
  1. 国际生产体系的调整中,必然伴随有FDI(外国直接投资)流向的变化。

    The flow of FDI will happen during the adjustment to international production system .

  2. 以FDI为载体的跨国公司主导的国际生产体系,正将服务业向新兴的市场国家转移,而我国正成为外商服务业投资的新热点。

    FDI as the carrier for multinationals-led international production system , service industries are emerging market countries , and China is becoming a new investment hotspot .

  3. 贸易环境对国际生产体系大调整的影响

    The influences of trade environment to adjustments about international production system

  4. 第三章是本文的重点,探讨了中国企业融入跨国公司国际生产体系的策略。

    This part discusses the tactics of Chinese enterprises to use TNCs international production systems .

  5. 跨国公司通过在全球寻找和选择最适合的区位,建立国际生产体系来全面发挥其全球性的组合与转移资源的优势。

    Through seeking and selecting optimal location globally , MNCs establish production networks to exert their advantage to organize and transfer resources globally .

  6. 资源赋予理论关于要素价格趋于均等的结论,因国际生产体系的变革而受到了挑战。

    The conclusions of H-O-S model that the prices of factor will be convergent will be challenged by the international production system 's transformation .

  7. 随跨国公司国际生产体系的日益完善,业务外包作为一种商业概念和企业战略,正在全球各个产业领域流行开来。

    With development of TNCs international production system , Outsourcing as a commercial concept or managerial strategy is becoming more prevalent in the global operation of TNCs in recent years .

  8. 随着经济全球化和国际生产体系的不断演进,基于产品内国际分工的中间产品贸易迅速发展起来并成为国际贸易的主要方式。

    With economic globalization and international production systems evolving constantly , trade in intermediate goods based on intra-product specialization have developed rapidly and become the principal means of international trade .

  9. 从价值链治理的角度看,国际生产体系的变革体现在模块的、相关的和受控制的治理模式的出现上。

    From the point of view of the value-chain-governance mode , international production system 's transformation can be reflected by the emergence of modular , relational and controlled governance mode .

  10. 中国企业加入跨国公司国际生产体系时,必须制定长期战略,同时还要具备具体的实施途径。

    Chinese enterprises must make long-run strategies when they make use of TNCs international production systems . At the same time , they have to know the specific ways to use it .

  11. 通过上述研究分析,可以得出本文的主要观点:跨国公司国际生产体系的发展对世界经济,尤其对发展中国家的经济,产生了重大影响。

    From the above research , we can reach the main points of this dissertation : The development of TNCs ' international production systems exerts great impacts on the world economy , especially the economy of developing countries .

  12. 随着跨国公司主导的国际生产体系的日益完善,基于垂直专业化的跨境生产分享越来越成为重要的国际贸易现象,而它对经济周期的跨境传递效应也越来越引起理论界的关注。

    With the improvement of the international production system dominated by the TNCs , the cross-border production sharing based on vertical specialization is increasingly becoming an important phenomenon of international trade . And the cross-border transmission effect on the international business cycle is arousing the concern of theorists .

  13. 随着经济全球化的加速发展和全球产业结构调整的不断深化,国际生产分工体系也日趋完善。

    With the accelerated development of economic globalization and the deepening adjustment of global industrial structure , the international division of production system is becoming more and more perfect .

  14. FDI与国际贸易是经济全球化中的两种重要经济现象。随着跨国公司和国际生产体系的形成和发展,FDI与国际贸易逐渐相互渗透,二者在发展中相互影响,相互作用。

    Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) and international trade are two of the most important economic phenomenon in the globalization of economy .

  15. 20世纪中叶以来随着全球经济一体化步伐的加快,国际直接投资的规模取得了空前的发展,以跨国公司为主体的国际生产体系逐渐形成。

    Since the mid-20th century as the global acceleration of economic integration , international direct investment , had unprecedented access to the scale of the development of transnational corporations as the main emerging international production system .