
  • 网络national competitiveness;Nation competitiveness;competitiveness of nations
  1. 基于博弈论的国家竞争力评价体系研究

    On the Game Theory-Based Evaluation System of Competitiveness of Nations

  2. 信息化与国家竞争力的关系&一个博弈论解释

    The Relationship between Informatization and Competitiveness of Nations & An Explanation by Game Theory

  3. CAE:事关国家竞争力和国家安全的战略技术&关于发展我国CAE软件产业的思考

    CAE : Technology for National Competitive Power and National Security

  4. 第三章,从宏观层面探讨东盟的国家竞争力。

    Chapter Three explores national competitiveness of ASEAN at macro level .

  5. 国家竞争力、高技术产业化与金融创新

    National Competitiveness , Hi - Tech Industrialization , and Financial Innovation

  6. 城市竞争力的研究来源于国家竞争力的研究。

    The urban competitiveness arises from the study of the country competitiveness .

  7. 对韩国增强国家竞争力的观察与思考

    Observation and Ponderation on the National Competitive Power of Korea

  8. 国力的较量在于企业,企业竞争力是国家竞争力的主要因素。

    The competition between countries is that between their enterprises .

  9. 信息化&提高国家竞争力的动力

    Information-Based & The Power to Improve the National Competition Ability

  10. 知识管理和数据挖掘在提升中国国家竞争力中的应用初探

    Promoting China 's National Competitiveness by Using Knowledge Management and Data Mining

  11. 英语能力是影响个人及国家竞争力的重要指标。

    Vocabulary learning is one of the major impact factors in English learning .

  12. 民营经济发展与提升国家竞争力分析

    Research on the Development of Private Economy and the Level of National Advantage

  13. 促进国家竞争力向企业竞争力的转化

    Promoting the Conversion from the National Competitive Power to the Competitive Power of Enterprises

  14. 企业核心竞争力是提升国家竞争力的关键。

    The corporate core competitiveness is the key to improve the national competitive power .

  15. 国家竞争力理论及评价体系综述

    Theories of Nation Competitiveness and Its Evaluation System

  16. 信息服务贸易与国家竞争力

    Trade in Information Services and National Competitiveness

  17. 他们提出了影响力更大的一揽子经济刺激方案,着眼于未来的需求和国家竞争力。

    They are proposing a higher-impact stimulus package that addresses future needs and national competitiveness .

  18. 随着经济全球化、科技全球化进程的加快,技术创新能力成为国家竞争力的决定性因素。

    With increasing globalization , Technology innovation has been a key factor of sustaining competition .

  19. 软件业作为一个新兴的产业,是一个提高国家竞争力的重要途径。

    The software industry as an emerging industry is one important way to enhance national competitiveness .

  20. 我国基础设施现状已成为制约我国提高综合国家竞争力的重要因素,基础领域改革也是当前我国扩大内需拉动经济增长的重要选择。

    The infrastructure has taken a very important status in the competition of synthetical national power .

  21. 创新集群的发展与区域和国家竞争力之间有强烈的正向关联。

    There is a strong positive correlation between innovative cluster development and regional and national competitiveness .

  22. 现代流通与国家竞争力

    Modern Economic Circulation and National Competitiveness

  23. 科技实力的高低,已经成为国家竞争力的一项重要指标。

    The level of scientific and technological strength has become an important indicator of national competitiveness .

  24. 经济制度与国家竞争力

    Economic Regime and National Competitiveness

  25. 论东盟五国的国家竞争力

    National Competitiveness of the ASEAN-5

  26. 产业集群是推动区域经济发展、提升国家竞争力的发展模式。

    Industry cluster is a development model which can promote regional economic development and enhance national competitiveness .

  27. 当今世界,技术创新和国家竞争力提升已成为推动知识经济发展的决定因素。

    Technical innovation and improvement of national competitiveness have become the determinants enhancing development of knowledge-based economy .

  28. 当今世界,科学技术已经成为推动国家竞争力提升、实现可持续发展的关键因素。

    Science and technology have become the key factors of enhancing the national competitive capabilities and realizing sustainable development .

  29. 我国教育的国际地位与竞争力&基于相关数据与国家竞争力报告的分析

    International Status and Competitiveness of Education in China : Based on an Analysis of Relevant Data and Competitiveness Report

  30. 技术创新日益成为提高国家竞争力、培育和维持企业竞争优势的基础。

    Technological innovation is playing increasingly great roles in enhancing national competitive capabilities and sustaining competitive advantage of firms .