
zī jīn duǎn quē
  • Shortage of funds;short of finances;be short of finances
  1. 又是一桩资金短缺、经营不善的老故事。

    It 's the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding .

  2. 资金短缺使联合国无法督导救援工作。

    A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief

  3. 资金短缺已经引起了一个重大问题。

    The shortage of money has posed a major problem .

  4. 由于资金短缺,我们中止了这个项目。

    We discontinued the project because of a lack of funds .

  5. 这场争吵源于4月份的一项决定。由于资金短缺,美国航空航天局决定让一家公司中标,而不是预期中的两家公司。

    The row stems from a decision in April to hand the deal to one company , not two as expected , because of a funding shortfall .

  6. 大规模的住房供应过剩,再加上开发商资金短缺,造成了中国住房市场的滑坡,或拖累今年中国国内生产总值(GDP)增速放缓至6%以下。

    A combination of a huge oversupply of housing and a shortage of developer financing is producing a housing market downturn that could drive China 's GDP to less than 6 % this year .

  7. 伴随着国家基础设施建设大力发展的需求与资金短缺的矛盾,BT作为一种新兴的融资模式越来越多的被广为运用。

    With the requirement of developing national infrastructure construction and the contradiction of lacking funding , BT model as a new financing model is used more and more widely .

  8. 他认为核能有能力供应电力基本负荷的85%,而太阳能只能供应17%到25%。但是尽管政府有信心,Larkin说资金短缺可能延迟该国的核计划。

    But , despite government confidence , Larkin says that a shortage of money may delay the country 's nuclear plans .

  9. BT、BOT、PPP、TOT等新型项目融资模式的引进从一定程度上解决了公共基础设施建设资金短缺的问题。

    New project financing model such as BT , BOT , the PPP and TOT from the introduction of a certain degree of public infrastructure construction solved the problem of shortage of funds .

  10. 近几年来,随着PPP模式在基础设施中的应用,它已经成为政府投资基础设施包括城市轨道交通项目,解决资金短缺问题的一种有效手段。

    In recent years , with the development of PPP model in infrastructure , it has become an effective way to solve the funds in infrastructure including urban rail transit projects which are invested by government .

  11. 结合我国城镇供水设施建设资金短缺的现状,阐述了我国城镇供水项目采用BOT方式的可行性,分析和探讨了BOT项目中的风险及其规避途径。

    Expatiates on the feasibility toward adopting BOT style in our country town water supply project , combining the funds shortage present situation of our country town water supply , analyzes and discusses the risk and its elusion approach of BOT project .

  12. 论文通过对重庆市轨道交通PPP投融资模式研究,探讨了解决重庆市轨道交通建设资金短缺及运营亏损问题的相关办法,希望对重庆市轨道交通可持续发展提供一定借鉴意义。

    Paper on financing urban rail transit PPP model study to address the shortage of urban rail transit construction funds and operating losses related to the problem the way that sustainable development of urban rail transport to provide a reference .

  13. 但地方财政资金短缺,于是地方政府把目光投向了BT这一项目融资模式,通过引入社会资金进行水利项目建设,水利BT项目由此产生。作为水利水电建设企业,面临前所未有的机遇。

    As a result , local governments set their sights on BT mode , type of financing model . Water conservancy project constructed through introducing social capital results in the establishment of BT. Water conservancy and hydropower construction enterprises are facing with unprecedented opportunities .

  14. 在旗下空客民用飞机子公司面临产业危机的今天,力量严重削弱且资金短缺的eads再也无力寻求收购法国竞争对手泰雷兹(thales)了。

    With the industrial crisis at its Airbus passenger jet subsidiary , a heavily weakened and cash-strapped EADS is no longer in a position to pursue its French rival , Thales .

  15. 2000年以来,BT广泛应用于我国地铁、公路、桥梁、污水处理等项目,在缓解地方政府财政资金短缺,加快基础设施和公用事业项目建设中,发挥了积极作用。

    Since 2000 , BT is widely used in our subways , highways , bridges , sewage treatment projects and so on , has play an active role in solving the short shortage of budgetary funds for local governments , speeding up infrastructure construction and public services projects .

  16. 国有石油公司PdVSA今年除面临资金短缺外,还要履行委内瑞拉作为欧佩克(OPEC)成员国所需承担的进一步减产义务。

    This year , state-run Petroleos de Venezuela SA , known as PdVSA , faces a cash crunch as well as increased production cuts as a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , or OPEC .

  17. 研究提出,在现阶段,我国可以通过引入PPP机制,加强企业和政府部门的合作,解决荒漠化治理过程中的资金短缺、管理落后、效率低下等问题。

    Author proposes that at the present stage , China shall strengthen the collaborations between industry and government agencies , introducing the PPP mechanism in desertification control , so as to address a range of related issues , including fund shortage , outdated management modality , and low efficiency .

  18. NGO发展所面临的问题是合作少、资金短缺、自身能力和社会支持不足,其中对感染者救助的支撑条件亟待改善,对少数民族风俗习惯的把握也是制约其发展的重要因素。

    However , NGO confronts many problems , such as cooperation lacking , funds shortage , incapacity and lack of social support . Particularly , the supporting condition of the infected needs to be improved and grasping of ethnic minority customs is also an important factor restricted its development .

  19. 因此,该行业不断上升的债务水平可能会让人们担心,该行业可能会再次面临资金短缺,就像2009年危机时那样,当时xstrata和力拓以及其他矿商不得不从股东那里寻求更多资金。

    So increasing debt levels around the sector could raise concerns that the industry may again be caught short , as it was in the 2009 crisis when Xstrata and Rio Tinto among others had to seek additional funds from shareholders .

  20. 与传统投资方式相比,TOT可以吸引大量的国际商业资本和私人资本投入公共基础设施建设,减轻了政府及公共部门的资金短缺压力;

    Comparing with the traditional investment & financing , TOT has shown its great strength . For example , TOT can absorb large quantity of funds from abroad to put into the construction of infrastructures , which can also decrease the government 's great pressure on capital .

  21. 盈余管理还能够减轻公司的资金短缺的压力。

    Earnings management can also reduce the pressure on cash-strapped company .

  22. 先前那些资金短缺的个体小规模企业的沮丧已经演变成悲观。

    Among cash-strapped family-run companies , gloom is turning into pessimism .

  23. 这将使这个陷入资金短缺的国家获得更多喘息之机。

    That would provide more breathing room for the cash-strapped state .

  24. 浅析国有企业资金短缺的成因及解决途径

    Causes and ways on the shortage of the state-owned enterprises funds

  25. 卫生资金短缺的类型、原因及对策分析

    The type , the reason and the countermeasure of health fund shortage

  26. 注资不是解决企业资金短缺的根本出路

    Registered Capital-Not the Vital Way for Settling Enterprises ' Straits in Fund

  27. 但是它已经陷入了学生和资金短缺的困难中。

    But it has struggled with a shortage of students and money .

  28. 资金短缺使我心情沉重。

    Our lack of money began to weigh on me .

  29. 那个学校因资金短缺不得不关闭。

    The school had to close for lack of finances .

  30. 教育产业化可以优化教育资源的配置,解决学校资金短缺问题,有利于扩大内需。

    Commercialization of education could optimize the limited resources , enlarge domestic demand .