
  • 网络Core technical competencies;core technological competence;CORE TEST TECHNOLOGY
  1. 本文旨在探寻中国企业形成核心技术能力的有效途径。

    The research aims at the effective approach to developing core technical competencies for Chinese enterprises .

  2. 为此,对方正、华为和朗科形成核心技术能力的案例进行了分析,指出其共同点是采取了利基策略;

    Therefore , the cases of Founder , Huawei and Netac developing core technical competencies are analyzed and the results suggest that niche strategies are adopted by the enterprises .

  3. 小型科技公司核心技术能力构建的关键问题&石家庄高新技术开发区某民营通信制造企业案例研究

    On the construction of the technological strengths in the small-scaled high-tech firms

  4. 云计算非常依赖于现有的几样核心技术能力

    Cloud computing builds heavily on capabilities avail ­ able through several core technologies

  5. 动态环境中企业核心技术能力的演化过程研究&以朗讯科技与华为技术的技术能力演变为例

    On the Evolution Process of Enterprise 's Core Competence in the Fast Changing Environment

  6. 人本视角企业核心技术能力研究

    Research on Human-centered Core-tech Capability of Enterprises

  7. 而事实证明企业的资本战略对企业的核心技术能力有必然的制约作用。

    The enterprise 's capital investment strategy directly affects the core technical ability of the enterprise .

  8. 因此,我国企业面临着如何通过技术转移有效提高核心技术能力的迫切需求和严峻挑战,否则,就有可能陷入技术追赶陷阱而始终处于技术落后地位。

    So , to avoid lagging behind in core technology , our country faces the pressure of developing core technology .

  9. 其次对大庆油田本身的经营状况、人力资源现状、核心技术能力和所处的生态环境等因素进行了分析,得出了进一步发展的优势和劣势。

    Second , I analysis the administration , human resources , core technical competence and the environment , elicit the advantage and disadvantage .

  10. 本论文从当前企业并购成功率很低的现实出发,以核心技术能力理论为工具,对影响并购整合的各方面因素进行了研究。

    Starting from the point of low probability of MA successes , this thesis makes a study on the factors affected the integration comprehensive in the core technology competence perspective .

  11. 组织转型为企业核心技术能力的提高、企业效率的改进创造必要条件,有利于结构转换机制的实现。

    Accordingly , transformation of organization , as a prerequisite for the improvement of the core technique capacity and the efficiency of an enterprise , is good for transition of an organizational formation .

  12. 研究表明,利基策略是中国企业形成核心技术能力的有效途径,而建构能力成长是形成核心技术能力的关键环节,利基策略的实现还需要企业整体战略的支持。

    The studies show that niche strategies are the effective approaches to develop core technical competencies for Chinese enterprises , architectural capability growth plays an important role in developing core technical competencies and aggregate plans are required to support niche strategies .

  13. 企业在过往的生产和研发活动中,通过对知识和技能的积累,会形成自身特有的核心技术能力,而企业的技术能力的进一步发展往往受到企业以往知识禀赋的限制。

    Enterprises can form specific and unique core competence of technology through the accumulation of knowledge and skills during their past development and producing activities . And the further development of competence of enterprises will be constrained by knowledge endow of enterprises .

  14. 以建筑装饰技术专业建设为例,从社会需求、职业岗位技术能力、课程整合等方面,对核心技术能力模块、职业技能模块的形成进行了研究与实践探索。

    Meantime taking Architectural Decoration Technology major as example , from the aspects of social demands , job post abilities and curriculum integration , etc. , the formation of the core technology abilities module and the job skills module are studied and practiced .

  15. 为了实现产品开发方向目标,提出采用联合创新的产品开发模式,以提升企业的核心技术能力,运用并行产品开发方式,缩短产品开发周期,并提出建立一个有效产品开发激励机制的思路。

    In order to realize the target of the product development direction , an opinion of establishing effective incentive mechanism is brought forward with the suggestion of adopting the model of corporate product innovation to promote core technique ability and applying concurrent product development engineering to shorten product development period .

