
  • 网络work center;WorkCenter;job centre;JOB CENTER
  1. 阐述了X列表的内涵,并结合网络化制造的特点,扩展了广义工作中心的概念。

    The connotation of BOX was discussed and the concept of generalized work center was extended based on the characteristics of networked manufacturing .

  2. 工序在哪个工作中心完成?

    The work center where the operation was performed ?

  3. 工作中心位于Kolkata,海得拉巴和喀拉拉邦。

    The work is centered in Kolkata , Hyderabad and Kerala province .

  4. 他最近一段时间的工作中心放在领域特定语言(DSL)上面,所交付的应用为特定业务领域专家使用DSL撰写应用业务规则提供了强大的支持。

    His most recent work has been in the Domain Specific Language space where he delivered applications that empowered subject matter experts to write the business rules of the applications .

  5. 其次,配备了视网膜显示屏的15寸MacBookPro是为摄影师、视频编辑、音乐家等以笔记本为工作中心的专业人士准备的。

    Then again , the new 15-inch MacBook Pro with retina display is intended for professionals & photographers , video editors , musicians and other people whose laptop is the heart of everyday work .

  6. 指出了信息集成是成本估计的亟待解决的关键问题;设计了集成化成本估计的支持系统,该系统将CAD产品结构信息、CAPP中的工艺信息和MRPⅡ中的工作中心信息进行系统集成。

    A supporting system of integrated cost estimation was designed in this paper which conducted a systematic integration on the structural information of CAD product , on the technological information in CAPP and on the work centre information in MRP ⅱ .

  7. 其工作中心频率为90.5GHz,带宽为2GHz,积分时间为200ms时其系统灵敏度达到0.6K,线性度优于0.999。

    The operating frequency is 90.5 GHz and the bandwidth is 2 GHz . The sensitivity of the system is 0.6K and the integration time is 200 ms.

  8. 工作中心度的作用及其与领导行为的关系研究

    A Study on Work Centrality and Its Relation with Leadership Effectiveness

  9. 试论增强教师工作中心度的心理策略

    An Exposition to the Psychological Tactic Strengthening Teachers Work Centrality

  10. 基于广义工作中心的作业成本法及应用

    ABC method based on generalized work centers and its application

  11. 以恢复和发展生产为工作中心,通过发展解决前进中的问题;

    Solve problems in development , with restoration and development as the centre ;

  12. 并得出工作中心实际利用率作为下阶段评价生产能力的依据,由此改善MRP-Ⅱ物料计划中的能力管理流程。

    Hence it can improve the capacity management flow in MRP - ⅱ .

  13. 工装夹具定义,生产线和工作中心布局。

    Define tools , fig and fixture , design layout and production line .

  14. 基于工作中心编码的车间作业调度算法研究

    Research on the Algorithm Based on the Job Shop Scheduling of Work Center I

  15. 农村基层党组织的工作中心是引领农民增加收入

    Guiding peasants to increase income is the centre work of communist party in countryside

  16. 对车间作业计划与控制系统进行了功能分析设计,研究了车间作业计划的编制算法、工作中心能力需求计划和车间作业调度问题。

    The paper analyzes the system functions and researches the work planning and scheduling .

  17. 藏品似乎正在淡出博物馆关注和活动的工作中心。

    Collections seem to be moving out of the centre of museums'focus and activities .

  18. 工作中心应该从向世人承诺到兑现诺言上来。

    The focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made .

  19. 一个流程包括:序号,操作号,操作说明,工作中心号。

    A routing consists of : the sequence no. , the operation no. , the .

  20. 特派团和工作中心行政科

    Missions and Centres Administration Section

  21. 据信,这家美国电动汽车制造商还将为其中国的工作中心聘请设计师。

    The U.S. electric car maker is also believed to be hiring designers for its China studio .

  22. 这些工作中心的运营者也可以组织一些职业发展的课程(比关于营销或者关于税收)和社会活动。

    The hub operator may also organise courses for professional development on marketing or taxation , say and social events .

  23. 作者认为,经历了自沃尔西向莫尔的转变之后,大法官的工作中心日渐转移到司法工作上。

    I think , after More substituted for Wolsey as an chancellor , the main work of chancellors transfer to justice .

  24. 如何在这一进程中有效地提升服务水平,是边检机关的工作中心。

    The theme on how to improve service levels effectively during this process thus becomes our border authorities ' working focus .

  25. 我认为如果这些年轻人觉得没人真正关心他们,或没人关心他们的想法,他们就会工作中心不在焉。

    I do think they are disengaged , if they feel that no one really cares about them and their ideas .

  26. 相对而言,那些在工作中心态积极的职员在午餐时则会选择健康的食物,比如沙拉和低热量的三明治。

    Comparably , workers with a positive approach to their job pick up healthy lunches like salads and low calorie sandwiches .

  27. 庐山植物园创建于1934年,建园之初就以植物引种驯化及多样性保护为工作中心。

    Lushan Botanical Garden was founded in 1934 . Plants introduction and biodiversity conservation have been the key works from the beginning .

  28. 建筑性能取决于每一个设备的可控性和工作中心的控制策略。

    The controllability of building performance is dependent on both the controllability of each device and the control strategies of the workstation .

  29. 从大学生就业难看当前高等学校工作中心的错位与缺位高校以人为本教育理念的错位、原因及对策

    Misplacement Short Position of Major Work in University from Difficult Employment for Graduates Misplacement of People-centered Educational Principle , its Causes and Patterning

  30. 同时,对关键技术如工作中心任务分解、关键工序前后作业时间给出了数学推导公式;

    At the same time , mathematic formulae were established for key techniques like decomposition of work center , fore-and-aft times of key shop .