Size of Auto Electronics by Capital Operation

  13. 论文第四部分讨论了体育产业化中的资本运作。

    Part four mainly discusses the capital operation in sports industrialization .

  14. C-型资本运作与企业价值&兼谈控股股东、关联交易与小股东利益

    Type of Y. C - type Tactics and Business Value Business

  15. 这六种形势的资本运作在一个互补的方式下。

    These six forms of capital work in a complementary way .

  16. 长春市汽车工业资本运作的思考

    A Reflection on Operation of Capital in Changchun 's Automobile Industry

  17. 云南省太阳能企业资本运作的探讨

    Discussion the project of capital-operating mechanism for yunnan solar energy enterprises

  18. 我国工业科技基金发展与资本运作

    Investigation on development and operation of industry technology foundation in China

  19. 有限责任公司资本运作的三大原则

    On the Three Principles of Capital in the Limited Companies

  20. 2004年我国石油和化工行业上市公司的资本运作分析

    Capital Circulate of Petroleum and Chemical Listed Companies in 2004

  21. 这是万泰集团资本运作的核心所在。

    This is the heart of Thomas Group capital operation .

  22. 下关沱茶集团资本运作与风险控制若干问题研究

    The Capital Operation of Xiaguan Compressed Tea Group and its Risk Control

  23. 我国风险资本运作中的筹资问题分析

    The Analysis of Fund-raising in Venture Capital Operation in China

  24. 云南白药通过资本运作增强核心竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Enhancing Core Competitiveness by Means of Capital Operation

  25. 城市水环境建设中的资本运作探讨

    Probe to Capital Operation in Urban Water Environmental Construction

  26. 从这本书始,我对“资本运作”这个词有些着迷了。

    Enlightening by this book , I became a fan of Capital Operation .

  27. 分化与整合:博客空间的资本运作及其功能

    Differentiation and Integration : The Capitals Operation and Function within the Blog Field

  28. 善于资本运作,动员社会资源办学;

    Adept at capital operation , mobilizing social resources ;

  29. 其次论述资本运作的相关理论。

    Second , the theory of capital operation discussed .

  30. 国际风险资本运作、退出与多层次资本市场体系研究

    Study on the International Venture Capital Operation , Exit and Multi-capital Market System