  16. 根据核心技术能力理论与高新技术企业并购的逻辑关系,文章提出了基于核心技术能力的高新技术企业并购及整合研究的论题,指出并购的价值创造在于并购双方的优势互补和兼容。

    Secondly , it proposes the task of study on high-tech enterprises MA based on core technology competence and points out the value creation of high-tech enterprises MA resting with the advantages mending between two corporations according to the logical relation between the core technology competence and high-tech enterprises MA .

  17. 民航维修企业如何获得核心维修技术能力

    How MRO Enterprises Obtain Core Maintenance Capability

  18. 最后提出基于整合视角的大型集团企业核心技术创新能力提升路径。

    Finally the core technology innovation promotion measures based on technology integrations are provided . 5 .

  19. 本文介绍了我校以竞赛促进专业核心技术应用能力培养的一些具体做法。

    Some measures that use contest to promote professional application ability cultivation of Beijing Union University are introduced in this paper .

  20. 面对石油工程技术服务市场的重大变革,国际大型石油服务公司都重新审视自身和竞争对手的战略定位,增强自己的核心技术竞争能力。

    Facing the great change of petroleum engineering and service market , giant geophysical service companies has changed their service scopes and strategies for science and technology development .

  21. 作为拥有核心生产与技术能力的家具业,其他行业受益于外包与营销外包的现实正在撼动着家具业传统的经营管理模式。

    Production and technological capabilities as a core furniture industry , and other industries benefit from the marketing outsourcing is the reality of the furniture industry could shake the traditional management model .

  22. 拥有酵母的核心技术和庞大生产能力,为安琪公司生产高质量且品质稳定的YE奠定了良好的基础。

    The core technology and high productivity lay a good foundation for Angel to produce YE with high and stable quality .

  23. 企业动态核心能力&技术创新能力的框架模型构建

    Structuring Frame Model for the Dynamic Core Competence of Corporation & Tcchnological Innovation Capability

  24. 本文阐明了核心技术对于企业核心能力的重要意义。

    The paper clarifies the important meaning of core technology for enterprises ' core competency .

  25. 为此,首先对本文的核心概念&信息技术能力进行界定、分析了其特征、作用、功能,并与其他的相关概念进行了比较研究。

    For this purpose , the core concept of IT Capability is firstly defines , and the character and function are analyzed , and comparative research with relevant concepts is completed .

  26. 并以此为基础,以伊利、蒙牛两大企业为样本,对内蒙古乳制品企业的可持续发展能力从核心能力、技术创新能力、人力资本能力三方面进行了实证研究。

    Basing this as foundation , setting YiLi MengNiu as examples . Making research on sustainable development ability from core competence , technology innovation and human resource of dairy enterprises in Inner Mongolia .

  27. 在日益激烈的市场竞争面前,中国军工电子企业在积极探索和尝试产业化转型,调整企业经营管理机制,培养企业核心产品、核心技术能力,增强企业核心竞争力。

    In the face of increasingly fierce competition , Chinese military electronic companies are actively trying to explore industrial restructuring , adjusting the management mechanism of enterprise , developing their core products , core technology capabilities and enhancing their core .

  28. 为了实现国际化的目标,元征科技必须在组织机构、核心竞争力、技术创新能力、国际市场营销能力、全球成本领先能力、人力资源、跨文化管理、战略联盟等方面采取切实可行的措施。

    In order to realize the goal of internationalization , Launch must take practical measures on organizational structure , core competition , technological innovation ability , international marketing ability , global overall cost leadership , human resources , cross-culture management , strategic alliances , etc.

  29. 指出企业核心竞争力包括技术创新能力、战略决策能力、生产制造能力、市场反应和营销能力、组织协调能力等。

    According to this paper , the core competitiveness of an enterprise include the ability in technical innovation , ability in strategic decision-making , ability in manufacturing , ability in reaction to market and marketing and the ability in organizational and coordinative matters , etc.

  30. 进入21世纪,随着世界经济一体化的形成,我国医药产业面临与国际先进水平的巨大差距,具体体现在缺乏核心竞争力,技术创新能力薄弱,产品更新换代缓慢等。

    21 century is coming , in the formation of global economy , chinese pharmaceutical industry is faced with a big gap compare to advanced world level , such as lack of core competence , weak in technological innovative capabilities , and slow in product evolution .